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Submitted June 26, 2007 Updated June 26, 2007 Status Incomplete Chapters: 1 Size: 0k Words: 1 Comments: 17 Views: 1,825 Faves: 2 Rating: 0 | This is so my freinds can fav me since im a member of this site but my other profile isnt working
Cartoons » Invader Zim » Fan Characters (OC's) |
You: I...i...HAVE TO! *falls forward then staggers back up* I w-wi...ll.
Gaara: *still hugging me* How could I? I...I'm suck a freakn idiot!!! WHY CAN'T I DO ANYTHING!!!
Me: ...
Gaara: *opens his eyes and stares at me* ...*laughs* Now's the time to surprise me, Vikki. You can always amaze me...You're just going to heal yourself like you always do. Why am I worrying?
Me: ...
Gaara: *tears come back as he comes back to realistic thoughts* Vikki...YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!! WAKE UP!!!