Yeah, well what can i say about myself apart from im super creative. Yeah thats right, and that i love drawing & Singing. Creativity && Arts are my life.
I love to give advice out to my friends because it makes me feel so helpful and extremely special to know that i make others happy.[/color]Love clothes i do, though my style is more into the scene/grunge look at the moment, though its a phase so i think it might pass; although i do like wearing other types of clothes too :D
I miss my bestfriend alot, ever since highschool i dont see her as much anymore. It was like years ago but i miss her alot.
I suppose i get on with others but i get angry if i get ignored or whatever but ive taught myself not to care, because those who leave me out and ignore me arent worth it. Real Friends Stick Together ♥.
Immature retards, not mentioning any names.
I cant stand, people being mean to me and others its so inaproptiate, because they are attention seeking and if they havent got anything nice to say then dont say anything at all, am i right ?.
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