PeenySlappinJeffrey's Profile
PeenySlappinJeffrey's Profile

Username | PeenySlappinJeffrey | Gender | Female |
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Duncan on September 28, 2006, 6:12:26 AM
Duncan on

omgiluvkenny on September 27, 2006, 9:01:25 PM
omgiluvkenny on
Triarii on September 27, 2006, 7:46:27 PM
Triarii on

I didn't think of that
I suppose it could quite possibley be cry for attention, you may be right. I suppose my 'she's a he' theroy was somewhat outlandish...
As for Zetalover being threatened by people who go agasint him, that's quite common. People want other people to do exactly what everyone else does, and they feel threatened when they don't. As unfortuneate as it might sound, people are intolerant of people's differences.
P.S. I think you might want to tone down what's in your profile a bit. Sure it's alright to have opinions, but calling Zetalover 'Zetaf*****' and the like is unnessarily inflammatory.
omgiluvkenny on September 27, 2006, 10:33:40 AM
omgiluvkenny on
Triarii on September 26, 2006, 11:41:36 PM
Triarii on

That's very true
It is almost impossible to know who someone on the internet (and often on the other side of the world) really is. I tend to keep personal infomation (beyond the fact that I live in Melbourne, Australia) to myself.
As for Zetalover, I'd surmise that he is, more likely that not, somewhat disturbed. I mean, sure, I have an erotic Sonic pic in my favorites list, but I don't sit there for hours drooling over it, as Zetalover no doubt does with ZetaR02's work.
Like him, I have sexual urges and, as such, I also have certain, shall we say, fantasies. The trick is keeping it under control, as Zetalover seemes to have trouble doing. Then again, it's not exactly uncommon.
P.S. I've often wondered why Zeta draws all that stuff. Do you have any thoughts on the subject? Right now my only real notion, assuming she really is a female, is that she's acting out her own sexual fantasies, which would be creepy, considering the nature of her art, but all together possible.
My other idea, as the above paragraph might suggest, is that's she's a male pretending to be a female from some as yet unknown reason.
Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on September 26, 2006, 2:52:51 PM
Triarii on September 26, 2006, 9:21:52 AM
Triarii on

Fair enough
If I ever said that I thought ZetaR02's work was good, that's because of it's superb quality. Again, the content's often times hair raising, but it is also of an extremely high standard, the way she does the characters (albeit just the canon ones) is fantastic. I have often said that it would be great if she would just get off the whole prono track, and it would. Just take a look at her few non-suggestive pictures if you need proof.
However, I would not agree with you in saying that it's animal (beastiality), because it, put simply, isn't. Keep in mind that while the Sonic characters may have been designed with phsyical animal traits, I think we can safely say that they are pretty much human for the most part, and fall squarely into the anthromorphic (or zoomorphic) category. Anthromorphic sex is not bestiality in the traditional sense. Then again, that's just me mincing words.
As for the characters engaging in sexual acts, I'd find that entirely pluasable if we were to head down the line a number of years. Not at their canon ages as Zeta suggests, mind you, but later on (with a few possible exceptions). As such, there would be no real reason not to depict it, as long as you don't make it completely tasteless, as Zeta has.
As for Zetalover, he's not really worth wasting our bandwidth on. However he is in real life, the fact remains that the way he behaves on this website is unacceptable.
P.S. I notice you're a female. As such, you are doubtlessly even more offended by Zeta's work that I am. Would be a fair assumption?
Immortal101 on September 25, 2006, 10:53:41 AM
Immortal101 on
Triarii on September 24, 2006, 10:45:25 AM
Triarii on

Nice to meet you
It's good to hear from a fellow Trekkie. However, I find myself disagreing with your statement that pictures with high nudity cannot have an artistic purpose.
If you take a look at my favorites list, you'll notice one picture with potentially questionable content. You'll also note that in my comments, I claim that I consider it to be in comparatively good taste. This is actually true as the picture is in fact far, far more tasteful than a lot of, say, ZetaR02's art work.
A better example is the picture of Sonic character Cream drawn naked as an adult (though I haven't added to my favorites). Sure it's a nude, but it also happens to be one of the best depictions of an adult Sonic character I've seen in a while.
Anyway, I thank you for your support in terms of the various 'counterattacks' I have recived after merely stating my opinion. It's nice to know that at least someone understands that my comments are not meant as personel attacks.
With thanks
P.S. I think you're right about Zetalover. Judging by his agressiveness, poor use of grammar, and avatar, I'd say he's probably a macho mormone jockey.