Zoriah's Profile
Zoriah's Profile

Username | Zoriah | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | Ostia | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Tactician | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 12 | |
# Comments Given | 727 |
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the_ramen_noodle made this for me!! Isn't he awesome!!
WHAT WOAH. I JUST RETURNED. what has it been....year or two?
yeah, this art is...lacking in quality. time to smack it with the 2 by 4 of updating
I do art trades peeplos kk thx?
Please do descriptions, Or a picture of the person(s) would help to, even a link to the pics. Just leave it on my profile. Tell me if you want it an EXACT way! TWO AT A TIME PLZ.

WHAT WOAH. I JUST RETURNED. what has it been....year or two?
yeah, this art is...lacking in quality. time to smack it with the 2 by 4 of updating
I do art trades peeplos kk thx?
Please do descriptions, Or a picture of the person(s) would help to, even a link to the pics. Just leave it on my profile. Tell me if you want it an EXACT way! TWO AT A TIME PLZ.

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KyosGirl on August 6, 2006, 2:59:38 AM
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Qing on August 6, 2006, 2:04:35 AM
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KyoxTohru95 on August 5, 2006, 6:48:48 AM
KyoxTohru95 on

(exact words) put on Beserk, MP Rage, MP Haste, and Trinity Limit. First attack him with Trinity then use Beserk immediatly afterwards. When he teleports, quickly run away. Dodge him intil he uses the big sword combo, then press triangle as soon as it appears to block it and leave him open. Next, use Trinity on him, or if you do not have your MP back, keep attacking him with Beserk. Make sure to hit him when he says "Sin Harvest." Note: The Ultima Weapon helps alot.
It is recommended that you be at level 85 in order to get the Second Chance ability; however, it is possible to do it at level 65 when you get the Beserk Charge. The abilities you should equip are Guard, Finishing Leap, Retaliating Slash, Guard Break, all Aerial abilities, Once More, Defender, Finishing Plus, and Beserk Charge. Item Boost, both Combo and Aerial Combo Boostare also recommended. Your armor and accessories do not make a difference in this battle. Make sure to fill all your item slots with Hi-Potions, as Elixirs will just be a waste. Set your short-cuts with Hi-Potion, Cure, Reflect, and any other command. Sephiroth has eight attcks, all of which are possible to didge and counter-attack. The first attack is Dash attack. Simply block it with the Reaction command. His Sword Combo can be blocked by using Guard or by running away and counter-attacking when he finishes. His third attack is the Upward Slash. You can either Guard it or get hit and use Retaliating Slash before he can begin a combo. His Dark Orb attack can be dodged by either attacking them or by using Reflect. The Flame attack can only be dodged by running away. If you get close you will be sucked in and thrown to the other side. His trademark attack, Sin Harvest, causes alot of damage. You can either hit him before he gets too high or ready a well timed Cure of Hi-Potion. After he used Sin Harvest he always goes directly into a Dash attack. The seventh attack is his second trademark attack, Meteor. The only way to dodge it is to jump left and right. If you get hit, use the Aerial Recovery and continue dodging. His last attack is an upgraded version of his Sword Combo. It can be blocked the same way, but you cannot run from it. Note: If you get down to his last bar, make sure you have MP, as you can only win with a finishing combo.
It is recommended that you be at level 65 or higher. For a weapon, equip Ultima Weapon. For abilities, equip Guard, Retaliating Slash, Slide Dash, Explosion, Aerial Sweep, Aerial Finish, Counter Guard, High Jump, Aerial Dodge, Beserk Charge, Leaf Bracer, 2 MP Rages, Second Chance, Once More, and optionally Trinity Limit and Scan. For items, equip lots of Elixirs and Hi-Potions. Sephiroth will start with a move that slashes through you. You must use the action command to dodge it. If you did this, he will be left open for a free combo or two. When he teleports and knocks you into the air, use Retaliating Slashfor a few hits on him. When he charges at you swinging his sword, use Guard until he is done, then attack him. Note: Make sure to block this because it takes away about three quarters of your HP. When you have taken a few HP bars off him, he will send blue spheres around you. Destroy them quickly because Sephiroth while charge you and the spheres will hit you. This is where High Jump and Aerial Dodge are useful. He will eventually float up in the air and say "Heartless Angel." Double jump and attack him quickly. This move takes out all your MP and all except 1 HP (if you put on Second Chance/Once More). Make sure to block it. Also, be careful about fire pillars. When you have taken hime down to three or four HP bars he will shoot down lots of meteors at you. Make your way towords him and attack. You will eventually kill him. Make sure to use Curaga and items sparingly and only when really needed.
Well..... i hope this helped, if not, oh well! i tried. and now my fingers hurt from trying!
KyoxTohru95 on August 5, 2006, 5:58:47 AM
KyoxTohru95 on
Qing on August 5, 2006, 5:56:27 AM
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KyoxTohru95 on August 5, 2006, 5:53:18 AM
KyoxTohru95 on
KyoxTohru95 on August 5, 2006, 5:49:18 AM
KyoxTohru95 on
Qing on August 5, 2006, 5:47:24 AM
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KyoxTohru95 on August 5, 2006, 5:46:29 AM
KyoxTohru95 on
KyoxTohru95 on August 5, 2006, 5:42:11 AM
KyoxTohru95 on