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Kutless's Profile

Kutless's Profile
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Username Kutless Gender Female
Date Joined Location Virginia
Last Updated Occupation Shipyard Inside Machinist
Last visit # Pictures 115
# Comments Given1145

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Member Info
Kutless's picture
Name: Catherine Marie
Age: 24
Location: Virginia
Status: Married and Proud Parent of two
Birthday: March 10th
Music: Emo/Alternative/Indie/Folk
Occupation: Nuclear Machinist
Religion: Jesus

AIM: qballalien
Skype: qballalien
Gaia: glomps


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Comments (466)

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rex on February 13, 2007, 7:02:28 PM

rex on
rexput a strip in it to see if you get noticed by someone thats what i did and jhonen did the same thing thats where i got the idea from i also have him on my myspace me and him talk everyday im trying to get out to san diego for the 07 conicon so i can show him my comics and see if i can get into slavelabor graphics so yeah thats how i started im in that mag so thats y i asked if you want me to put your art work in it

rex on February 12, 2007, 10:16:55 AM

rex on
rexits bout clothes cartoons art work videogames clubbin raves shoot like that on those levels

rex on February 11, 2007, 6:01:47 PM

rex on
rexthe magazine is called Alienz its popular in the Warehouse district of New Orleans

rex on February 10, 2007, 9:09:08 AM

rex on
rexWell thanx for the comments and shoot lol and if you want i can try to get you in a underground magazine so yeah drop by my page when you get a chance and we'll talk about it so yeah

CartoonQueen262 on February 9, 2007, 11:19:26 PM

CartoonQueen262 on
CartoonQueen262Thank you!Made me very happy to here ya liked it.Now here's another part I'm sure you'll love.Breanna is Belle's baby sister so you know.She looks about 5-6
years old .Just so you can picture it.Also,Dr.X is Belle's father yet not his real name let you'll find out later.

Zim grinned, "I GIVE YOOOOOUUU" he held up his new invention high, "The LEMON LAUNCHER!"

X folded his arms, "Okaaaaay..."

Zim's red eyes were wide in delight, as he presented his newcontraption which, by all means, looked like a simple miniaturecatapult, "The lemon launcher is a high-powered throwing device capableof firing GIANT LEMONS OF DOOM at enemies." he was speaking very fast,"The lemon launcher is ALSO configured to fire other weapons, such astennis balls, coconuts and the PIGGIES! The lemon launcher comes withFRESH ammunition and is completely capable of bringing staticcrackliness to almost any type of circuitry, with its seeping juices ofyellow doom! It is now READY! YES! It is ready! It is ready for I amZIM!"

X sighed, "Yes... we know you're Zim."

"Did I tell you it was ready?" Zim asked.


Gir held a lemon in his suit-covered hands, "I got a lemonz! Lemonstaste great!" he popped the lemon into his mouth and chewed, "Yeah,it's *fritz* really *spark* YUMMY! *crackle*"

"We are now FULLY prepared for any possible gynoid invasion, and ANYgynoid that attacks us shall fall to the great lemoniness! WAHAHAHAHA!"

X sighed as he sat on the Black Stone soil. His leaders REALLY screwed up this time...

Gir rolled around on the ground pointlessly.

Zim's eyes narrowed, "Soon, my friends. Soon, I, Zim, shall become thegreat lemoniser, and nothing will stop me and the lemons! I aminvincible! Nothing can scare me! I-"

"DAD!" came a pair of voices.

Zim squealed loudly and jumped about three feet.

Breanna and Bell had appeared nearby, and rushed toward X, "Daddy!"Breanna threw her arms around him, despite her lack of love for him.Love was an emotion. Breanna had no emotion at all, "We thoughtsomething bad had happened to you!"

X was still glaring at Zim, "You could say that, yes..."

Zim growled, "SILENCE! Enough pointless talk! We must await the arrivalof our foe, to smite them down with the almighty lemon launcher! Withthis device, I am invincible! INVINCIBLE!"

"No you're not." giggled Gir, happily.

"I SAID SILENCE!" Zim snapped.

X brought a hand to his head, rubbing it in exasperation, "You know...sometimes I wish the Council were still here. At least they had apurpose for their existence..."

Belle gave Zim a sorrowful look. She liked Zim, no matter how zany he was. She liked him for his overzealousness.

Zim placed the lemon launcher on the ground, as Gir eyed it gleefully.Zim's fists clenched, "My revenge is near. Soon I shall avenge the girlwho gave her life to save me. The appreciation she had for me died withher and I could never thank her for saving my life. Now, I can finallyrepay her by destroying the... FILTH that killed her. If you'relistening, Samantha, I want you to know that this one's for you."

*Cut to-"

"Got any threes?" Samantha asked.

"Go fish." Grim lazily replied.

Samantha howled, "DAMMIT!"

*Cut back*

"Yes, Samantha, I know you can hear me. I want you to know that Iappreciated what you did and that it will never be forgotten." Zimplaced a hand on his heart as a sign of respect. Breanna rolled hereyes.

X muttered, "So your lemon launcher has limited ammunition?"

Zim nodded, "Yes. Of course! Lemons aren't unlimited."

"Then why is your stupid dog-thing firing them aimlessly off that hill?" X asked.

Zim whirled, "GIR!"

Gir squealed with delight as another of the precious doomy lemonssailed through the sky, spinning through the Black Stone air, beforeplopping into a small stream that wound through the techno-organicgarden. The lemons bobbed on the water as they were carried away by thestream's flow. Zim didn't dare chase them. Water caused his skin toburn.

"No, Gir! I need those lemons!"

"Can lemons fly?" Gir asked as the little catapult sent another lemon flying away.

Belle giggled, but Breanna gawked. If she had emotion she would havebeen staring in quiet disbelief. X growled, impatiently, whilst behindthem a little girl with gleaming black eyes watched, quietly,stealthily.

As Zim wrestled with an amused Gir, Belle turned to her father, "Daddy,we met a funny man! His name is-" she broke off as she caught sight ofwhat stood behind her father. Her white eyes went wide and, ifpossible, even whiter in shock. Her mouth parted but no words formed.Breanna followed her gaze and her eyes went wide as well, in totalhorror, or as near as she could get given her lack of feelings. Belle'smouth moved as though muttering syllables of an inaudible word, notmaking a sound. X regarded her oddly, not understanding. Then when henoticed Breanna was staring too, he got really puzzled. "Baracia..."muttered Belle, her voice a terrified whimper.

"Baracia? His name is also Bara.... oh, no..." X slowly turned, fearingwhat he was about to see. His gaze suddenly met the blank andevil-to-the-core stare of his renegade daughter, who looked indrediblyfurious. She raised a fist, ready to strike-

When both Belle and Breanna tackled her to the ground. The threeimmediately broke into a fight, fists flying toward the black-eyed girl andlikewise back at her two attackers. Their motions instantly became ablur as their powers of combat kicked into gear. X stumbled to hisfeet, backing away, incredibly amazed at the girls and what they weredoing. It was as if they had improved a thousand times over since helast saw Belle fight. Belle's attacks were precise, powerful,co-ordinated. And Breanna moved with such speed and grace that Xconsidered it almost unnatural, even for a gynoid. But Baracia heldthem both off, parrying them with such ease that she could haveprobably done so with her eyes closed. She had just shown up, silently,and would almost certainly killed the cyborg X had Belle not spotted herin time.

Baracia hissed, "Well, sis? Have you gotten any better? I still hopeyou're a good enough challenge for me." Baracia sent a swift punch atBelle's face.

Belle swatted it aside with an upwards kick, "I'm fine, been meeting friends, being a good little girl. Unlike you!"

Baracia chuckled as a pair of dark blue laserbeams shot by her,courtesy of Breanna, "Odd, I thought the idea was for you to be arather bad girl, yourself... or have you been too easily duped by humanbehaviour?"

"We were ALL supposed to be like humans!" Belle protested, her fistcrackling with energy which she sent flying toward Baracia's chest.

Baracia ducked to the side, "That's the problem..."

Breanna strafed Baracia with eyeblast fire, all having no effect,"Belle! Go with dad, take him to a safe place! I'll hold off Baracia foryou!"

"I'm not leaving you here alone!" Belle replied, distracted byBreanna's unexpected comment in time to receive a punch in theshoulder.

"I'll be fine! Besides, I want some one-on-one experience. Go! Daddy needs to be safe, I'll be alright."

Belle gave her sister one last concerned glance before she broke off, back toward her father.

Baracia grinned, "Well, baby sis, I don't think I've had the pleasure of introducing myself."

"Such a pity." Breanna dismissed.

Baracia evaded a sideways backhand and smashed Breanna over the face, knocking her backwards, "My fist says hello!"

Breanna brought a hand to her face, the pain considerable but her mindat a loss to find an appropriate emotional response. Instead, shenarrowed her eyes and focused upon Baracia's head, the known vulnerablepoint in any humanoid. Her dark blue eyes lit up sapphire, before raysof light shot out at Baracia, not intent on missing.

Baracia responded, raising her arm in front of her. A tiny device onher arm flickered before a screen of solid blue energy flung itselfaround the little girl's entire body, crackling, the laserblasts simplyricocheting off. Baracia gave a little 'ta-da!' grin, before the screenof solid light faded and she lowered her arm.

Breanna blinked, her twin ponytails blowing about in the slight breezethat wafted over Black Stone, "A shield? Now I've seen everything."

"Have you seen a person turn themselves inside-out?" Baracia queried.

Breanna shook her head, "No."

"Then you HAVEN'T seen everything!"

They both slammed into each other and remained shoved together beforethey both broke apart and stood, glaring at each other, 15 metersapart. Baracia eyed her opponent. Breanna was a very cute little girl,X had done a good job designing her, and Belle had to take the creditfor putting her together. Breanna's eyes were so blue they couldalmost be black, and they stared at Barasia blankly, without either theanger or fear that Breanna would normally feel. Her duel ponytailsfell against her shoulders before cascading down her back, each asthick as her own body. Despite her relative newness in the world, shewas an incredibly good fighter. But, Baracia deduced, nowhere near asgood as herself. Breanna's fists clenched, and Baracia noticed aslight size difference between the two. If anything, Breanna was evensmaller than Barasia, possessing the body of a kid around five asopposed to Baracia's own body of a seven-year-old. Breanna's navy bluedress rustled in the breeze as Baracia gave her a rather disgusted look.

"And you, someone as remarkable as yourself, fall to the wills of that misguided white insect..."

Breanna tilted her head, "That insect is my sister. My ONLY sister."

Baracia growled at the comment, "So be it!"

Breanna crouched slightly, expecting Baracia to pounce. Instead,Baracia shot a blast from her hand to the side, which struck a nearbytall nethertree and turned an electric green. The same green as fromthe forest. The tree splintered at the bade of the trunk before itstarted to topple over, Breanna standing right underneath it. Baraciasmirked, but Breanna simply raised a fist and allowed the tree tofall. The tree slammed into the ground with a thundering CRRAAAASH!,the branches splitting off and toppling to the ground as well. Baraciachuckled. She didn't even move!

Then, Breanna shot into the sky, out of a hole she had formed in thetree by raising her fist when it fell. Her eyes narrowed and, again,the blue laserlight streamed out, down at the little black evil.Baracia's shield immediately flashed into life, the little girlprotected by the thick barrier of radiating light. Breanna growled.This wasn't looking good. Breanna dropped to the ground and ranforward, hoping that the shield would shatter with a decent punch. Herfist clenched as she charged, Baracia simply standing there, waitingfor her. Breanna swung forward, yelling out as she went, "THIS IS FORRINI!"

Her fist collided with the shield edge, but instead of the shieldshattering under the magnitude of the punch, Breanna's fist crumpledwith a dozen loud popping rips. Breanna blinked, the pain flooding hersenses but once again not registering a single hint of emotion. Herhand did not respond to the signals her brain was sending them. It was,to put it bluntly, busted. Baracia's cackles of amused laughterpervaded through the shield, reaching Breanna's ears and causing thesmaller girl to growl. The shield vanished suddenly as a bolt of darkenergy whistled from Baracia's hand, smacking into Breanna's left leg,exploding. Breanna went down with a grunt, her leg smoking, therubber-like skin melting away, the circuits underneath fried. Her leg,like her hand, would not move. She was down and almost certainly out.Baracia approached the damaged robotic girl, an annoyed glare in hereyes.

Breanna grit her teeth, unable to do a thing now, "I suppose... you want to take over the world or something?"

Baracia gave a loud "HAH!" at the question, "Breanna, the world is notenough. Not by a long shot. I have no intent on conquering this planet.In fact, Nobody will be able to rule this planet when I am through."Baracia bent down, her eyes full of malice. She grabbed Breanna by thethroat and wrenched her up, holding her off the ground, "Remember THIS!I will not be so lenient on you next time we meet. Next time I fightyou, you will die." With that, Baracia hurled the girl to the ground,where she landed on her stomach, her dress doubling back over her body,her silvery petticoat and white panties becoming visible. Baraciathought she looked quite helpless lying there, just as she liked to seeher foes.

Now, where did X get to?

rex on February 9, 2007, 8:27:36 PM

rex on
rexbetter yet here's my myspace, check it out, tell me what you think???

rex on February 9, 2007, 8:22:36 PM

rex on
rexWell I'ma tell you how I got started with mine iight.? How I started was my first pic. was Bart Simpson, and he had a brain proble on his head, and 3 moths after I did that, I drew a pic Arnald 4rm Hey Arnald !, and that's how I got to where I am now so yeah, lol

I also helped Mike Shinoba from Linkin Park do the graffiti for the Meteora CD so yeah, I went to school with Mike, Mike and I, used to go to Downtown New Orleans and tag up trains and warehouses and shoot lol so yea lol

MyArtStinks on February 8, 2007, 9:04:58 PM

MyArtStinks on
MyArtStinksHey Kutless. I don't normaly do this, but can you look at my newest picture I have up and tell me what you think? It's my first try at CG, and I really need some help. ^_^;;; Thanks much.

rex on February 8, 2007, 7:20:58 PM

rex on
rexThank you for the comment I've been a fan of his sence I was 7, and I love the artwork, plus most people might not know this but, the neckless he wears is a kitan chian, it reprisents his work. [Z?]



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