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Submitted April 15, 2008 Updated March 21, 2009 Status Complete Chapters: 7 Size: 38k Words: 6,974 Comments: 30 Views: 3,643 Faves: 4 Rating: 2 | OKAY! I'm going to make you all a deal! If I can MAKE YOU LAUGH in ANY of the following "chapters", YOU HAVE to send this to AT LEAST ONE OTHER PERSON. And if I can't, vote me :(. Okay? Okay? Alright? Here we go!
Anime/Manga |
I SWEAR. please forgive.T.T I`m ment to delete it. Ididn`t mean to copy yours.(I wasn`t trying to!)Please I wasn`t!!!
I ment to write a different story .I`m not an art thief I swear. I`m going to get rid of it right now.
sorry and bai!!!
T.T*tries to to kill itself*