VamPrince666's Profile
VamPrince666's Profile

Username | VamPrince666 | Gender | Male |
Date Joined | Location | on my SPINNY CHAIR | |
Last Updated | Occupation | o0 what is this "occupation" you speak of? | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 9 | |
# Comments Given | 105 |
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Member Info

Jesus Christ last time I was here was around a decade ago...

Welp, I'mma leave everything below this point untouched for the purpose of documenting my past sins. ENJOY..? :T

Welp, I'mma leave everything below this point untouched for the purpose of documenting my past sins. ENJOY..? :T
Tis I! the unmissabley spectacular *drummroll* AJ!![WTF!?]
yes! i have returned to completely re-do my profile!
[from its former, desolate state]
BWAHA! is that a spot i see?? a spot on my *da da da da* new computer! *gasp*
yes! I, the person of no-good-computering-ness, have gotten off my @$$ and drilled into dear mother's brain about how she should "GIMME A NEW frackING COMPUTER OR SO HELP ME GOD THE TORMENT WILL NEVER END!!! NEVER I SAY!" yeah, lol
so yeah, i got a new computer [but meh internet still sucks] mneh! ANYWAY!! ima write some shoot about moi!!!
[all hail my amazing french speaking abilities!!]
_-=Nicknames: =-_
-the moron!
-the geek you thank the lord you never were
-The Humanly Life-sized teddy!!! [girlfriend!]
-and so on
i spose saying "stuff" would be too easy huh... well, i like:
-friends [actual friends, and the TV series]
-yaoi [not the preverted kind you sick people! mneh!]
-yuri - same as above!
-anime [doi]
-neurotically yours --> <--endorse it!!
-rawk mooziks [no shoot!]
-ibanez guitars [mine below]
-peavy ampamificalicalnesses [amps]
-d'addario strings
-surround-sound speakers!!
-and other stoof-age!!

-Chavs/whatever they're called in other coutries [ppl who go "wazzup! yeah man! innit blingin yo!"]
-Mp3s/4s with tiny memory space --
-stagg guitars and amps ><
-people who think they know everything about something coughcolmcough
-ppl who have shootty grammar [yes, that GRAMMAR]
-people who "tlk lyk dis" coughchavscough
-permanent ink that isnt fracking permanent!! ><
-things done half-assed
-people in general [oh no, my emo-ness is showing! TOUGH shoot!]
-anti-emo/alternative people
[Rant Time!]
y'know, the kind of people who randomly come onto your profile and call you "sad" for being "alternative" or "emo" or "goth" or shoot like that, but are actualy just trying to hide the fact that they are so sad that they NEED to use their time going on peoples profiles and insulting them without provocation or cause, other than "wahh!! theyre "EMO"!!!" these people deserve to be killed using some kind of large, blunt, heavy object, like a pumpkin, yeah, one cinderella-sized pumpkin round the head ^^
-people who use comon, useless and over-rated euphamisms, like, oh, im not a "paper boy", im a "conveinient courier of daily text media" o0 'sure you are....'
-bands/people who are under a good name, lets say, green day! but who have abandoned their morals, in this case, their love for their fans, and now write music for money
-the entire system of living on this damn commercialised, rotting, deccaying planet! ><
-ignorant wenches! mneh!
-people!!! lol
k, get a spinny chair™! and on the bottom, above where the wheels meet the floor, somehow attach a mini V8 engine the it, and have FUN!
-WOO! matches!! fire on a stick!!! [Foamy, neurotically yours,]
-OMG shootalking mushrooms! [Rockstar2005 AKA GF!]
-Tom, your an idiot! [colm to tom when ms leggat asked who was the author of "for whom the bell tolls" in the bible, and tom shouted "JAMES HETFEILD!" everyone who knew who that was was laughing their asses off XD]
-you know what, i might kill you tonight.. [stewie to meg, family guy]
-okay! whos smart-@$$ idea was it to run off!?!?!? *me and craig raise our hands* [colm to me and craig when we ran off so he could have some "excersize" while carrying his 2 backpacks and a verry heavy electric guitar on his back, lol ;P]
-"OMGOSH YOUR SO H3ARtC0R3" [the EMO formerly known as Judith]
-Ribon On My Wrist Says "do not open before christmas" [fall out boy]
-your fishie seems to have died of thirst.. here, have a band-aid and come see me again in three weeks [Azuzephre]
-if you lie, you dont deserve to have friends [cute is what we aim for - newport living]
_-=Fave band lyrics=-_
Everyone's a let down
It just depends on how far down they can go
In every circle of friends there's a whore
The one who flirts
And does a little more
But who's to say?
This is a social scene anyway
And everybody wants to explore the new girl
Caught up in her own hard liquor world
But liquor doesn't exist in my world
But liquor doesn't exist in my world
And if you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie you don't deserve to have them
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
The social scene where she gets her fix
Has been broken since '86
Now just look at that social clique
Do you really wanna be a part of it?
Let's not let us forget
Where she gets the habit
She gets the pills from her skills
She gets the skills from the pills
And just look at that clique
Do you really wanna be the star of it?
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie you don't deserve to have them
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie
Everybody is a let down
It just depends on how far down they can go
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
Everyone's a let down
It just depends on how far down they can go
In every circle of friends there's a whore
The one who flirts
And does a little more
But who's to say?
This is a social scene anyway
And everybody wants to explore the new girl
Caught up in her own hard liquor world
But liquor doesn't exist in my world
But liquor doesn't exist in my world
And if you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie you don't deserve to have them
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
The social scene where she gets her fix
Has been broken since '86
Now just look at that social clique
Do you really wanna be a part of it?
Let's not let us forget
Where she gets the habit
She gets the pills from her skills
She gets the skills from the pills
And just look at that clique
Do you really wanna be the star of it?
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie you don't deserve to have them
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie
Everybody is a let down
It just depends on how far down they can go
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
_-=my A.S.L.=-_
-Age: 14
-Sex: male
-Location: ye shal never know!!!!!! mnehehehe!! *demented laugh*
I am a big fan of almost all genres of moozik, EXCEPT!: hip-hop, pop, and most rap, HOWEVER! i do enjow the following:
-80's METAL
-NU METAL [well, except all the "dying cat" bands, that sound like just that]
-[some] POP-ROCK
-80's ROCK 'n' ROLL
-ATOMIC PUNK [kewl song, lol]
-and varoius other flavours of the punk variety [lol]
_-=My Fave Bands of the preceding genres are=-_
-METAL - Children Of Bodom
-HEAVY METAL - MetallicA
-POWER METAL - DragonForce [oh yeah!]
-80's METAL - Nirvana [dont realy count as metal, but shmagfischitzen!!!!]
-HAIR METAL - Motley Crue [oh yeah!]
-NU METAL - Bullet For My Vallentine [kickass!]
-ROCK - Yellowcard [dunno if they count, ahh well! ;;00]
-PUNK - Older Green Day [like 'Dookie']
-ACID PUNK - Placebo
-ATOMIC PUNK - Anti-Flag
-J-Rock - Asian Kung-Fu Generation
-J-Pop - Hi Hi Puffi Ami Yumi XD
_-=Songs i can play=-_
-Green Day
When i Come Around
St. Jimmy
Shes A Rebel
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
American Idiot
Brain Stew
Jesus Of Suburbia
Minority [not the intro and outro]
POP rocks and coke [most of]
Dont Stay
Somewhere i Belong
-My Chemical Romance
House Of Wolves
Im Not Okay
Give 'em Hell Kid
-Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Haruka kanata [Naruto 2nd theme]
Rewrite [Full Metal Alchemist 4th theme]
-Fall Out Boy
Sugar Were going Down
This 'Aint A Scene, Its An Arms Race
paralell worlds [Elliot Minor]
Smells Like Teen Spirit [Nirvana]
Move Along [All American Rejects]
Animal I Have Become [Three Days Grace]
_-=Physical Apperance Of Moi:=-_
-everything above my shoulders is in my damn profile pic [omgosh im so EMO!] o0, oh you cant see my eyes, well, theyre dark brow, k!??!
-yeah, anything apart from that is; im pretty skinny i guess [EMO! ><] so yeah
Steal my independent record label and ye shall DIE!!!!!!!!!
-half the time, just my undies and robe [no perverted thoughts damn you!!!!]
-black jeans, black button-down shirt, blood-red tie XD
-tight shirt, short jeans,
-and stoof!!!
sexuality: bi
B-day: eh?
fave color:hmmm... red, i think..
fave number: 7
fave food: blood! [more specificaly, mine!]
boys or girls: dont take this piss!
time of day: 8:31pm
ist: nihilist
okay, why do chavs hate everything.... i mean... WHY!?!? its like, okay... all the emos, all the goths, the punks, the grungers ect [the altern ppls] they all wanna kill the chavs!!! well, if i were a chav, i would notice that ppl hate me... and then realize that theres something wrong... so why be hated by everyone for something... but at the same time, the chavs are now the majority... so although its all the altern ppls who hate the chavs, theres more chavs... so even though everyone hates the chavs, the majority [chavs] hate the alterns... moreover.. the emos..why... why is there this ongoing feud with all the labels, and genres... christ! its worst than fracking racism!!! more ppl are killed every year over label disputes and genre fights than racism all over the world... [AJ has been doing his reasearch!] so whats the point.... its fair enough if steriotypical chav fracked up in skull, 2 brain cells asshole picks on an emo.. then all we altern peeps can rip the shoot out of them with rasorblades and lemon juice [pain]... but.. like altern peeps, theres some chavs out there that are half-descent.. so, you can be friends with a chav and still be altern.. just not these pussy-@$$ retards who go around tlkin lyk dis nd annyin evry1!!!!!! its PoInTlEsS!
its like, oh my god... using txt talk on long and difficult words is fair enough, but must you shorten the word 'and' oh my fracking god!!!!! you fracking retard people have shortend the word 'and' into 'nd' you know what 'nd' means to me, it means "NO DICK!" you fracking chav guys lost your genitals along with your soul when you gave it to 50cent!!!!! your fracking bastards!!!! and whats the point of pushing your shoulder into other people when your walking, does it make you feel "'ard" does it somehow make up for your lack of genitals!?!?!?!? no, its anti-social.. and that my friends is the goths job! to be antisocial.. .but at least its tastefull.. like a sarcastic reamrk here and there... a few jokes on people woho are are better than them at stuff... and chavs come along, nick the halfway flag and attemp to go the rest of the way with deforemed legs, fall over and get ground into the dust... its stupid, i personaly have been "shoulder barged" a few times, and each time, i stop and turn around and this guy says "watch where your goin!" and i go to hit him and hes all like "wah!! mommy!!" this is why i hate chavs... they never have any balls [as stated before] christ... i mean... at least stick up for yourself!!! yes, stick up for YOURSELF, dont go around in packs and hunt like brainless animals... your at least human.. act like it! i mean.. why!?!?!?!?!?!?!? why are you so stupid!!?!? is it fun to be retarded??? yeah, well... be as fracking retarded as you want... just know when you grow up.. and get that high-paying janitor's career [lol] ill be there... ill be there with a digital camera... yep... 'employee of the month here we come' indeed...
and why do chavs not only fight the altern ppls, but eachother... oh dear.. its like a civil war with "general frack up" vs "general i dont get it" theyre as smart as shoot... [and that, my friends isnt very smart]
_-=Pointless School Rules=-_
i like school [wait!] i like school because you learn stuff, and you meet friends, play around, buy snackage, ect.. which is pretty kewl!
However! there are some stupid, pointless, and uneccessary rules and regulations in place,
for example! [im speaking from 1st hand experience, as all who know me will know] i like to have my hair long, and have been asked to get a haircut many, many times... but never do.. y'know why?? because i dont see the motherfracking point!! its like 'why the frack should i!?!?' and they never have a valid reply, its always becaus they have to 'keep the apperance of the school in check'... again, why? is the school realy that shallow, that they rely on the the APPERANCE of their students rather than their INTELECT, which leads me to beleive that campbell abandoned his principals in the feild of education long ago [ironic huh..],to say he prides himself on the school's image or apperance simply means hes the head-teacher there for one simple reason... money! not to educate children and teenagers so they can go out and live thier lives, but to expand his wallet and ego, usualy in equal measure, i have come to this conclusion becaus of his attitude and behaviour, if theres been a fight [for example] he'd never ask "why" and listen to the whole story, he'd probably cut you off, make remarks and tell you "never to do it again" like almost all teachers do... its sad really... that children look up to these false figures of authority... they are weak, corrupt, and implicate rules without thought for the pupils emotions or welfare... this is why im probably gonna become a teacher of some description, to expose these fakes and show children how practical a lesson can be!
okay..... talking in class.. why the frack not!? i mean.. sure if theres something important happening [that applies to you] then you should listen, but other than that... i mean.. 'silence' why?? oooo wow! were not allowed to socialize... thats stupid... i beleive people of any age deserve to socialize... i dont see how talking can disrupt other people in class.. [unless your shouting, in which case, whisper] e.g. i whisper to my friend across 2 tables in class and then sir hears, turns round and says [people in my old math class will know who this is] "A-J why are you talking, why have you stopped me teaching??" and blah blahhh blahhhhhhhhhhh... its like, 'no, i havent stopped you teaching, you were doing just fine 2 seconds ago, i was only talking to my friend as you were talking to the class, you have just made the conscious decision to stop and talk to me, therefore YOU have disrupted the entire class and YOU have stopped YOURSELF from teaching, idiot!' because these teachers arent half as smart as they wish they were... and dont say "yeah they are!" because, evidently not, with the way i just contradicted and penalized the most common "no talking" line used by mr [not-so] stickman
well, im done, and dont think thats the last you'll hear from me! [just giving you something to look forward to, lol]
before i go, heres my support/endorsement list:
-D'addario guitar Strings [kickass!]
-Ibanez electric guitars and basses/ amps [kickass!!!!!!!]
-CreAtive software/ hardware [awesome!]
-Cherub Musical equiptment [conveinient!, lol]
-A4tech software/hardware
-Powerelogic computer systems
-Fueled by ramen™ records
-ZOMG™ [me!!!]
-Peavy Electric Amplifiers
yeah, im thinking in advance, but heres what im so getting:

i could not give two shoots what you crab-wankers think about me, my spelling and grammar, the length of my hair, or otherwise
frack OFF!
i could not give two shoots what you crab-wankers think about me, my spelling and grammar, the length of my hair, or otherwise
frack OFF!
well! i shall be done for now, il ladd some more later!!!!!!!!! damn you all!!!
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BurnOutKid on March 24, 2008, 9:52:14 PM
BurnOutKid on

LilFireDemon on December 28, 2007, 1:11:36 PM
LilFireDemon on
RockStar2005 on December 7, 2007, 10:01:00 AM
RockStar2005 on
xXxHowlingMadxXx on November 19, 2007, 1:27:00 PM
LetsDance on November 6, 2007, 6:44:21 AM
LetsDance on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 12:55:06 AM
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 1:00:44 AM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 1:01:46 AM
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 1:03:40 AM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 1:04:19 AM
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 1:11:20 AM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 1:18:00 AM
SilverKitsune on September 21, 2007, 2:51:57 PM
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 6:09:10 PM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 12:53:15 AM
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 12:56:30 AM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 1:16:50 AM

If you have friends who are positive it helps to hang out with them and have fun.
Well, depression is just sadness, yeah anti-social brings that out too but you just gotta break through that little bump. This is starting to remind me of my ex. Jesus, he was heavily depressed most of the time. Eventually peolpe get tired of it and break ties :/
THings are going good with your gf, yeah?
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 7:34:40 PM
VamPrince666 on

if i was still in the UK i would be happy, its the fact that im not that hurts... [and various other emotional problems]
so yeah.. no friends, dont understand the language, hugs time diff, so i cant talk to my friends much.. x,x
and my best friend dosent use his FAC anymore
SilverKitsune on September 21, 2007, 2:39:46 PM
SilverKitsune on September 21, 2007, 2:36:15 PM
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 2:41:48 PM
VamPrince666 on
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 2:41:17 PM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 21, 2007, 2:46:15 PM

2. shallow is saying I wouldn't date someone cause they have some flaws. Everyone has flaws but everyone is shallow because we wouldn't date anyone. Im sure youve had girls who liked you and you didn't like them back. Shallow much?
3. Conversation
4. Let me put it simple for you;
You like depressed/self abuse content
I on the other hand think its pathetic.
But as we all know, everyone has their own belief.
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 2:48:01 PM
VamPrince666 on
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 8:13:05 PM
VamPrince666 on

ahem, yeah, you talk as if you know me... which you dont
and, the only reasons i dont like many girls back, is because, most of them have a personality much like yours.. which i dont generaly like...
however, you do seem smarter than the average person,
unfortunately this is in conjunction with a capicity of consideration and compasion matching that of a tea-spoon
a verry irritating composition...
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 12:49:57 AM

Plus, you lived up to one part of being emo, what I said they did, you have done. I've asked every emo kid, they told me they have, it just seriously anger me because if you think about it, this emo trend only happened the last two generations, the last 2 generations brough a lot of statistics up. It's something to shake your head and be sad about because they're living what every kid has to live through.
I want to show you something, a video, Its inspirational its by superchick i think, lol. Anyways I came across this video and its really touching made me cry a bit lol. But the message behind it is good, Imma go look for it and post the link.
Neopetgirl on September 21, 2007, 2:09:46 PM
Neopetgirl on
SilverKitsune on September 21, 2007, 2:34:17 PM
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 2:35:45 PM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 21, 2007, 2:37:41 PM
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 2:40:19 PM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 21, 2007, 2:50:01 PM

I had no friends in elementary school, was beaten my my father till i was 13, and a mother who never loved me. I was never emo and I never hurt myself to try and fix something, thats stupid how is hurting yourself more going to help you recover? lol.
It happens to everyone, emo is just an excuse to be weak and not rise above what is trying to bring you down. Its pathetic.
Being emotional doesn't mean you have to cut and be depressed little boy. My boyfriend is emotional, he shows them, hes not afraid to cry when something makes him sad and he shows extreme happiness all the time. He never ever EVER uses self mutilation to try and solve a problem.
VamPrince666 on September 21, 2007, 6:06:23 PM
VamPrince666 on

but y'know... theres a little thing called being different...
yeah, it means that people arent all like you in this little self-sufficient world you seem to have created
because, there are people who have more emotion than the average person.. yeah, theyre more sensitive... are you conna rat on them about who they are???
i hope your not that shallow
and... seeing as how you've "never" cut yourself... you would have, how much of an idea about how it makes you feel??
yeah.. ive cut myself... and dont intend to ever again because of various emotional reasons
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 12:43:45 AM

And no, I would have never cut myself, I love life too much because I know that bad times end and there will always be times worth living. I love myself too much as well as my family and friends to put them through he pain of watching me go down. I would never do that. I never did. Never will. I just know better.
Why do you cut? So you have another problem to deal with, another scar, more pain? all you're doing is giving yourself a scar to remember the pain which in turn makes you sad again.
Like I said they just need to stop acting as though it only happens to them and stop feeling sorry for themselves, itll only drag them down.
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 12:48:37 AM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 12:51:49 AM
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 12:53:24 AM
VamPrince666 on
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 12:56:22 AM
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 12:59:32 AM
VamPrince666 on

and everyone hated me for it... i mean HATED
and various other things that id rather forget..
SilverKitsune on September 22, 2007, 1:11:07 AM

The nickname Monkey stuck with me till my sophomore year of highschool, but by then I liked the nickname cause it was said as a friendly thing.
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 1:19:52 AM
VamPrince666 on

and in highschool, i wasnt as unhappy... i unleashed my hate of generaly people against them and they damn well knew it.. i just became a hell of a lot more violent in high...
as to when i was in elem, i "had" to be like them, or about 200 angry chavs would descend...
VamPrince666 on September 22, 2007, 1:01:48 AM
VamPrince666 on