Figure it's time to include some delicious information about myself. "Let's have a taste Test" :D.
Name: Figure out my Anagram and I'll change it :3.
Nicknames: Ther, Xeras, Xeth, Resa.
Age: 22. I was born May 11th, 1988.
Favorite Color: Blue :D
Favorite Animes: Bleach, Dragonballz, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Trigun, S-cry-ed, and many more. I'll probably make it into a blog or something.
I'm a gamer. I love playing games. My favorites would be the Legend of Zelda Series, the Mario Series, Pokemon (Which I think is better than the anime), The Tales of Series, and the Kingdom Hearts Series. I prefer RPGs but I can make some exceptions.
I'm relatively an easy going person. Sure, I have my moment's where I'm pissy/dogy, but I'm sure we all do. I can be very shy. If I don't know someone, I tend to be quiet until I get to know them. I'm also very easily amused.
I have a job at a near By Food Lion. It's a grocery store in case you haven't heard of it (Not meant to sound the way it does). My department is HBA. It's like stocking selves, but I have certain things to stock. I put up a lot of things from International Foods to Alcohol mixes.
I have played some MMORPGS which were all free to play. The first one I tried was DoMO. Next was Perfect World. That was my most played game. I have a 76 Herc Veno on there~ I was, and still am, a proud Enemy member. Well, I was a marshal before stuff happened. I've also tried Aeria's SMT: Imagine, I've tried Jade Dynasty (Didn't like it due to the fact that it was alright to bot and the botting made it too easy), Grand Chase, La Tale (affectionally called Lag Tale). As of right now, I'm Waiting for the Release of Forsaken World.
I am a major Touhou fan. Sadly, it was the McRoll that got me interested in it. Well, not the video itself. Its theme was a remix of Flandre Scarlet's Theme (if you can call it a remix): U.N Owen was Her? I searched over but I kept on finding different things about it like "Grim Heaper Insanity" Or U.N. Owen was Zetta Slow. Yes, they used Minamimoto's voice xD. I think in those related videos there was a video of the original theme and I listened to it. I really enjoyed it. That lead to more searching and I eventually found EoSD (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil). I played it, loved it, and became hooked. I have that one and up to the Great Fairy War. Well, just the main 'danmaku' ones. I wasn't fond of the fighting games.
I usually play on Normal and on rare occasions, hard and Lunatic. Some of my favorite characters include Shikieiki Yamaxanadu (Danzai! xD), Yuyuko, Yukari, Suika (I love her theme~), Byakuren (Also enjoy her theme), Nue, Mokou, Flandre, and many more. I love playing Imperishable Night, Perfect Cherry Blossom, and Unidentified Fantastic Object.
That's about it, I suppose. If I can think of anything else to add, I'll add it. Later :3.