bobbathon_the_sexy_penguin's Profile
bobbathon_the_sexy_penguin's Profile

Username | bobbathon_the_sexy_penguin | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | i dont know... its all just a blur... | |
Last Updated | Occupation | none | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 0 | |
# Comments Given | 117 |
Member Info
Member Info
Hi!!!! Im kasey!!! or Clara if you wanna call me that. i am probably the CRAZIEST person you will ever meet. Yes, I bite. Ask BlackHawkDown47. She is my only friend besides purplerose92 on FAC. ^~^ so sad. I get hyper VERY easily. especially when eating... just about any sugary substance. I have a tendancy to say random things. I have a prophecy:
One day, in the far future, Yaoi Pengins and ferbies will rule the world and Puff will be their leader. Larry the cable guy will be at their side on his sexy tractor!!!!!! They will bring the human race to an end under Puff's rein. The bunnies, very sadly, will be killed by chainsaw! And God will kill a kitten every time someone masturbates!! Dont kill the kittens!!!!!!
Heres some more stuff about me!!!:
I belong in a straight jacket. i also belong in a padded truck. the truck is headed for a loony bin that i call GA Reigional. That is where they shall put me in a solitary padded room so that they can be protected from my phsycotic spasms and biting. they are probabally going to tie my mouth shut so that i can not bite any thing but the straw that i slurp my soup out of because thay dont wanna take the mouth restraint off because they are afraid that i am going to bite them and threaten the backup ppl to bite them if they dont let me free!!!! which is about right because toes are not very good at handling a knife so yes i shall do that!!! my plan is complete!!! but first i have to find a way to get this damn muzzle off!!! dammit!! that ruins it!! ill be stuck here forever!!!!!! urgh!!! that frikin sucks!! that pisses me off!!!!
I look like:
Hair: Mid-back length and reddish brown straight
Eyes: Very dark brown
I am Puerto Rican!!! I now have a boyfriend!!!!!
Fav. Outfit: Army Boyshorts and black On A Mission shirt complete with black duckie socks and black and bue vans.
Boyfriends [ex ()= not yet]:5
Spencer, Michael, Joey, Jonathon, Joe (BJ makes 6!!)
New BoyFriend:
BJ Carpenter!!!
Oh, yes, and a HUGE WHOO HOO!! to:
They all are GREAT artists and authors!!!
3 sisters!!!
Amber... ANNOYING!!!!!
Alyssa... cute and annoying
Favorite Artists/Authors
BlackHawkDown47 (i really wish you could see her work! too bad her scanner doesnt work for her at least. it doesnt like her)
and many more that i cant think of!!!!..... at the moment!
Bunny Rabbits [hop hop] all cuddly [hop hop] and when you touch them [hop hop] they HOP HOP HOP!!!! [hop three times at the same time you say HOP HOP HOP at the end!]
Id like to accuire (sp.?) friends on FAC so BEFRIEND me!!!... please?
naw.. jus kidding! but it would be nice to have more than 3 friends!
talking on phone
trying to escape from my straight jacket and break out of this LOONY BIN!!!!!
and listening to music:
favorite artists: ( CAPITAL LETTERS indicate favorites)
Avril Lavigne
Fallout Boy
Tim McGraw
Trace Adkins
Gretchin Wilson
Toby Keith
Tim Wilson
Big N Rich
RAscal Flatts
and some more that I cant think of....
Fav. Songs:
Id Do any thing
My Alien
Stacey's Mom
Barbie Girl
Take Me Away
He Wasnt
How Does it Feel
My Happy Ending
Nobody's Home
Who KNows
Fall T Peices
Freak Out
Slipped Away
Im Back
My Humps
How Do You get that lonely
I miss you
Let Me Hold You
I believe in a thing called love
Cater 2 U
Going Under
Bring Me To Life
Every body's fool
Dare you to move
What hurts the most
and ALOT more....
NO MORE ROXY EVERY AGAIN I GOT HER OUT OF ME SOMEHOW!!!!!!!! SO NOW I JUST HAVE MY MIND TO MYSELF!!!! AHH THE FREEDOM!!!!! WELL IM OFF TO EAT HAPPY CRACK!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! I AM LOVED!!!!!!!!! (recently my boyfriend gave me a box of chocolate for no reason and sed he loves me!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!)
"Surly the Heavens Declare the Glory of God. The Open Skies Proclaim the work of His hands. They never stop putting His Knowledge on this place. Throughout the night and through the day. Listen to the stars sing. People, People, surely the Lord lives. People,People Heaven and earth are His. People People, Lift your souls in wonder (in wonder)We are the stars and if we're to shine,something something...The King I alive!!!! The King Is alive! yeahhh..." -just a little bit from my favorite song by Downhere, the most awsome Christian music band, the song is called Starspin. its am wasome song and an even awsomer band that sings about the most awsome thing in the world: Our Lord, Savior, and King: Jesus Christ!!! You should check it out!!!
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orangegirl on December 16, 2005, 7:24:10 AM
orangegirl on
orangegirl on December 15, 2005, 12:08:36 PM
orangegirl on
The_Swayz on December 15, 2005, 10:46:25 AM
The_Swayz on
PurpleRose92 on December 15, 2005, 10:46:01 AM
PurpleRose92 on

Me:Oh no you don't!*grabs her*You're with Duke,remember.*turns around and sees Duke*I think he just saw that whole thing.*Duke runs off*
Sam:Duke,wait!*runs after him*
MeO.O I have a feeling I missed alot.Oh,well!I get to date Zane.*glomps Zane*
The_Swayz on December 15, 2005, 9:58:29 AM
The_Swayz on
PurpleRose92 on December 15, 2005, 9:56:18 AM
PurpleRose92 on
The_Swayz on December 15, 2005, 9:48:19 AM
The_Swayz on
The_Swayz on December 15, 2005, 9:46:17 AM
The_Swayz on
PurpleRose92 on December 15, 2005, 9:27:15 AM
PurpleRose92 on
btw, im happy too!! idk y though O.o lmao!