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StoryMaker's Profile

StoryMaker's Profile
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Username StoryMaker Gender Male
Date Joined Location Staten Island,NY
Last Updated Occupation 9th grader
Last visit # Pictures 2
# Comments Given596

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StoryMaker's picture
Things I like: Foamy, comics, video games, anime, cartoons, nintendo, and anime

Age: I ain't tellin' you beitch

Things i dislike: People the hate other people because of their race or Religion (unsure of spelling) or gender. PEOPLE LIKE THAT NEED TO DIE!

My aim is: slowrunna91
 DBZ Story, in 23 days,
Sonic Story in 45 days.


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zakuman on August 26, 2006, 2:29:32 AM

zakuman on
zakumanUm... sorry, I don't have a my space account. Not my kinda place. If I really gotta kill time, I'll play videogames.

Beyond that... not much going on here. I've just been working a whole lot.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 23, 2006, 1:50:36 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehoghow can sumone so self loathing, hate goths? better question, how can sumone so self loathing not BE a goth. *sighs painfuly* put it this way, you are not ugly, but I personaly don't think you're "hot". guys I personaly find to be hot are EMOs, goths (espacialy), and JAPANESE guys *drowns in one's own drool* so you are just normal. plus the chicks that go to your school, are assholes. even I can tell you that. ^_^ happy...... happyish?

SkyetheHedgehog on August 21, 2006, 8:52:15 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogyeah That is what I ment. I touch type, so I often make mistakes. what sort of question is that?!! no, of course you're not.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 20, 2006, 10:45:56 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogI'm sorry. *sniff* i've been stick, and thus away from school, away from teh school computers, away from the inter net away from the school scanners, away from my e-mail. yup. I got it. I need to scan mine, hopefuly it turns out okay. I think Teh scanners at my school are screwed up. I'm not ignoring you, so never ever think I will.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 14, 2006, 8:59:59 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehognooooo! it didn't come through!! I hate hotmail, last time I logged in it started me a new acount, under the same name as I all ready had!! *sulks* okay, if its not too much trouble, could you sent it to:

SkyetheHedgehog on August 13, 2006, 8:57:43 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogyeah, I know how you feel. my computer @ home is stuffed too. My dad's buying me a new one. yay!! ^_^ "freaks" are great. gotta love freaks. jack@$$es are so evil. we should burn them all. *twitch* I need to scan the pics. i chose a manga pic, which is in color. and the realistic one i did fer art class, which is in pencil... so it's gray. hehe. I'm really looking forward to seeing you!!

SkyetheHedgehog on August 10, 2006, 2:23:10 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on is my e-mail. I guess i'm not a jerk like most chicks. no shallow. thats why I adore people who are differant. all my friends at school arer socail misfists, EMOs and phycos. My friend Jas was going to kill her farther last night, for exarmple.
I love homeless people too. so, no I geuss i'm not like most girls.
I would be happy to send you a pic, however i have no photos of myself, my farther whom I don't live with has All of those, and my stupid foster family will not buy me a camera *shakes fist at them*. I have some drawings of myself which I can send to you. ^_^ most are manga, but one was for school, as a realistic sketch. I'll send you those, okay? ^_^

SkyetheHedgehog on August 8, 2006, 10:49:26 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogthank you so much. I love your little MS paint things. their're cute. I don't have a scanner, i have to steal use from the school scanners. a few dententions here and there for doing so, but I don't care.
I still haven't found the reason I was born. maybe it's to cheer people up. not something that socity expects from a 14 year old goth chick.
will you join DeviantART? I will understand if you don't want to.
i'll just miss you is all. miss you so much, cause you're the only thing that makes me feel good about myself.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 7, 2006, 2:15:37 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehog*crying* you are the only person, I ever told about my... wrist cutting... you mean so much to me, and I love you... i am happy you can laugh again. you are the reason i stoped cutting myself. please, i don't want to leave you, will... will you join DeviantART? i'm so godamn selfish, i know, to ask you this, but i love you so much. i don't think i can stand not having you around.... please, just, let me know. i'll wait. i told you, i'll always wait.


SkyetheHedgehog on August 6, 2006, 2:05:11 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehog*hugs tightly* ....thank you for everything....



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