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Youkai_exe807's Profile

Youkai_exe807's Profile
Youkai_exe807's avatar
Username Youkai_exe807 Gender Female
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Last Updated Occupation
Last visit # Pictures 157
# Comments Given885

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Youkai_exe807's picture
MOVED TO FurAffinity
Thanks for the good times everyone.

Oh, and btw, I won't be checking/responding to any comments on here anymore.


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Comments (178)

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Fire5000 on October 2, 2008, 3:21:57 AM

Fire5000 on
Fire5000wow your drawing is so cool
:D.can we be friends :3

SomekindofFreak on August 12, 2008, 2:34:35 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakI really love your Death Note Anthros :D

Edge14 on August 9, 2008, 2:29:00 PM

Edge14 on
Edge14Hello, your artwork is fantastic :D I love it

Um I was wandering if you accept Requests or Art-trades?

madamlaracroft on July 31, 2008, 2:22:17 PM

madamlaracroft on
madamlaracroftur art's really really god... keep it up!
i like ur avatar also ^^

Konohasdarkshadow on June 22, 2008, 1:59:25 AM

Konohasdarkshadow on
KonohasdarkshadowFAC isnt fair because it doesnt let me fave EVERY SINGLE PIECE of work you have done...why isnt there a button for that? it should say "Youkai_exe807 auto-fave" but anyways...I LOVE YOUR ART!!!!!!!!ALL OF IT!!!! EVEN SINCE THE BEGINNING!!!

rain_kitty on April 19, 2008, 3:23:33 AM

rain_kitty on

rain_kitty on April 5, 2008, 8:59:42 AM

rain_kitty on
rain_kittyyour pics are so cool


rain_kitty on March 29, 2008, 2:48:10 PM

rain_kitty on

rain_kitty on March 28, 2008, 3:22:30 PM

rain_kitty on
rain_kittyHI!!!!!We have a lot in common!!!!!(but the misa thing=c)

animemoon on March 9, 2008, 5:23:49 AM

animemoon on
animemoonI love your profile it's funny and fun to read.

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on March 4, 2008, 6:15:24 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskhey i've seen your art and it's awesome! have you evr thought about writing your own manga?

Youkai_exe807 on March 4, 2008, 6:53:54 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807My own manga, eh? Hmmm.. well, if that were the case, I would have to develop a decent plot, create my own cast of characters, and (definitely) improve on some things I have trouble with. XD

Maybe one of theses days I'll prolly make one.

XDarkTinkerbellX on January 5, 2008, 11:55:59 PM

XDarkTinkerbellX on
how'd you get Youkai,in katakana?

Youkai_exe807 on January 5, 2008, 11:58:51 PM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807I used these two links for it:


InvasorPak on October 27, 2007, 3:37:50 AM

InvasorPak on
InvasorPakI love Naruto ad Fullmetal Alchemist too!!! your pictures are AMAZING!!

DemonWolfe on October 21, 2007, 11:54:34 PM

DemonWolfe on
DemonWolfeYou're on FAC too? Awesome! Oh, and by the way, it's Klee_Kai from FA =)

SharinganKakashi on October 20, 2007, 9:27:03 AM

SharinganKakashi on
SharinganKakashiwhats up

Torchic1030 on October 2, 2007, 9:42:12 AM

Torchic1030 on
Torchic1030Hi! I like your art. You wanna be friends?

Youkai_exe807 on October 2, 2007, 10:08:52 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Hehe, I'm, glad ya like it. ;)
'Bout this "be friends" be honnest, I'm not sure myself. ^^;;

Weirdo on September 12, 2007, 6:18:53 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoThanks for your comment again ^^

Weirdo on August 18, 2007, 5:12:13 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoThanks for your comment :3

sbfan on August 14, 2007, 11:38:26 PM

sbfan on
sbfanI really would like to have Colonel from this adoption:

Youkai_exe807 on August 15, 2007, 9:20:46 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Wow, And I thought we all forgot 'bout it!
Okay, congrats, Colonel the Zeon is now yours! Just be sure to draw him evrry once in a while, and give credit to the artist Crocdragon89, because she was the one who created the whole zeon species!
(Oh, and let me know if you ever draw him! I rarely come here anymore, but I like checking out FAC every once in a while!)

CrescentDragonDeity on July 22, 2007, 10:48:45 AM

CrescentDragonDeity on
CrescentDragonDeityDo you take requests? If so can you draw Gale? I do art trades so...Yah.

ikickbutt on July 20, 2007, 4:29:07 PM

ikickbutt on
ikickbuttEllo. I just dropped by & i love ur artwork!!! u draw really good!!! Well just wanted 2 say that. Lol. : ]

crocdragon89 on July 17, 2007, 12:36:40 PM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89heyyo. i'm gonna start your request soon, i'm just being lazy, lol. i just have a few questions to ask you.

what version of photoshop do you use and do you use a tablet?

cuz you like use the pen tool right? i deffiently don't have the patience to use it without one XD i just retrace it with the brush, anyway how do you shade? do you also use the pen tool? i don't remember you telling me XD sorry.

xxYaoiNinjaGirlxx on July 16, 2007, 6:22:31 AM

xxYaoiNinjaGirlxx on you do requests???? i wanted you to draw my zeon Dash, with Envy(as a zeon). i would really like that^^
if you want to know what my zeon looks like, go to crocdragon89's pics, the pic is dash the dark zeon, if you dont want to do the request then just delete this comment ^^

Youkai_exe807 on July 16, 2007, 8:19:56 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Okay,I might give it a shot (Untill my computer gets fixed)
Oh, and what exactly would you want both of them to be doing? That kind of info will make things much easyer for me. ;)

xxYaoiNinjaGirlxx on July 16, 2007, 12:37:21 PM

xxYaoiNinjaGirlxx on
xxYaoiNinjaGirlxxummmmm....... can you probably draw Dash teasing Envy. and Envy getting all mad(probably about to kill him ^_^)

SweetxinsanityxSarah on July 9, 2007, 8:36:23 AM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahSure np I'll give ya a heads up when teh vampy Edo pics are done XD but im lazy like chuu so it might be awhile before I scan and post them. But I gots a pic in my mind right now of Ed, Sora, and Riku all as vampires dressed super sexy and looking evil and seductive and it will have the lyrics "Cold" from Queen of the Damned =D
Also you can take a look at my gallery every now and then incase I forget to tell you cause I sometimes have a bad memory and forget. =P

demon_dragon on June 12, 2007, 3:16:38 AM

demon_dragon on
demon_dragoni looooove your art!!! would you be willing to do a request for me?

Youkai_exe807 on June 12, 2007, 7:27:00 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Hehe, Thankies. Glad to find someone who likes my art.
Usually, I don't do requests do to being lazy, but you can tell me what it is anyway. I might give it a shot. ;)

demon_dragon on June 13, 2007, 4:24:32 AM

demon_dragon on
demon_dragonwould you be willing to do an edXlust? (im totally obessed with the pairing right now lol)

VahnTheWhiteDragon on February 15, 2007, 1:24:15 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonthnak you so much for the reqeust X3 im sorry about asking i just really like your art ^^ hope you keep up the great work ^__^(and hopfully no one asks for reqeusts lol)it was cool how you haruko in it^^ yay bigger brother X3

Weirdo on February 14, 2007, 10:47:13 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoThanks for the comments again, pal ^^ Great to hear someone likes my work.

VahnTheWhiteDragon on February 13, 2007, 6:01:54 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonits okay about email im really a nice person ask brit lol and my reqeust was gonna be vahns dragon form his dragon form is kinda like your legendary ryu zeon? only really smaller and not as long and hes black and white(body white mane is black) ..he's a baby dragon and has a diaper on lol ^^;; i really like your art your on my fav artists ^^ ...whoa i typed alot....waffles lol i feel like tacos =D

VahnTheWhiteDragon on February 13, 2007, 4:00:08 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonsorry my reply didnt work lol...i asked if you wanted to talk via email? and tho your not doing requests would you still like to hear it anyway?

Youkai_exe807 on February 13, 2007, 5:45:54 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Well, I dunno...I'm pretty shy when it comes to talking to people via email and such.
Oh, and sure, I would like to hear what your request was supposed to be.
Maybe I might have some time to do it. XD

Weirdo on February 10, 2007, 5:45:01 AM

Weirdo on
Weirdo*gets glomped* Thanks of the comment! ^^

VahnTheWhiteDragon on February 10, 2007, 5:39:21 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonoh also if you want to talk via email ^

your art is amazing O.O your like a prodigy(sp)

VahnTheWhiteDragon on February 8, 2007, 10:34:27 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
Comment Deleted

Youkai_exe807 on February 11, 2007, 10:57:54 PM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Oh, sorry for not replying earlier.

Oh yeah, 'bout doing requests, sorry, I don't really do any. ^^;

VahnTheWhiteDragon on February 12, 2007, 4:37:45 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonsorry did my you get the reply O.o if not isaid oh okay ^^ you wanna talk on email?

VahnTheWhiteDragon on February 12, 2007, 3:45:45 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonthats okay so how are you? you wanna talk via email?

phoenixfire1060 on January 12, 2007, 6:57:27 AM

phoenixfire1060 on
phoenixfire1060im trying to learn how to use photoshop, and u seem pretty xperienced with it. could u maybe help? --phoenix

phoenixfire1060 on January 12, 2007, 6:58:56 AM

phoenixfire1060 on
phoenixfire1060if u have the answers, post them on my pro!

VahnTheWhiteDragon on December 29, 2006, 3:39:13 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
Comment Deleted

Youkai_exe807 on December 29, 2006, 3:42:27 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Oh, Hello Vahn! Well, I'm doing pretty good, Ive got a few pics in the works, but, I'm usualy just surfing the net, looking at FMA stuffs. XD


VahnTheWhiteDragon on December 29, 2006, 3:47:34 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonoh thats neat ^^ greed zeon looks awsome by the way X3 your art rocks X3 ^^v

crocdragon89 on December 25, 2006, 11:18:22 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89merry christmas! here's your present

Youkai_exe807 on December 25, 2006, 10:09:18 PM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Aww, Thankyou, Britty! *Glomphs You* They both look sooooo cute! :DDDD

SoaringKitty on December 23, 2006, 8:53:39 AM

SoaringKitty on

PillowTulip on November 27, 2006, 9:58:50 AM

PillowTulip on
PillowTulipHello. Thanks for the comments. ^.^
Hey, there is stuff I hate too. O.o

Weirdo on November 19, 2006, 1:46:31 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoThanks of your comments! Aand, now to see YOUR new art.. ^^ Dang, you won me! You got 100 piccies faster than I! xD Well, I'll add 29 characters in my 100th pic, so I'tll be something to be proud of. ^^ Argh, my drawing hand screams in pain before I have even started! >XD

VahnTheWhiteDragon on November 14, 2006, 12:41:42 PM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonhiya ^___^ whats up?..... sorry um hi :3 im vahn

The_White_Dragon on October 4, 2006, 7:40:59 AM

The_White_Dragon on
The_White_DragonWait ur only 12. incredible your style looks very professional. i don't know anyone who uses photoshop below the age of 14. you have a real gift.

and a oxymoron you dislike movie posters yet you create oneO_o

Youkai_exe807 on October 4, 2006, 8:05:10 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807When I mean movie posters, I meant the creepy ones for horror movies. ^^;

VahnTheWhiteDragon on September 26, 2006, 5:47:58 AM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonhello again ^____^

The_White_Dragon on September 19, 2006, 5:48:54 AM

The_White_Dragon on
The_White_Dragonsuper cool artist that needs to be faved

crocdragon89 on August 31, 2006, 11:15:25 PM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89hey i need help with the comic. what should happen next, i'm stumped? you have good ideas that's
why i came to you.

Weirdo on August 30, 2006, 7:25:00 PM

Weirdo on
Weirdoby: Youkai_exe807 on Aug 4, 2006 16:08 pm [Reply To] [Delete]
Oh, I have a question about this pic. Well, since Kaneoc's father and little sister look like dalmatians, and Kaneoc himself and his mother are a different kind of breed, do you think it's safe to say that Kaneoc is a cross-breed of both his mother's kind and a dalmation? And what type of dog is Kaneoc's mom anyway?

Yes, he is crossbreed between his mother's kind and his father's.. It's quite clear that he is, I think! ^^'
Kaneoc's mom is crossbreed between Saluki and wolf.

crocdragon89 on August 9, 2006, 4:33:44 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89oooh would you really thanks^^. i'd like you to design the sword. i already started on the white dragon. but could you think of a name for him. thanks youkai!^^V

Weirdo on August 5, 2006, 3:07:51 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoHe? o.O Shugotenshi is female. xD
But thanks of your comment anyways. xD

GaarasApprentice33 on August 4, 2006, 9:50:06 AM

GaarasApprentice33 on

Ryo-Miyazaki-chan on August 1, 2006, 12:48:45 PM

Ryo-Miyazaki-chan on
Ryo-Miyazaki-chanA new chapter is up of the story of which you like with the Ultimate Tournament of Megaman

VahnTheWhiteDragon on July 31, 2006, 4:37:48 PM

VahnTheWhiteDragon on
VahnTheWhiteDragonomg your pics are so cool :3 wanna be freinds...hi im vahn lol ...yesh tis me the one and only XD

crocdragon89 on July 31, 2006, 4:09:31 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89post now please^^

crocdragon89 on July 30, 2006, 9:58:26 PM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89ok since you saw the piccy i'm gonna delete it. that is if you need it still

Renishinio on July 29, 2006, 6:26:51 AM

Renishinio on thanks. I made the wings like that with a purty marker that just does that. pwnage? is it really that good? Well, thanks

crocdragon89 on July 29, 2006, 2:17:16 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89yeah you're right. then i'm gonna post here then.

Weirdo on July 28, 2006, 10:16:56 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoSorry to ruin your fun, but she's not pup. xD She looks like in pic, though... She's 6 years old. :p

Weirdo on July 28, 2006, 9:38:32 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoWoot, thanks of yer comment! :3 *takes her bazooka* Come on, flamers... Turn a bit more here, so you death might be little bit faster... *aims on them* BTW, I have one new pic. :DD

crocdragon89 on July 28, 2006, 11:14:54 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89the pic's been put on the site. but i can't put the link to it here cause it's too long and won't fit in this box

crocdragon89 on July 28, 2006, 7:06:57 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89the logo is excellent! i love it^^

crocdragon89 on July 28, 2006, 12:31:19 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89do you think i should post it up on the site you gave me, i don't want to spoil the surprise for the viewers on our project?

crocdragon89 on July 27, 2006, 9:38:49 PM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89the posters done but how're you gonna cg it? i post it up and then what or do i e-mail it to you?

crocdragon89 on July 27, 2006, 6:51:27 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89i'm almost done with it^^ it's coming out real good

crocdragon89 on July 26, 2006, 10:59:22 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89right!^^ should i design the poster to look like a movie cover?

Weirdo on July 25, 2006, 2:12:59 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoHoly hell, I'm EVER EVER EVER so happy you told me that site. :DDD Katakanas even work in my compy at it! ^___^ I found one site where I learned to write some katakanas, but I can't remember it. v_v

Weirdo on July 24, 2006, 6:32:49 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoOh, I forgot to say that once I have put it up, Kai's sailui can be in that thingy too, since it's quite important for that thingy I wrote..

Weirdo on July 24, 2006, 6:31:26 PM

Weirdo on
Weirdo..Oh. Now I get it. xDD
I amuse myself now..
Holy hell, you learned how to write 'em in katakana?! O.O You are amazing person. Mitrukaryuu or however it's name should write, sounds awesome. And poster-thing too. All sounds awesome.
..If you think mine characters might fit in storyline somehow, of even be needed, I let you use 'em. Wha charries I mean, are listed below:
Tappava & Ase
Me (Me likes being known xDDD Yeah, joking... But you can use me, in just fox form or in beast form too)

I have some ideas you maybe could fit in storyline... I give 'em to you.
Since I am bad at designing evil characters, not even Ase & Tappava are fully evil. There is some good in them, it just needs to get out. And then we get to my idea.
Well, it would go like that Jonny gives Ase & Tappava job that they get Kai and his pets out of his way, since Croc is his main interest, Kai 'just a bit on way'. Since I think Kai would be friend of him no matter Croc can be jerk sometimes. Then, when Ase & Tappava are doing their job, Tappava's tiny goodside comes up in his mind and kinda yells in his ear that he shouldn't do that. But, they end up killing Kai's sailui, BUT after that, Tappava feels like he's done something awfully wrong after it, when he sees when Kai and his other pets find sailui's dead body. he makes himself promise that he will never kill innocent again, and calls Jonny that he has to find someone else to finish the job since they are not going to kill anyone against him 'cause Team Kiuaji is now against to him. Of course Jonny doesn't like that, and now he has two hunters not at his side. Tappava and Ase of course can't even try to talk to Kai, cause he would tear 'em apart only when noticing hunters. Kai somehow gets to know Jonny sent them after him, and is now inside of Malignent mess, in ones who wnat to finish it for good. Tem Kiuaji is at good side, but they have decided not to show up for other good ones. In fight against Malignent, Kai gets somehow in major trouble and is about to die, I thought he would fall down from edge of cliff or something.. But, to prove their honour and clear their name, Tappava and Ase save his life and pull him up. Kai understands now that they are sorry, though it's not easy. They walk back to fight against evil, all at same side.
Phew, I hope this doesn't get cut off. x.x

Weirdo on July 24, 2006, 4:29:13 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoEhehe, I couldn't resist of reading that long comment you gave to Crocdragon89... ^^* And it was AWESOME! Too bad I'm not in crocdargon's inside group so I can't be in those things. xD yeah, I'd like to be. She's my idol and suchlike. O.O your plan was awesome. Oh my I want to see that anime. xD did you get in their group so easily and fast?! I wanna know! xD Yeah, that was halfway joke. But I would like to know how you get that close of my idol... *innocent face*

crocdragon89 on July 23, 2006, 10:41:40 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89dude! that's awseome! better than the movie idea i had planned! i like this one so much better! ^^ you have great ideas!

crocdragon89 on July 22, 2006, 7:53:48 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89that's ok. i understand^^

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on July 19, 2006, 11:12:55 AM

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on
YaoiGoddess_HoshikoAUGH! I'm so sorry I haven't logged in for so long! I've gone to Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Mississippi, Colorado and other places >.< I miss this place! *scratches eyes out* Hee hee...I saw a wittle bat in New Mexico...and I am now obsessed with Tokio Hotel, a german punk band. THE VOCALIST IS MINE!! *sits in front of Bill Kaulitz and hisses*

May lots of curry and Rockman.EXE come your way! I'm off to go plan out how to get a fanletter and a zillion roses to Bill! Schrei so laut du kannst!

crocdragon89 on July 18, 2006, 9:20:18 PM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89how do you do that with your pics, the black outline i mean? it makes your pics nice and neat

Setofan93 on July 18, 2006, 1:19:28 AM

Setofan93 on
Setofan93thanks for the referance ^^

crocdragon89 on July 16, 2006, 4:44:17 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89sure, go ahead.

Weirdo on July 12, 2006, 5:56:14 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoAgain thanks of your comment. ^__^
YAY someone said I'm cool O.O xD

Weirdo on July 10, 2006, 6:27:31 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoThanks about your comment! :DD
BTW, did you notice I maked Kisirani's feet to look like he's walking straight at you? o.o
And now, come outta there boy before you eat her other arm. *gets spike collar and drags him away while he's growling at you like mad*
If you meant what you commented, I really do appreciate it alot. He was meant to look like he wants to rip off some body parts. xp

Weirdo on July 10, 2006, 7:09:58 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoYeah Taro and Tiro got some competition xD And they handle all kinds of beasts, not just zeons. They are really expensive though. xp
Tappava: ..Yeah. *pushes Weirdo out of way* Got some beast probs? We do it. Just tell it, and we'll tell the price, and do the job... *pepsodent evil smile*
Weirdo: *looks annoyed and pushes-or to use right word, kicks-feathered raptor guy out of her way* NOW YOU GET SOMEWHERE ELSE TO ADVERTISE YOU BALCK MARKET HUNTING! START RUNNING OR I'LL CALL COPS! Or... *thinks with evil grin* NO, I'LL BITE YOU AND CAUSE YOU TO GET RABIES! FOR YOU TO KNOW, I DO HAVE RABIES! ASK FROM MY DOCTOR! *growls*
Tappava: Okay okay!! I go! *starts running*

crocdragon89 on July 9, 2006, 3:39:36 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89i was gonna maybe sudggest that before. that's a grea idea! sure!^^

crocdragon89 on July 7, 2006, 9:40:31 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89it's an excellent idea! i love it!

crocdragon89 on July 7, 2006, 5:57:51 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89your welcome. i enjoyed reading it. ok then!^^here's my idea. as you know croc gets seasick. i was wondering if you could make a fic bout it. just your character, croc,and me too. you can take your time. i have pateince. take as long as you want. thanks.^^V

Weirdo on July 6, 2006, 7:38:48 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoOOPS. x) I do always silly little mistakes. Well, I hope that doesn't bother anyone too much... Laughing to it is okay, but if it bothers someone, it makes me sad.

SoaringKitty on June 30, 2006, 1:16:20 PM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyOh, and I have a DeviantART account.

I'm also Psychotic-Neon.

SoaringKitty on June 30, 2006, 1:15:41 PM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyIs it me, or are you slightly obsessed with Dark Blues?

Weirdo on June 27, 2006, 5:56:01 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoMe: Oh. I noticed yor comments on my pics of Ray and Raze now.. -.-'' Oh well, thanks anyway, nice comments make me feel good! ^_____^
Ray: ...Er.. WTF? Me? SEXY?! ARE YOU INSANE!? AHH!! *escapes*
Raze: *looks at his brother with 'you dumb little @$$'-look* Nah. He doesn't get girls yet. But.. Someone actually said... Handsome?! ME?! THANKS! *falls from his chair*
Me: ..Yeah. *grabs Raze and puts him back to his chair* Those 'bio pics', as I call first pic of an character, are pretty old, and todays I can make loads better work. But thanks anyway, when someone likes even my old work, I really do appreciate it! :D And about Raze's name... It's pronounced 'Ray-ze'.

Weirdo on June 27, 2006, 5:30:31 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoAgain thanks of your comment! ^^ Yes they are blood. Your comment is much appreciated, no matter I have no idea do I spell 'appreciated' wrong, really wrong or correctly... xD

Weirdo on June 26, 2006, 6:16:44 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoThanks about your comment, it's much appreciated! :D

crocdragon89 on June 16, 2006, 2:36:52 PM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89sorry i haven't replied so quickly! anyway sure you can posts those pictures up as your fav anime characters as zeons! oh and your pictures are very well done! i love em. i have a question do you use photoshop to color your pictures if so how do you shade?

SoaringKitty on June 12, 2006, 2:53:01 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyBoxer Wiggle 'o' doom

Yotsuba on June 6, 2006, 2:46:00 AM

Yotsuba on
Yotsubahey I should have new pic's on tonight come look at them

SoaringKitty on June 3, 2006, 3:18:30 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyCheck out my new av and pictures!

crocdragon89 on May 26, 2006, 11:29:51 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89i just wanna know if you want me to do a request for you? you never ask yet you adore my picture so much. i'd be happy to do so. make a list. i don't care! ^___^

crocdragon89 on April 15, 2006, 1:53:39 AM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89hey! that's what i was thinkin' when i'm older i'm plannin on making croc an anime^^ i want croc to have richard coxs voice. i think it fits him perfectly^___^ what do you think? hey want me to do a request for you? i don't think i ever drawn anything for you...

SoaringKitty on February 27, 2006, 8:40:49 PM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyWhen is Megaman coming back? Do you at least know of another channel that shows it? Huhhuhhuh?

crocdragon89 on February 27, 2006, 1:48:40 PM

crocdragon89 on
crocdragon89thank you for your comment. i appreiate it.^^

SoaringKitty on February 4, 2006, 12:03:08 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyI joined Gaia! Tis fun!

SoaringKitty on January 26, 2006, 4:10:44 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyThanks, that really made my day, which has been a really crummy one.

In my first class, someone steals my ONLY calculator. It's black and gray and has a standard screen, but with the fancy buttons that no one uses. Ms. Golas, the teacher, has 20 REALLy nice graphing calculators that also have fancy buttons that no one uses, but hers are more fun because you can type and create graphs with them. I am not the most popular girl, nor am I the best at dancing, hip-hop, pop, or rap. I am nowhere near the prettiest. I think someone pulled a prank on me because no one at school likes me. None of my friends are in my classes.

Sound fishy?

SoaringKitty on January 25, 2006, 8:44:05 PM

SoaringKitty on

SaitoEXE on January 11, 2006, 11:49:23 PM

SaitoEXE on
SaitoEXEYeah. I sent you an e-mail about hi5. Just wanted to gather random people and friends over there so we can hang out and schtuff xD. You dun need to join if you don't want to.


SoaringKitty on January 8, 2006, 8:52:11 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyGoodies, you're on. If you need a bishie, try Tomohakman.

SoaringKitty on December 23, 2005, 6:24:15 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyIn theory, does a vampire only get blood from the neck, or can they bite sexual organs instead?

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on December 22, 2005, 1:08:23 AM

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on
YaoiGoddess_HoshikoO.K.! I got the pic uploaded and it's being approved! You'll love it ^^

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on December 22, 2005, 12:40:16 AM

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on
YaoiGoddess_HoshikoOh, you're welcome ^^ I'm working on that picture right now X3

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on December 21, 2005, 12:35:36 PM

YaoiGoddess_Hoshiko on
YaoiGoddess_HoshikoHewwo! I'm making a giftart for you ^^ Me and you as neko youkai in Dark Soul Blues-themed swimsuits X3

SoaringKitty on December 13, 2005, 4:03:31 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyThis boy at school said Megaman wasn't coming back on for another year. :(

Please say it isn't so.

SoaringKitty on December 12, 2005, 4:32:18 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyThey took it off! Megaman is gone!

SoaringKitty on December 10, 2005, 7:44:58 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyYou're on the air. Talk to me.

No seriously. Talk to me. I'm lonely.

SoaringKitty on December 10, 2005, 7:30:24 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittySci-lab and friends drinking whisky and rye;
Singing this'll be the day Dark Blues dies...
This'll be the dayDark Blues dies...


SoaringKitty on December 10, 2005, 7:26:58 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyThe day, the music (Dark Blues) died......
Singing Bye-bye, Mister Dark Blues!
Tried to steal the 'puter but the 'puter was fried.....

Thats all I got so far.

Ziggurat-chan on December 10, 2005, 6:12:05 AM

Ziggurat-chan on
Ziggurat-chan TAG YOUR IT!!!! this is so scary. send this to 15 people in the next 143 mins. when you are done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters. this is scary cuz it works!!!! if you break the chain you will have problems with relationships for the next 5 years NO SEND BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ziggurat-chan on November 25, 2005, 3:42:31 AM

Ziggurat-chan on
Ziggurat-chanthanks for the comment!

Sailor_InuyashaMon on November 22, 2005, 1:02:04 AM

Sailor_InuyashaMon on
Sailor_InuyashaMonHeh, thanx o the comment to my story untitled randomness! *hugs*

Nice gallery! & profile pic! lol

Youkai_exe807 on November 7, 2005, 6:53:49 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Well, the only reason I'm giving Enzan a death threat is because this; HE'S GONNA KILL DARK BLUES! DARK BLUES IS GONNA DIE AFTER THIS! *Takes out rusty mace* DON'T WORRY! I'M COMMING TO SAVE YOU, DARK BLUES! *Runs off to rescue my bishi*

SoaringKitty on November 7, 2005, 6:43:50 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyYou voilent demon navi hugging artist!

Protofan108 on October 20, 2005, 7:29:41 AM

Protofan108 on
Protofan108lol Hey there thanks for the comment I looked at a few of your art and u r really good!!! ^_^ LOL yeah Protoman is awsome!!!!!
Protoman: Too many fan girls!!! *runs away*
Me: O_o Wow that was ooc

SaitoEXE on October 19, 2005, 7:27:19 AM

SaitoEXE on
SaitoEXETook me long to enough to say this but I'm watching you because you watched me ^^; Sorry if I posted this later than usual. Anyways, you may get one gift art since you watched me ^^ What will it be? I'm guessing you and D. Blues ne?

~H. Saito

CodeCrush on October 15, 2005, 8:05:18 AM

CodeCrush on
CodeCrushThanks for commenting on my Mina pic. She does look really cute to me and i even did it in clas time in 2 or 4 period.

Fluffybunny on October 14, 2005, 6:15:12 AM

Fluffybunny on
Fluffybunnythanks for commenting on my pic!

SoaringKitty on October 9, 2005, 1:53:08 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyI left a picture on the forums Critique Panel, only no one's critiqueing on it. So, you think you might be able to find it and critique it?

SoaringKitty on October 9, 2005, 1:50:37 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyYeah, I know it got deleted. Who do you think did it? I did. Yesterday morning when I apologized, I went to my profile discovered it had gotten submitted, only it was broken. So I deleted it. Don't worry about it. It was too crappy for you anyways.

SoaringKitty on October 8, 2005, 1:29:00 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyI am SOOOOOOOO sorry I didn't get my picture in for the contest. I would have had it in by nine, I swear, if the internet hadn't crashed on my. But you know what? To make it up to you, I'm going to work extra hard on this picture and even give it a background and stuff. But it will still have you on your throne with D-Blues bound and gagged in front of you. So, I'm really sorry I didn't get it in.

Youkai_exe807 on October 8, 2005, 1:25:18 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807I now declare the contest to be finished! Thank you for everyone's entrys!

SaitoEXE on October 2, 2005, 10:49:56 AM

SaitoEXE on
SaitoEXEThank you so much for watching me XD

~H. Saito

CodeCrush on October 2, 2005, 3:39:02 AM

CodeCrush on
CodeCrushYay, you're a Megaman fan right? To me, i'm a huge one all right. (I can tell that you might be one becuz you have so many art of Megaman, while i am on the other subject on Megaman. The X series!) anyway, i like your art alot! They rock becuz it's the one and only Megaman!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry, i'm a bit of a crazy 12 year old girl who loves Megaman and plays alot of Megaman games as well.)

SoaringKitty on September 19, 2005, 1:35:37 PM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyya know, if your suffering arist block, you could draw Enzan plushie 2.0

Just saying ^_~

SoaringKitty on September 15, 2005, 10:18:34 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyYeah, I'm trying to work on a pic for you contest, but its not going well.............

Hows it going? VashuSama and I are gonna make ourselves Megaman characters, and we're gonna be twins! *gasp* Maybe we can TRIPLETS! Cool!

NicNic on September 15, 2005, 7:42:40 AM

NicNic on
NicNichey lol^^ thanx for the comment lol!

Youkai_exe807 on September 15, 2005, 12:50:00 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Hey, Youkai-Chan Speaking! I'm still at school, but I am able to stay in touch with this awesome site. Wanna know how? I'll tell you but please; Don't get jelous...

My school gives each student (4th,5th and 6th Grade only) an iBook. Wich happens to have internet axess(Typo =_=). I'll be comenting!

Youkai_exe807 on September 14, 2005, 10:08:55 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Hey, Megaman fans! Did you see tonights episode of Megaman Axess? >_< I was expecting episode 29... Still, I did something realy silly:

I recorded the sound on the TV, WITHOUT the animation...Silly me...XD Well, I hope Sunday will air the episode. It better... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Note to self: Episode showed flashbacks of Ep. 27. Protoman was scary when he was screaming in pain...eep.

VashuSama4276 on September 9, 2005, 12:53:13 PM

VashuSama4276 on
VashuSama4276AH HA!!!! I too hate.....the demon they call Ace Bunny. We must stop him before its too late......its gonna suck if they get rid of megaman. STUPID NON ANIME CARTOON SHOWS THAT TAKE OVER THE WB!!!!! And also, im joining ur contest! MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....srry. ^_~

Big_Pimpin_Domo on September 6, 2005, 8:34:49 AM

Big_Pimpin_Domo on

Youkai_exe807 on September 5, 2005, 5:10:02 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Yeah, I did. It's so obvious(typo!) but he didn't know??

*Grumbles in anger because Dark Blues wasn't in the episode* >_

SoaringKitty on September 5, 2005, 1:09:25 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyDid you see Lan freaking out over Maysa being Commander Beef?

It was so funny and cute!
I wuv chibi Lan.

Youkai_exe807 on September 3, 2005, 5:55:52 AM

Youkai_exe807 on


SoaringKitty on September 2, 2005, 10:45:31 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyThis is akward.... I don't know your real name..... Mine's Elizabeth, but people call me Lizzy for fear of having their spleen mounted on my wall.

Neko_Amber on September 1, 2005, 6:09:36 AM

Neko_Amber on
Neko_Amberthanks for the comment

SoaringKitty on August 25, 2005, 10:57:19 PM

SoaringKitty on

SoaringKitty on August 23, 2005, 11:31:32 PM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyWhats up this morning? I've just been waiting not-so-patiently for Saturday.

SoaringKitty on August 21, 2005, 11:47:43 PM

SoaringKitty on

I went overboard with your shoes. But you're holding a DarkBlues plushie so its all worth it.

KanolaGirl on August 21, 2005, 4:07:09 PM

KanolaGirl on
KanolaGirlHey ^_^ Thanks for the comment ^.^ Just thought I'd drop by and tell you that my "Edward Elric" picture has been finished and uploaded ^_^ (on page two of my piccys) ^_^

SoaringKitty on August 17, 2005, 3:31:14 AM

SoaringKitty on

Youkai_exe807 on August 16, 2005, 3:01:11 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Whoops. What i mean by Anthro cat is that i mean Neko Blues. Gomen Nasai for the confusion ^_^;;(please don't kill me)! Oh, I saw your new bio. Awsome! (hehe... Death by Delevery truck...XD)But i guess we could be friends ^-^;; i am pretty shy when it comes to stuf like this...BTW, Keep up your awesome work!

SoaringKitty on August 16, 2005, 12:51:46 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyPS: About the text in red.... Who's the anthro cat? Me?

SoaringKitty on August 16, 2005, 12:49:54 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKitty*sees new profile pic* I like school food.Some of it anyways... Hey, did you see my new profile pic? Sal rocks!

hellpoemer on August 14, 2005, 6:12:29 PM

hellpoemer on
hellpoemerHey Youkai

Just wanted to drop by, see your gallery. And I like your stuff! Your style is so nice and clean and fun to look at! Yeah you rock!!

Ok bye and keep up the good work!

Youkai_exe807 on August 14, 2005, 4:54:10 AM

Youkai_exe807 on

Of course I could make you one! (I am not so good at drawing male chibis, but i will try!)

thestranger on August 14, 2005, 4:43:53 AM

thestranger on
thestrangerhahahaahahhhahahh! holy crap that bio is hilarious! you'r a total RIOT! you are my fav artist(big-fat-duh,your pic are great)can you make me a bio li that?(i'll email the specs)

SoaringKitty on August 7, 2005, 11:18:36 PM

SoaringKitty on

Warning! It burns like hell!

Neko_Amber on August 7, 2005, 2:19:10 AM

Neko_Amber on
Neko_Amberthanks so much for the comment!!

SoaringKitty on July 31, 2005, 10:49:34 AM

SoaringKitty on
Er... hope you don't kill me...

Darkmasterbabe on July 23, 2005, 1:47:57 PM

Darkmasterbabe on
Darkmasterbabethe anime itself is pretty good but. The character outside of the game who plays as tsukasa in the game is a girl ..

Darkmasterbabe on July 23, 2005, 1:45:43 PM

Darkmasterbabe on
Darkmasterbabeuh actually it was naraku himself that framed inuyasha. to steal. the. jewel shard from. kikyo

SoaringKitty on July 21, 2005, 6:01:54 AM

SoaringKitty on
SoaringKittyHey, since you are a big fan of Megaman, Wanna be my friend?

sora_RIKU_12 on July 19, 2005, 12:07:47 AM

sora_RIKU_12 on
sora_RIKU_12hi thanks for the comment on my pic!!!!!!! o^.^o

hao_addict on July 18, 2005, 11:16:58 PM

hao_addict on
hao_addicthello!! i am ko!! anyways!! nice meetin
ya!! i hope that you like shaman king
as well!!


punkrocker on July 18, 2005, 10:49:53 AM

punkrocker on


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