SpyderPunk's Profile
SpyderPunk's Profile

Username | SpyderPunk | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | COMPUTER AND DESK | |
Last Updated | Occupation | DRAWING | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 19 | |
# Comments Given | 113 |
Member Info
Member Info

Name: Emme †
Age: D:<†
Sex: Female †
Likes: Anime and manga, freezes, vedio games, internet, japanese music, to draw, write, hang out with my buddies, Boys that wear tight pants, vampires, office and drawign supplies and shopping fot them Blake and Sammie Animal,. Nacho Cheese, Gummy Worms, Dr.Pepper, Fudge striped cookie, Family Friends, Alice and wonderland, Scotch Tape, barns and nobles, best buy, Office Depot, stuffed animals, sketch books, fish net, glove with fingers missing, fun fabric, black, purple, grey, white, blue, Violance, ect. †
Dislikes: Germs, wood, gettting up early, going to bed early, foldables, both kinda crack you see in the hallway at school (lower and upper)snobby people, clothes shopping, dools with there lifeless eyes ect.†
Location: In a chair in my living room in my house on my street in a neighborhood in a town in a state in the US on the world in the universe†
Music: NFG, GC, Simple Plan, Linken Park, Cross Fade, Scott Strapman, Lighthouse, unwritten, Weezer, Click Five, Jappanses Music. phantom of the opera, Evenasces, Avril, Clay ect.†
Name: Emme †
Age: D:<†
Sex: Female †
Likes: Anime and manga, freezes, vedio games, internet, japanese music, to draw, write, hang out with my buddies, Boys that wear tight pants, vampires, office and drawign supplies and shopping fot them Blake and Sammie Animal,. Nacho Cheese, Gummy Worms, Dr.Pepper, Fudge striped cookie, Family Friends, Alice and wonderland, Scotch Tape, barns and nobles, best buy, Office Depot, stuffed animals, sketch books, fish net, glove with fingers missing, fun fabric, black, purple, grey, white, blue, Violance, ect. †
Dislikes: Germs, wood, gettting up early, going to bed early, foldables, both kinda crack you see in the hallway at school (lower and upper)snobby people, clothes shopping, dools with there lifeless eyes ect.†
Location: In a chair in my living room in my house on my street in a neighborhood in a town in a state in the US on the world in the universe†
Music: NFG, GC, Simple Plan, Linken Park, Cross Fade, Scott Strapman, Lighthouse, unwritten, Weezer, Click Five, Jappanses Music. phantom of the opera, Evenasces, Avril, Clay ect.†
My favorite anime include
Eureka Seven
Midori Days
Full Metal Alchemist
My Hime
Chrono Crusades
My Neibor totoro
Millennium Actress
Spirted Away
Howls moving Castle
Nausicaa of the Valley of winds
Princess Mononoke
Grave of the Fireflies
Sailor Moon
Fruits Baskets
Case closed
Card Captor Sakura
Tokyo mew mew
D.N Angel
Samuria deeper Kyo
ect. Much More
King of Hell
Eureka Seven
Prinese Ai
Excel saga
Love Hina
Absolute Boyfriend
Midori Days
Oh My Goddess
Princess Tutu
Comic Party
Sailor moon
Fruits basket
Tokyo mew mew
card captor sakura
ichigo 100%
Nausicaa of the valley of winds
ect.much more too :P
[/color]Eureka Seven
Midori Days
Full Metal Alchemist
My Hime
Chrono Crusades
My Neibor totoro
Millennium Actress
Spirted Away
Howls moving Castle
Nausicaa of the Valley of winds
Princess Mononoke
Grave of the Fireflies
Sailor Moon
Fruits Baskets
Case closed
Card Captor Sakura
Tokyo mew mew
D.N Angel
Samuria deeper Kyo
ect. Much More
King of Hell
Eureka Seven
Prinese Ai
Excel saga
Love Hina
Absolute Boyfriend
Midori Days
Oh My Goddess
Princess Tutu
Comic Party
Sailor moon
Fruits basket
Tokyo mew mew
card captor sakura
ichigo 100%
Nausicaa of the valley of winds
ect.much more too :P
Full Name:: Emme
Birthday:: November 19
Birthplace:: In the hospital
Eye Color:: green
Hair Color:: brown
Right handed or Left handed?: Right handed
My Worst Habit:: Chewing my tongue when I draw but I love to do it
Zodiac Sign:: Scopio
Shoe Size:: like 9 in mens
Parents Still Together?: Yes
The Shoes You Wore Today:: my Chucks
Your Fears:: wood i hate wood ahhh T_T
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LOL or O_O
Thoughts First Waking Up:: I really don;t ever try to hear my self think
Your Bedtime:: when I fall asleep
Your Most Missed Memory:: By best friends
Favorite color?: purple grey white black
Food?: Chinese
Ice Cream?: Chocolate and strawberrie
Candy?: gummy worms
Store?: Book stores or anime stores
Number?: 77
Gum?: Juciey Fruit
Holiday?: My Birthday cause i get all my friends together and get gifts I love gifts^_^
Season?: Fall
Perfume?: Blakes colone r how ever you spell it its smells really good
Scent besides perfume?: Axe
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:[/b] Somethign to do with Jappanses Art
Turn ons:: Likes anime and manga wears tight jeans cuase damn those are hot
Turn offs:: being a jack arse
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: I don't know but I love Sammies randomness
When Have You Cried The Most?: when I am sad
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: The Tomb radier ride at Kings Island
Worst Feeling?: Guilt
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?:[/b] Some place near the forest
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: *lol ummm I will change what first pope in my head lol*Foot
Where did all the: bannas go?
Why can't we: fo something Fun?
Silly, little: Boy sex is for married grownups
Isn't it weird that: all I can think about is wroung how cruppted socity has become
Never under any circumstance: will I give up
I wish: upon stars
Everyone has a: nice foot
I am: very sad and loney
Been In Love?: O_O LOVE O_O
Been To Juvie?: Nope
Mooned Someone?: lol Yes
Been Rejected?: yes
Slept Outside?: Yes
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Yes all the time
Drank Alcohol?: Rum count?
Been Beaten Up?: No
Swear?: some times I love the word Damn and I don't know wy it is even better if you add the word it to it
Like boys in tight jeans: Damn right I do
Want To Go To College?: Yes
Want To Get Married?: Yes
Believe In Yourself?: Yes
Get Motion Sickness?: No expet on that one ride at the carnivals the one that goes around and around on the swings *blah*
Get Along With Your Parents?: Yes I do
Go To Church?:[/b] Yes
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: YES OHH my goodness they are pushing me off the bed I just relise I have so many ahh I love em though
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Yes i do lol The thoughts of emme AHH
Dance In The Rain?: Oh how fun it would be I haven;t done that for a while
Sing In The Shower?: YES I love to sing in the shower
Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King?: Neither
Single or Group Dates?: Single O_O
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Choclate
TV or Movie?: Anime
Guitar or Drums?: Both are so amazing
Adidas or Nike?: CHUCKS
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Bran flakes!!! Sounds nasty I Love em
You Talked To On The Phone:: Umm I treid to call rick becasue my mom said he called but he didn;t answer and I tlak to him yesterday
You Instant Messaged:: Sam king of the pirates
Time You Laughed?: today at the Drama club there was this guy that gave the tours he was really funn he was like this tour is orgasmic lol and a bunch of other things that was amazing
Movie You Watched?: Umm the Patriot ohh man was that good Movie I loved it its on my gaia well parts of it
Joke You Told?: umm about the You know what they say abotu guys with big feet
Where Are You?: In my house
What Can You See Out Your Window?: the neibors house plans and a flagpole
Are You Listening To Music?: no
What Are You Wearing?: what I wore to school
What's On Your Mousepad?: Don;t have one
Fav Hair Color:: Spiked
Short or Long Hair:: Short Whats with guys with long hair
Height:: Um taller then me
Best Clothing Style:: Um what ever they wear but i really like tight jeans thats hott
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Japan
Your Good Luck Charm:: umm My gaara gord nacklace lets say
How many pillows do you sleep with?: One I just got it not including my stuffed animals and my spongebob pillows casue then it would be alot
Do you drink milk?: yes
Person You Hate Most:: Umm you shoul never hate anyone
Most Outdated Phrase:: Your Mom
Do you think God has a gender?: Umm I always think of him As a mlae but I don;t know
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heven or Hell All depned if you asked God as your savoir
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Umm intill I get the phone
Are you a health freak?: No
What is the worst weather?: umm I don;t know the ones that make you sleepy
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Yes And Brats and Polly;s I loved that so much lol
Full Name:: Emme
Birthday:: November 19
Birthplace:: In the hospital
Eye Color:: green
Hair Color:: brown
Right handed or Left handed?: Right handed
My Worst Habit:: Chewing my tongue when I draw but I love to do it
Zodiac Sign:: Scopio
Shoe Size:: like 9 in mens
Parents Still Together?: Yes
The Shoes You Wore Today:: my Chucks
Your Fears:: wood i hate wood ahhh T_T
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LOL or O_O
Thoughts First Waking Up:: I really don;t ever try to hear my self think
Your Bedtime:: when I fall asleep
Your Most Missed Memory:: By best friends
Favorite color?: purple grey white black
Food?: Chinese
Ice Cream?: Chocolate and strawberrie
Candy?: gummy worms
Store?: Book stores or anime stores
Number?: 77
Gum?: Juciey Fruit
Holiday?: My Birthday cause i get all my friends together and get gifts I love gifts^_^
Season?: Fall
Perfume?: Blakes colone r how ever you spell it its smells really good
Scent besides perfume?: Axe
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:[/b] Somethign to do with Jappanses Art
Turn ons:: Likes anime and manga wears tight jeans cuase damn those are hot
Turn offs:: being a jack arse
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: I don't know but I love Sammies randomness
When Have You Cried The Most?: when I am sad
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: The Tomb radier ride at Kings Island
Worst Feeling?: Guilt
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?:[/b] Some place near the forest
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: *lol ummm I will change what first pope in my head lol*Foot
Where did all the: bannas go?
Why can't we: fo something Fun?
Silly, little: Boy sex is for married grownups
Isn't it weird that: all I can think about is wroung how cruppted socity has become
Never under any circumstance: will I give up
I wish: upon stars
Everyone has a: nice foot
I am: very sad and loney
Been In Love?: O_O LOVE O_O
Been To Juvie?: Nope
Mooned Someone?: lol Yes
Been Rejected?: yes
Slept Outside?: Yes
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Yes all the time
Drank Alcohol?: Rum count?
Been Beaten Up?: No
Swear?: some times I love the word Damn and I don't know wy it is even better if you add the word it to it
Like boys in tight jeans: Damn right I do
Want To Go To College?: Yes
Want To Get Married?: Yes
Believe In Yourself?: Yes
Get Motion Sickness?: No expet on that one ride at the carnivals the one that goes around and around on the swings *blah*
Get Along With Your Parents?: Yes I do
Go To Church?:[/b] Yes
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: YES OHH my goodness they are pushing me off the bed I just relise I have so many ahh I love em though
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Yes i do lol The thoughts of emme AHH
Dance In The Rain?: Oh how fun it would be I haven;t done that for a while
Sing In The Shower?: YES I love to sing in the shower
Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King?: Neither
Single or Group Dates?: Single O_O
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Choclate
TV or Movie?: Anime
Guitar or Drums?: Both are so amazing
Adidas or Nike?: CHUCKS
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Bran flakes!!! Sounds nasty I Love em
You Talked To On The Phone:: Umm I treid to call rick becasue my mom said he called but he didn;t answer and I tlak to him yesterday
You Instant Messaged:: Sam king of the pirates
Time You Laughed?: today at the Drama club there was this guy that gave the tours he was really funn he was like this tour is orgasmic lol and a bunch of other things that was amazing
Movie You Watched?: Umm the Patriot ohh man was that good Movie I loved it its on my gaia well parts of it
Joke You Told?: umm about the You know what they say abotu guys with big feet
Where Are You?: In my house
What Can You See Out Your Window?: the neibors house plans and a flagpole
Are You Listening To Music?: no
What Are You Wearing?: what I wore to school
What's On Your Mousepad?: Don;t have one
Fav Hair Color:: Spiked
Short or Long Hair:: Short Whats with guys with long hair
Height:: Um taller then me
Best Clothing Style:: Um what ever they wear but i really like tight jeans thats hott
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Japan
Your Good Luck Charm:: umm My gaara gord nacklace lets say
How many pillows do you sleep with?: One I just got it not including my stuffed animals and my spongebob pillows casue then it would be alot
Do you drink milk?: yes
Person You Hate Most:: Umm you shoul never hate anyone
Most Outdated Phrase:: Your Mom
Do you think God has a gender?: Umm I always think of him As a mlae but I don;t know
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heven or Hell All depned if you asked God as your savoir
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Umm intill I get the phone
Are you a health freak?: No
What is the worst weather?: umm I don;t know the ones that make you sleepy
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Yes And Brats and Polly;s I loved that so much lol
Currently watching Eureka Seven Episode 33!! BEST ANIME EVER
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