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Megs-the-hedgehog's Profile

Megs-the-hedgehog's Profile
Megs-the-hedgehog's avatar
Username Megs-the-hedgehog Gender Female
Date Joined Location in a house DUH!!!!
Last Updated Occupation
Last visit # Pictures 84
# Comments Given295

Member Info

Member Info
Megs-the-hedgehog's picture
Me Megs am a complete Shadow maniac,I also love dragons as well, oh and some other things you should see them soon lol.I also like Aliens, and because of this my friend Elliott is more of a rival because he likes the predator, curse him!!!!Only joking but I could kick his predator butt!!!
Fav chars: Shadow the hedgehog DUH
Jeff Hardy WWE ^_^
Tala beyblade
Hwaorang Tekken
The harpy ladies Yugioh

My FAV games YAY!!!!!
WWE smackdown vs RAW 2006
PS2: Shadow the hedgehog
Sonic heroes
Sonic mega collection
Ratchet and clank 1 2 and 3
Digimon rumble arena 1 and 2

Game cube: Sonic adventure 2 battle
Sonic DX
Pokemon coloseum

Game boy advanced: Pokemon Ruby and fire red
Sonic advanced 2 and 3
Sonic battle
Pokemon Red gold and silver
Xbox: Jet set Radio future
Time spliters 2
Dead or alive 3

Nintendo DS: Sonic rush

Also Just to make sure you know I DONT LIKE ART THIEVES!!!
Oh by the way I wont be on here much in the school week and the school computers dont allow this website so I be on now and then but mostly the weekend ok ^_^
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED I will get the ones I need to do finished as soon as poss thanks
Oh I just joined DeviantArt and I don't know really what I'm doing there, its a nice site but its hard to get noticed so if anyone here is on Deviant art plez tell me ^_^


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Comments (199)

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Klancey on November 8, 2006, 4:39:14 AM

Klancey on
Klanceyomg! love the new artwork megs!!! come see mine!

Mystic3Angel on November 8, 2006, 4:15:27 AM

Mystic3Angel on
Mystic3Angelhiya how are you? ^^

AppletheKitsune on November 8, 2006, 2:12:47 AM

AppletheKitsune on
AppletheKitsuneHi! Your pics are so awesome! You Rock! ^^ 

AlexFox11 on November 7, 2006, 10:51:28 PM

AlexFox11 on
AlexFox11hi what you doing ^^

Nate06 on November 6, 2006, 4:19:21 PM

Nate06 on
Nate06wow. Nice art yourself. Sure we can be friends ill add you k?

FlameTheFox578 on November 6, 2006, 2:58:30 PM

FlameTheFox578 on

TydleTheHedgehog on November 6, 2006, 7:34:32 AM

TydleTheHedgehog on
TydleTheHedgehogOfcourse we can!^_^Sometimes I wish I had the program to color my pics.....

Mystic3Angel on November 6, 2006, 2:56:32 AM

Mystic3Angel on
Mystic3Angelhiya how u doin?



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