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JHanna's Profile

JHanna's Profile
JHanna's avatar
Username JHanna Gender Other
Date Joined Location a chicken pen
Last Updated Occupation hobo nagger
Last visit # Pictures 104
# Comments Given1672

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Member Info
JHanna's picture
*** about the J[/size] ***

current age: 25

b-day: may 24th

interests: diced pineapple, RPGs and hentai

currently active on



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Comments (116)

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alchan on March 2, 2006, 6:01:27 AM

alchan on
alchanok... i just entered the mine.. and i got the light stone from the dragons.. and thats about as far as i got.. so yeah.. i can't wait for your albel pic!! and thanks so much for helping me!!

alchan on February 27, 2006, 5:12:29 AM

alchan on
alchanomg... i've been playin starocean.. and i'm stuck again... i'm at the part where you gotta get the copper from the mine that starts with a b.... those dragons scare me.. roger was so cute... why did he have to go??? so yeah, please help me if you can..

alchan on February 19, 2006, 11:33:39 PM

alchan on
alchanwhat is up meh peeps??? your pictures are so well drawn.. yes and oh so cute.. but yeah.. your advice got me through that one place with the hauler thing... and now i'm trying to find Ameena.. which sounds like meena..... would you wanna be meh friend?? and after you fought shelby*which is a very pretty name for a guy..* albel poofs!!! oh the maggot speaks.. heh heh heh....

my on February 14, 2006, 4:10:52 AM

my on
myI love your art!!!you've got lots of talent and a really cool style!!!

Walrus101 on February 13, 2006, 7:42:59 AM

Walrus101 on
Walrus101your art always amazes me!!!! it's so great and perfectly drawn, i admire your art very much!!!!

Aniu on February 12, 2006, 3:25:37 AM

Aniu on
AniuThank you very much for the comment! Your art is amazing o.o It's so clean and mistakes! I'm bad at explaining these things -_-;; But your pictures are amazing o.o

You can call me whatever you want =D

Kirara on February 11, 2006, 4:16:48 PM

Kirara on
Kirara*hugs J* ^.^

Quizzabella on February 7, 2006, 7:45:58 AM

Quizzabella on
QuizzabellaWow, I am totally clueless when it comes to anime or manga - I don't even know the ifference between the two :) I really enjoyed looking through your gallery though - you've got talent :)

i_luv_kyo on February 7, 2006, 5:33:20 AM

i_luv_kyo on
i_luv_kyothanks. ^ that's what i thought you used....

i love copic.

i use them too, i just haven't put up anything i've done with them yet...

but whatever.

This has been ilk

i_luv_kyo on February 6, 2006, 5:43:57 AM

i_luv_kyo on
i_luv_kyoi love your art.

it's honestly beautiful.

would you mind telling em what your medium is?


This has been ilk





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