Mrs_Katie_And_Alex_Way's Profile
Mrs_Katie_And_Alex_Way's Profile

Username | Mrs_Katie_And_Alex_Way | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | ~*~Boobah land~*~ | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Student in mental institute...lmao JKS | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 1 | |
# Comments Given | 68 |
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Member Info
We're Katie and Alex (we share this account) and we like to draw...soo....we decided to post some of our stuff! (once Katie scans it in that is...) and yeah!
Posted By Alex Way( pff I wish!)
Hey! Ya, my names Alex, and heres a little about me.
1. I love My Chemical Romance
2. I love Frank Iero! (The Brownie Monster)
3. I am a very wierd person who needs help...ASAP. I am litteraly too obsessed with Frank, and My Chemical I need mental help.
4. I love my little rabbit...
5. I am wierd...
6. I am an amazing artist..(acording to my friends.)
7. I like to write stories....ALOT. I get detailed at times....but not too detailed..and uhhh...ya....
8. Last but not least.... I HATE BOOBAHS!!!!!!!!
So ya. Theres a little bit about me. Im gonna start drawing...and if Katie's scanner thingy doesent work..then I'll post some stories..and uhhhhh..ya.
:D Bysies!
P.S. Vampires will rule the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo, I'm Katie......sup? Anyhow....Here's some stuff about me.....
1. I love Gerard Way (Gerard Arthur Way.....whee)
2. I love Punk music....GO MCR AND GREEN DAY W00T
3. I draw and write stories...I'm not that bad if I do say so myself ;)
4. I loooooove Sushi!!!! Oh, and all things Japanese...since I love Anime too!
5. I play Guitar and I'm learning Bass and Drums :P
6. I'm kinda crazy......and may need mental help
7. I don't have a kitty....but I have a hamster! MUAHAHAHA lol
Me 'n Alex'll upload some pics soon........and write some stories (we'll state who wrote which story....and blah...)
Hello! It's Alex again! amazing....Yeah anyways. I posted a chapter to one of the stories we are writing...and it I'm currently drawing some stuff soo...are there any requests? Because if there is...on the story page where you write your comments, just post a request there. :D yay! Everyone's happy! boobah's please...nooooo booooobahs.. >:( And uh the description, the words got cut off. At the end, it's supposed to say but when they meet up with two guys, (or something I forgot) thier lives change forever..i think. I dunno. Just read it, there is ALOT of Gerard and Mikey in it for you ppl fans. And alot of boobah violence. muha muhaaaaa...wait..,uh yaaa
Okay, it is Alex again. Just to make things easy, so you know its me when I post...I'll do this. "~*~" okay? OKAY! And when Katie posts...I dunno what she'll do. She has a wierd mind like me, I'm sure she can think of something. *looks around* Come to the dark side...we have cookies...o.O (do not ask) so yeah. I'm working on my story...the Im not okay I promise's turning out pretty well if I do say so myself. Katie has written some stuff too, be sure to check em' out. And the story we're writing together is getting wierder and wierder with every chapter. o.O lmao. Yeah some scream guy stalked us on halloween so I'll be sure to make something like that happen. muhahahaa. Oh yes, just to prove how obsessed Katie is with it is. When I wrote the Operation Dude chapter for my story...she cried. Seriously dudes...if you cried...then you must love Gerard. And to prove how obsessed I am with it is. I cry..whenever anyone makes a rude comment...I cry if anything happens to mikey I CRY WHEN I WATCH THE GHOST OF YOU!!!!!!!!! And to prove how much Katie and I are obsessed with MCR...we talk about it 24/7. Well I do at yeeeeeeeeeeeeah. Wow, I wrote alot. Anyhoo...yeah I'm making a little comedy story too...Green Day...Simple Plan..GC...and other bands by your requests will be in this story. So if you have a band request....tell me! ASAP!!
OMG. KATIE IS NOT POSTING. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT. Muhaha anyway. Awwwww I might be able to go to the mcr concert on december 1st!! AHHHHHH. yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gahhhh if I just had backstage passes......I'd be soo happy. But if Katie didn't have a backstage pass...........I'D LAUGH MY HEAD OFF. MUHAHA CUZ I'D BE THE ONE MEETING MCR AND NOT HER! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem...I'm joking...I'd uhh...I'd go in....tell them that I had a friend out there whos dying to meet them but she doesent have a backstage pass. If she wasnt allowed in...I'd get her an autograph........from...Ray..and...Frank...and Bob/matt or w/e. I lose track of the drummer dude's names! And Mikey...and no autograph from gerard. muhaha IM JOKING. And if they did let her in...AHAHA. Arm friends...with bananas.............. -.- don't ask. Please don't ask. If you like might understand this better. I dont know why I just told you this but's something to write....right? Aha write right. Muhahaha. yay I posted one of my pics on here! AHHH. It's my first...picture...of...the one and only...vampire lord...GERARD WAY. MUHAHAHA. And Katie stole well as the one I drew of Mikey. I didn't post Mikey because you can hardly see him. I drew it so faint it isnt funny. So I'm drawing another one! And a request picture... *looks around* muhaha well I'll stop writing...because I have to leave for school. Grrrr, darn school. it's so boring...and so...grrr..and so..blah. Okay anyways...BYE BYE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
P.S. Don't let the B words get you!!!!! AND VAMPIRES SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!
ITS KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIE! uhh...yo....sup homies...and yah...blah...
im over at ali's rite now...we had fun :) not gonna type much cuz i gotta go like sooooon...cya
Yay! I'm so freakin happy! mcroverlord14 drew me and Mikey! AHHHH. It's sooooooooooooooo good. And it looks soo much like me. AHHHH, I was like..speechless for an hour or so. o.O Anyways! yeah, I'M DONE YOUR REQUEST! AHH. I just need to upload it...darn hehehe. I drew Katie and Gerard, Hmmmm I wonder if I should post it....*looks around* Yeah, i think I will. Awwww for those people who read Im not Okay i promise..(my story) Chapter 8 is very sad and I wouldn't recomend reading it if you are madly inlove with gerard. I cried when I proof-read it.'s very sad....and....sad...and....Frank runs into a wall. o.O I'm joking he doesnt. But I'll make him in the next chapter! AHH! Weeeee! Omg I saw this guy in the theatre and hes like, omg I got popcorn and Im like, omg weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uhh ahem. Dont ask. I am very wierd at the moment. -.- as usual.
Sencerely: The most dememnted phsycotic, chaotic person ALIVE.
Damn evil computer...the request for mcroverlord is like...dead. It wont show up on the computer! Wahhh! i need to fix it, and then I'll post it. its like the file you have chosen is broken or damaged. I have tried everything to try and fix it and it isn't working! Someone help me please! WAHHHH DONT WORRY! I'LL POST IT AS SOON AS I CAN!
*cough* lol sorry. Yeah Katie's being a loser and she's not typing so :P ANYWAYS! Yeah...just a note to you people...Frank...(a.k.a. Frankers...a.k.a Yoda Worshiper a.k.a Coffee King) is MINE. M-I-N-E. Hehehehehe... 0:)
Anyways...moving on. Katie and I roleplayed this thingamabob...and it's very wierd. And we had dreams about that's what makes it freakishly freaky. And we will post it sometime...we just need to finish typing it out...and...thing. SO! Here's a little heads up if you wanna know what it's about.
In this story will find out most of our slangs...(nicknames mostly) and stuff like that. Basically Mikey is going out with a girl...and Gerard is mean...and yadda yadda yadda so Mikey gets drunk, and takes it out on Frank's gf....and chaos just...spreads. So...there's a headsup. Any questions?
And Katie better post something or that will result in Gerard coming to her house and sucking her blood...if you have the first CD I think you'll know where I got that from...lmao
One of these days I swear i will just...gahhhh...I will go to school with a friggin axe if she doesn't start posting! AHHHHHHHHH. :D
Oh yes I just thought of this at exactly 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday December 20th. Oooooh burrrrrrrn. Anyways, if there are any "artists" out there...or how I would say it..."Art-istes", that would like to draw pics for our chapters in exchange for god knows what, then go ahead and offer. I'm gonna start drawing some pics and HOPEFULLY Katie will get off her fat @$$ and HELP ME. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. All of my colouring crayon thingys are..dead. I can't find them. So...if there are prepared to have them not in colour. Example...umm mcroverlord. The only coloured things in her pic was I think...the eyes and the tie on Mr. Gerard Way. SO :P. I'm drawing a Helena and Gerard pic! OMG and I'm drawing a little chibi fight..awww t'is gonna be da cutest ting eva!
Katie tells me to post stories, and yet she never posts here. Idiot.
Ok anyway!
Yes, I posted my new chapter for the Orphan Girl story and I FINALLY posted the one for I'm Not Okay. It took me 2 mins but I think it's alright. Don't you agree? (not)
Anyways, tell me what u think and I'm sorry for the long wait
Mcroverlord I have ur pic. I can draw u another one to make up for the time
Tis' Alex and her dementedness. OMG I LOVE HIM. AHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE HIM. THEY ROXES. .....I'm ok. YES I will not be uploading pics for a while....and yes, the one I promised to draw (which I did) from like....MONTHS AGO has not been added to the site yet! I appologize one million times over and over and over and blah AGAIN!!! I swear on Frank Iero's LIFE that I have no clue on how to upload these things! ( and you cant beat that) AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU PEOPLE THINK IM STALLING ON PURPOSE! I AM NOT STALLING ON PURPOSE! AAAAHHHHHH. Don't make me go gangsta...I will go gangsta and do "The Pimp Walk." Which i can't really do that...o.O OMG MY STORIES! MY LOVELY STORIES! AHH. For people who are wondering, when the hell are they gonna post pics, and stories, and blah...I WILL WRITE A CHAPTER! I just need to read and figure out whats going on cuz i forgot everything....
Okay, 'tis Alex. I can't post anything cuz my ocmputer is messed. So I'm going to make another account!!!! I'll post mcroverlord's piccy cuz it will turn out better, and hopefully I'll continue my stories. Sorry!!!!!
Posted By Alex Way( pff I wish!)
Hey! Ya, my names Alex, and heres a little about me.
1. I love My Chemical Romance
2. I love Frank Iero! (The Brownie Monster)
3. I am a very wierd person who needs help...ASAP. I am litteraly too obsessed with Frank, and My Chemical I need mental help.
4. I love my little rabbit...
5. I am wierd...
6. I am an amazing artist..(acording to my friends.)
7. I like to write stories....ALOT. I get detailed at times....but not too detailed..and uhhh...ya....
8. Last but not least.... I HATE BOOBAHS!!!!!!!!
So ya. Theres a little bit about me. Im gonna start drawing...and if Katie's scanner thingy doesent work..then I'll post some stories..and uhhhhh..ya.
:D Bysies!
P.S. Vampires will rule the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo, I'm Katie......sup? Anyhow....Here's some stuff about me.....
1. I love Gerard Way (Gerard Arthur Way.....whee)
2. I love Punk music....GO MCR AND GREEN DAY W00T
3. I draw and write stories...I'm not that bad if I do say so myself ;)
4. I loooooove Sushi!!!! Oh, and all things Japanese...since I love Anime too!
5. I play Guitar and I'm learning Bass and Drums :P
6. I'm kinda crazy......and may need mental help
7. I don't have a kitty....but I have a hamster! MUAHAHAHA lol
Me 'n Alex'll upload some pics soon........and write some stories (we'll state who wrote which story....and blah...)
Hello! It's Alex again! amazing....Yeah anyways. I posted a chapter to one of the stories we are writing...and it I'm currently drawing some stuff soo...are there any requests? Because if there is...on the story page where you write your comments, just post a request there. :D yay! Everyone's happy! boobah's please...nooooo booooobahs.. >:( And uh the description, the words got cut off. At the end, it's supposed to say but when they meet up with two guys, (or something I forgot) thier lives change forever..i think. I dunno. Just read it, there is ALOT of Gerard and Mikey in it for you ppl fans. And alot of boobah violence. muha muhaaaaa...wait..,uh yaaa
Okay, it is Alex again. Just to make things easy, so you know its me when I post...I'll do this. "~*~" okay? OKAY! And when Katie posts...I dunno what she'll do. She has a wierd mind like me, I'm sure she can think of something. *looks around* Come to the dark side...we have cookies...o.O (do not ask) so yeah. I'm working on my story...the Im not okay I promise's turning out pretty well if I do say so myself. Katie has written some stuff too, be sure to check em' out. And the story we're writing together is getting wierder and wierder with every chapter. o.O lmao. Yeah some scream guy stalked us on halloween so I'll be sure to make something like that happen. muhahahaa. Oh yes, just to prove how obsessed Katie is with it is. When I wrote the Operation Dude chapter for my story...she cried. Seriously dudes...if you cried...then you must love Gerard. And to prove how obsessed I am with it is. I cry..whenever anyone makes a rude comment...I cry if anything happens to mikey I CRY WHEN I WATCH THE GHOST OF YOU!!!!!!!!! And to prove how much Katie and I are obsessed with MCR...we talk about it 24/7. Well I do at yeeeeeeeeeeeeah. Wow, I wrote alot. Anyhoo...yeah I'm making a little comedy story too...Green Day...Simple Plan..GC...and other bands by your requests will be in this story. So if you have a band request....tell me! ASAP!!
OMG. KATIE IS NOT POSTING. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT. Muhaha anyway. Awwwww I might be able to go to the mcr concert on december 1st!! AHHHHHH. yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gahhhh if I just had backstage passes......I'd be soo happy. But if Katie didn't have a backstage pass...........I'D LAUGH MY HEAD OFF. MUHAHA CUZ I'D BE THE ONE MEETING MCR AND NOT HER! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem...I'm joking...I'd uhh...I'd go in....tell them that I had a friend out there whos dying to meet them but she doesent have a backstage pass. If she wasnt allowed in...I'd get her an autograph........from...Ray..and...Frank...and Bob/matt or w/e. I lose track of the drummer dude's names! And Mikey...and no autograph from gerard. muhaha IM JOKING. And if they did let her in...AHAHA. Arm friends...with bananas.............. -.- don't ask. Please don't ask. If you like might understand this better. I dont know why I just told you this but's something to write....right? Aha write right. Muhahaha. yay I posted one of my pics on here! AHHH. It's my first...picture...of...the one and only...vampire lord...GERARD WAY. MUHAHAHA. And Katie stole well as the one I drew of Mikey. I didn't post Mikey because you can hardly see him. I drew it so faint it isnt funny. So I'm drawing another one! And a request picture... *looks around* muhaha well I'll stop writing...because I have to leave for school. Grrrr, darn school. it's so boring...and so...grrr..and so..blah. Okay anyways...BYE BYE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
P.S. Don't let the B words get you!!!!! AND VAMPIRES SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!
ITS KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIE! uhh...yo....sup homies...and yah...blah...
im over at ali's rite now...we had fun :) not gonna type much cuz i gotta go like sooooon...cya
Yay! I'm so freakin happy! mcroverlord14 drew me and Mikey! AHHHH. It's sooooooooooooooo good. And it looks soo much like me. AHHHH, I was like..speechless for an hour or so. o.O Anyways! yeah, I'M DONE YOUR REQUEST! AHH. I just need to upload it...darn hehehe. I drew Katie and Gerard, Hmmmm I wonder if I should post it....*looks around* Yeah, i think I will. Awwww for those people who read Im not Okay i promise..(my story) Chapter 8 is very sad and I wouldn't recomend reading it if you are madly inlove with gerard. I cried when I proof-read it.'s very sad....and....sad...and....Frank runs into a wall. o.O I'm joking he doesnt. But I'll make him in the next chapter! AHH! Weeeee! Omg I saw this guy in the theatre and hes like, omg I got popcorn and Im like, omg weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uhh ahem. Dont ask. I am very wierd at the moment. -.- as usual.
Sencerely: The most dememnted phsycotic, chaotic person ALIVE.
Damn evil computer...the request for mcroverlord is like...dead. It wont show up on the computer! Wahhh! i need to fix it, and then I'll post it. its like the file you have chosen is broken or damaged. I have tried everything to try and fix it and it isn't working! Someone help me please! WAHHHH DONT WORRY! I'LL POST IT AS SOON AS I CAN!
*cough* lol sorry. Yeah Katie's being a loser and she's not typing so :P ANYWAYS! Yeah...just a note to you people...Frank...(a.k.a. Frankers...a.k.a Yoda Worshiper a.k.a Coffee King) is MINE. M-I-N-E. Hehehehehe... 0:)
Anyways...moving on. Katie and I roleplayed this thingamabob...and it's very wierd. And we had dreams about that's what makes it freakishly freaky. And we will post it sometime...we just need to finish typing it out...and...thing. SO! Here's a little heads up if you wanna know what it's about.
In this story will find out most of our slangs...(nicknames mostly) and stuff like that. Basically Mikey is going out with a girl...and Gerard is mean...and yadda yadda yadda so Mikey gets drunk, and takes it out on Frank's gf....and chaos just...spreads. So...there's a headsup. Any questions?
And Katie better post something or that will result in Gerard coming to her house and sucking her blood...if you have the first CD I think you'll know where I got that from...lmao
One of these days I swear i will just...gahhhh...I will go to school with a friggin axe if she doesn't start posting! AHHHHHHHHH. :D
Oh yes I just thought of this at exactly 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday December 20th. Oooooh burrrrrrrn. Anyways, if there are any "artists" out there...or how I would say it..."Art-istes", that would like to draw pics for our chapters in exchange for god knows what, then go ahead and offer. I'm gonna start drawing some pics and HOPEFULLY Katie will get off her fat @$$ and HELP ME. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. All of my colouring crayon thingys are..dead. I can't find them. So...if there are prepared to have them not in colour. Example...umm mcroverlord. The only coloured things in her pic was I think...the eyes and the tie on Mr. Gerard Way. SO :P. I'm drawing a Helena and Gerard pic! OMG and I'm drawing a little chibi fight..awww t'is gonna be da cutest ting eva!
Katie tells me to post stories, and yet she never posts here. Idiot.
Ok anyway!
Yes, I posted my new chapter for the Orphan Girl story and I FINALLY posted the one for I'm Not Okay. It took me 2 mins but I think it's alright. Don't you agree? (not)
Anyways, tell me what u think and I'm sorry for the long wait
Mcroverlord I have ur pic. I can draw u another one to make up for the time
Tis' Alex and her dementedness. OMG I LOVE HIM. AHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE HIM. THEY ROXES. .....I'm ok. YES I will not be uploading pics for a while....and yes, the one I promised to draw (which I did) from like....MONTHS AGO has not been added to the site yet! I appologize one million times over and over and over and blah AGAIN!!! I swear on Frank Iero's LIFE that I have no clue on how to upload these things! ( and you cant beat that) AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU PEOPLE THINK IM STALLING ON PURPOSE! I AM NOT STALLING ON PURPOSE! AAAAHHHHHH. Don't make me go gangsta...I will go gangsta and do "The Pimp Walk." Which i can't really do that...o.O OMG MY STORIES! MY LOVELY STORIES! AHH. For people who are wondering, when the hell are they gonna post pics, and stories, and blah...I WILL WRITE A CHAPTER! I just need to read and figure out whats going on cuz i forgot everything....
Okay, 'tis Alex. I can't post anything cuz my ocmputer is messed. So I'm going to make another account!!!! I'll post mcroverlord's piccy cuz it will turn out better, and hopefully I'll continue my stories. Sorry!!!!!
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