Hi, my name is Stephanie. I'll be 16 on the 25 of July 2006.
I'm a shy person. I not very popular, but I have my group of friends. I have brown hair and blue green eyes. I Hate Gym class! It's the worst thing. I'll be going into the 10th grade. I love comedy and horror movies. Nightmare on Elm Street is my fav horror. Freddy Kruger rocks! My favorite tv show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel. Mostly because Spike is in it. James Marsters is awesome. CSI, Law and Order, Unsolved Mysteries, Foriensic Files, anything like that. Also I love House, Lost, Gene Simons Rock School, Tommy Lee goes to College. My fave anime shows are: Inuyasha, FLCL, Pokemon, Yugioh, Hellsing, and the Dragon Ball Z and Gt series. I love dragons, fairies, basically anything fantasy. I like. I have a small group of friends too. Fave Bands:Fall Out Boy,Green Day, Cheap Trick, Meat Loaf, Loreena Mckinnett, Bowling for soup, Sammy Haygar, Def Lepard, Skid Row,and My Chemical Romance! I love them. I like Mikey Way and Gerard Way most though. I have one brother, Logan,(LJH) and a step brother. Get this, his name is Logan too. Talk about confusing.
Fave books: Holes, The Edge Chronicals, A Child Called It, Ella Enchanted, Animal Ark Series, Songmaster, Diplomacy of Wolves, The Magic and the Healer,No One Noticed The Cat, and The River's Gift
Fave Season: Fall
Fave Drink: Pepsi and Moutain Dew
My friends on this site are:
theGhostofInuYasha: Know her for five years now. she's very (crusty)lol
LJH: My brother. Love him to death.
cyber cerberus337: Cool person, and Yahoo mess. buddy.
Lychee: Cool girl, we like a lot of the same stuff.
Alucards Bane: nice person. I like her a lot. She's got me interested in Hellsing!
seras familiar: she's very nice, and she's accepted my request! Weee!
SolitaryDreamer: She's cool. She draw amazingly too.
Allie: she's awesome!
krystalevenstar: she's awesome. She draw really good Inuyasha pics. too.
Pabbit_da_Rabbit: she shounds like a nice person. and she's drawing me a request. Yay! she's very very talented.
SiriusFan13: pretty cool. I like her.
The_creepy_guy_in_the_corner: really nice guy and he's a great friend. I'm in his comic. YAY!
Sugar n Spice: really nice person.
dream spark: Sounds like a good person
Sanctuary: Very cool person. They like Buffy and Angel too. YAY!
sueno-y-muere: She's cool, and she draws awesome.
Darkmooonangel: Very nice person. Glad to have her as a friend.
Sagered: YAY!
FreddyCKrueger: Freddy Fan. Wahoo!!
love_bunny: know her for a long time as well. Awesome person.
*if I forgot you let me know, and I'll put you on here* ^_~
Also I do requests and art trades. ^-^. But only a certain amount at a time. I can't get piled up with them because of school.