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Peach_the_K9's Profile

Peach_the_K9's Profile
Peach_the_K9's avatar
Username Peach_the_K9 Gender Female
Date Joined Location somewhere over the rainbow o.o
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Last visit # Pictures 69
# Comments Given593

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sorry i haven't been uploading scanner broek and im not really that great on drawing on paint freehand.but im going to keep practicing!all the requests i took are being put on working on them i jusy need to wait to get a new scanner
ok i know i said i was in a crappy mood on my bryce pic and i would get over it but i still am...reason why?cause on each piccie i load,I get less and less comments,im starting not to get comments from any of my friends on here and i keep thinking to myself my art sucks....lately for the last 3 months its been running through my head that i want to leave FAC,but only a few things(like 2 or 3 things) have been keepin me here....and this isn't the "im thinking of leaving give me gift art to stay" this is the real deal...i might stay i might not but its a 60% i'll stay 40% i wont so......yeah

OK the deadline is up and only ONE person joined my contest and that was Elastigirl*hugs*
so Jimmie's new B/f is Rolf!look at his piccie tis sessy.i shall draw a pic of them soon along with a contest entry for alex and sunshine's contest(sorry they're taking so long guys)and some more sly cooper fanart,(look for a better pic of sinia soon im gonna delete the other one).

Right now im going through a sly cooper fase so expect to see alot of sly cooper art from me:D reason why? sly :honor among thieves just came out and i cant wait to get it

my friends:
buddha cat
(these are in NO particular order)
ok i think that is it but if i forgot any of you just tell me.and if your name is on her but u dont think we are considered really friends just tell my and i will take the name off

ok im back on requests BUT i only take these kind of requests:
1. sly cooper (PLEASE i want some sly cooper requests!)
4. sprites(some of the time,if u do request a sprite dont expect it to be done quickly)

Sly cooper characters coming up:
Chief John of interpol the german shepard
Status: completely in love with sinia BUT my make an exception if he finds someone better

Julia Rae the rabbit,sudectress,and serial killer
Status: unknown (might right a story about it.)

Inspector Sinia the cheetah of interpol
Status: heart-broken,but doesn't show it(again i might write a story about it)


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Comments (208)

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Peach_the_K9 on May 6, 2005, 1:09:22 AM

Peach_the_K9 on
Peach_the_K9aww its ok ivy!and la la blue gotta bf i while ago and she ish happy:)

ivy_hedgehog on May 4, 2005, 10:38:54 AM

ivy_hedgehog on

*runs to u and hugs u*

i haven't comment on your pics 4 a long time!

please 4give me! *gives u more sorry pie*

oh peach i'm really sorry i'll draw a pic 4 u ok. and 1 more thing when did La La Blue got a BF???

May: how cute!

Will: yeah good 4 u La La

Psycho: yeah love it a great thing. ^_~ i'm with Razor Shhhh don't tell.

lol XD talk 2 u soon!

Siberthelioness on April 27, 2005, 7:21:59 AM

Siberthelioness on
SiberthelionessPeach I lrean how to sprite come check-out my drawing.I'm proud of myself

Bman on April 21, 2005, 5:00:22 AM

Bman on
BmanI've drawn the pic now i just need to figure out whats wrong with my computer

SonicsGirl93 on April 20, 2005, 9:08:42 AM

SonicsGirl93 on
SonicsGirl93oooooh! can i have an RQ? can you draw my character Felicia, SA sonic style shaded? (ssss X3) please? just go to my pic "Felicia (again)" for a reference

shadowed_rune on April 18, 2005, 5:51:42 AM

shadowed_rune on
shadowed_runei have finished the group pic ^_^

Bman on April 18, 2005, 5:06:02 AM

Bman on
BmanI've come up with some compter problems so I won't be able to get your request in for a while, sorry!!!

firefang55 on April 15, 2005, 11:41:28 AM

firefang55 on
firefang55you like my work

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