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Submitted January 11, 2006 Updated January 11, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 6 Size: 17k Words: 4,361 Comments: 14 Views: 1,516 Faves: 4 Rating: 0 | Pixie, the fab sister of the famous Seto kaiba wants more then just money and fame. she wants a life. and when she meets a young boy who opens her eyes to the outside world she dosent want to let go, but it seems her brother dose...
Anime/Manga |
Submitted January 11, 2006 Updated January 11, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 2 Size: 9k Words: 2,068 Comments: 6 Views: 909 Faves: 1 Rating: 0 | another joey story. when joey meets a pretty girl in school he falls head over heels for her but then finds out she related to some one he knows...
Anime/Manga |
oioi billy i posted up some picutres!!