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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results.
Submitted July 30, 2007 Updated September 2, 2007 Status Incomplete Chapters: 12 Size: 53k Words: 11,268 Comments: 26 Views: 3,294 Faves: 7 Rating: 1 | I story about a girl, Angelalie and a new guy she met, Jakaspher and a horrible secert she descovers about him. What will happen? And what is the horrible, yet intrugingly deadly secert? Read and find out. |
Submitted February 26, 2006 Updated February 28, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 3 Size: 8k Words: 1,860 Comments: 15 Views: 1,664 Faves: 1 Rating: 0 | these are jokes my dad told me. there a shaggy dog joke meanining it can go on for a long time I want to hear what anyone who reads these jokes to tell me what thay thought of them please:D tell these jokes to your friends!
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