KaibasSweety's Profile
KaibasSweety's Profile

Username | KaibasSweety | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | The netherlands | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Fulltime artist and friend Partime bitch | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 0 | |
# Comments Given | 568 |
Member Info
Member Info

I'm Samantha.
the reason i'm on fac is to annoy/flame arthefters.
if you know any more please pm/message me.
there are way too many arthefters here on fanart central.
and as an honest artist they make me annoyed so whenever i get bored i flame a vew.
(yes i am an artist but i refuse to post any of my art and drawings on this arthefters heaven.
i'll stick to deviantart.

I really dislike things like:
arthefting,wannabe's,emo's and any other label in general.
I'm friendly even though i may occur like a dog to you on this site.
And yes i am one of those people who realise her english isn't astonishing or amazingly good >0<;;.
but keeping in mind that i am dutch and speak english allot better then most dutch idiots on here i don't think its really a problem.

And if your planning on flaming me
Be sure to be over 10 years old.. and use spellcheck..
If your a retard Talking Liek DiSsss <_< your below me anyway.
i know people will hate me for flaming the crap out arthefters but that doesn't matter to me since i'm not here to get a good reputation or friends [although it seems i did gain some for speaking my mind] o.o;.
i have my life outside the internet <o<;;

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Nekogal411 on July 12, 2007, 1:46:22 AM
Nekogal411 on

KaibasSweety on July 12, 2007, 3:15:57 AM
KaibasSweety on
Nekogal411 on July 12, 2007, 7:30:43 AM
Nekogal411 on
Bean on July 11, 2007, 10:01:16 AM
Bean on
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 4:04:32 PM
KaibasSweety on
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 4:58:17 AM
isischazzmel on
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 5:04:47 AM
KaibasSweety on

''hey sweetheart how are you? if your trying to forbid people to draw poses of other their art let me tell you this hun: SUE US LOSER!''
aww you missed me hun? well let me tell you this then since we are already telling eachother things. i don't have to sue you guys. the petition has almost ended and soon there be better rules. when those go in we did our duty and after that we couldn't care less what pathetic little girls like you are going to do. oh and.. have you forgotten? this is about arthefters. you don't even draw so stop thinking its all about you mmhh that kelly friend of yours also thinks everything is about her. how in the world have you gotten that idea? its a shame its a shame. oh and have a nice vacation. hun >;3
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 6:43:33 AM
isischazzmel on

KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 6:54:09 AM
KaibasSweety on

aww you don't like my pretty face? ah well i guess everyone has a different taste. some peole like farm girls [hence the í'll miss a chicken sooner then you'' part ] and others like gothic's its just how you look at it. oh and you should really order a brain of the internet you know. why are you getting the law into a conversation over JAPANESE CARTOONS thats kinda.. pathetic ;/ does it hurt to be so naive? oh and good you had a nice vacation n_n so have i but believe me girl my comments aren't nowhere near entertaining but i guess that a simple life as you find even an internet argument entertaining *sigh* and no your not using ''me'' the entire time you using ''us'' as in ''i'm a part of it too'' while you don't even deserve to be called an arthefter since your lower then that . and believe me thats saying something.. o.0;;
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 7:04:22 AM
isischazzmel on

KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 7:08:58 AM
KaibasSweety on

well i have a ife. and my reason for being here is getting rid of arthefters. i can't help it els is such a nice target. and oh no we won't bully her away we just want better rules ;3 which we are going to get soon enough. oh and be glad that it doesn't get to you over how we think about you. because we couldn't think lower of you then we already do. and its mean over how you speak of blair isn't blair one of YOUR friends? just because she said hi to me your turning your back on her thats just pathetic. that shows how much respect you have for friends. none to be precise. poor blair.
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 7:17:41 AM
isischazzmel on

en waarom wil je betere regels voor fac?
je doet hier verder ja toch niks op
dan alleen maar bij mensen zeike ¬¬
en ik ben helemaal nie bevriend met blair
khed nog nooit eens met haar gepraat
en het boeit me ook nie dus
en alleen maar hi zegge moie
ze heeft wel meer gezegd dan alleen maar hi
zij doet ook gemeen trouwens zij was bevriend
met els en nu is ze tegen els
dus helemaal niks poor blair¬¬
heb je soms ook nog woordenboek nodig
omdat het heel lang duurt voordat je hed getranslated ;)
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 7:27:51 AM
KaibasSweety on

good for you. and why do you want better rules for fac?
your not doing anything on this site anyway.
your just whining at other people their profiles.
and i'm not befriended with blair.
i've never even talked to her.
and i couldn't care less anyway.
and she didn't just said hi.
she's acting mean anyway.
she was friends with els and now she totally turned against her.
so stop with the poor blair.
and do you need a dictionary? since it took you so long to translate.
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 10:04:50 PM
isischazzmel on
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 10:06:44 PM
KaibasSweety on
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 11:11:41 PM
isischazzmel on
Comment Deleted
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 11:14:27 PM
KaibasSweety on
Comment Deleted
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 11:28:44 PM
isischazzmel on
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 11:30:21 PM
KaibasSweety on
isischazzmel on July 11, 2007, 11:32:40 PM
isischazzmel on
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 7:21:32 AM
KaibasSweety on

YamiSavrilleIshtar on July 9, 2007, 4:14:03 PM
KaibasSweety on July 11, 2007, 2:23:26 AM
KaibasSweety on
YamiSavrilleIshtar on July 11, 2007, 3:29:18 PM
Bean on June 27, 2007, 11:13:47 AM
Bean on
KaibasSweety on June 27, 2007, 10:20:00 PM
KaibasSweety on
KairiDono on June 27, 2007, 3:31:10 AM
KairiDono on
KaibasSweety on June 27, 2007, 10:24:04 PM
KaibasSweety on
ForgottenAngel on June 24, 2007, 2:57:26 AM
Bean on June 24, 2007, 12:54:55 AM
Bean on
KaibasSweety on June 24, 2007, 3:54:46 AM
KaibasSweety on
Bean on June 27, 2007, 11:14:59 AM
Bean on
KaibasSweety on June 27, 2007, 10:19:31 PM
KaibasSweety on
Tootzy on June 30, 2007, 1:07:43 PM
Tootzy on
xlittlexprincessx on June 23, 2007, 11:24:20 PM
KaibasSweety on June 24, 2007, 12:44:53 AM
KaibasSweety on