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i_luv_jin's Profile

i_luv_jin's Profile
i_luv_jin's avatar
Username i_luv_jin Gender Female
Date Joined Location UK
Last Updated Occupation Student
Last visit # Pictures 317
# Comments Given1462

Member Info

Member Info
i_luv_jin's picture
My name is Rachel, I am 19, and I love anime/manga. I am in my second year of a 3 year degree in media at university and I hate it. I'm living in York which is possibly the most boring city in the world. I also have the worst housemates in the world who are, at this moment, obstructing my view of Rave Master >:( My favourite anime changes every now and again. At the minute it's Gravitation. I just love Ryuichi Sakuma ^_^ schmoo!! Saiyuki is another of my favourites though, that was my first manga collection. I love Gojyo and Sanzo. I tend to like really anti social moody characters, they're definately the best when they have an attitude.
I generally hate people. Every now and again I will find someone I like but generally people just piss me off. Anime is my world and I stay in my own little world for as long as I possibly can. I love tattoos too. I have 5 one of which is Sora from Kingdom Hearts. It's an amazing game!
I love TV too. Well I suppose I should considering that I'm doing a film and TV production course. However the course is crap and I'm slowly giving up on that whole idea. Haven't got a clue what I want to do really *sigh* still...
I don't do boyfriends either. I did once, before I decided that they're just too much bother. I never get on well enough with people. I do like playing practical jokes on people though. Especially my crappy housemates!
Oh and I love the words POO and SOUP, oh and HIDEOUS! I say them all the time. YAY!! xxx


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Comments (454)

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Bean on July 18, 2006, 6:16:51 AM

Bean on
Beanon't laugh at this! Just do it!

Start thinking something you really really want, cause this is
astounding. the person that sent this to me said their wish came true 10
mins after they read the mail so I thought what the heck.



You have just been visited by Dr.Suess's Cat in the Hat. He will grant
one wish.
Make your wish when the count down is over.








3 ..




Send this to 10 people within the hour you read this.
If you do, your wish will come true! . If you don't it will become the

hieiluva on July 15, 2006, 11:46:02 AM

hieiluva on
hieiluvaHey I thought of anotyher guy you could draw me with River freom IGPX( My fave anime guy). Thanks lots ^-^

Yukina-chun on July 15, 2006, 3:00:58 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunHey it's Yukina-chun!!! I was wonderin' if you could draw me Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto...

Twister on July 12, 2006, 8:53:39 AM

Twister on
Twister......... , . - . - , _ , .......
......... ) ` - . .> ' `( .......
........ / . . . .`.. . . .. ........
........ |. . . . . |. . .| .........
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................. || _.-'| ..........
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.... |.. |.. , . ||/ ...............
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... '-...'-._....||/ ..............
........ >_.-`Y| ...............
............. , _|| ..............
............... ..|| ..............
................. || ..............
................. || ..............
................. |/ ..............

You're supposed to send this to your friends, if you get a dozen you got lots of friends, so here you go!

cyborg_katyuska on July 11, 2006, 4:26:32 PM

cyborg_katyuska on
cyborg_katyuskaI will draw one of them warriors. ^-^ Might take a while though. Bye.

cyborg_katyuska on July 10, 2006, 4:33:55 PM

cyborg_katyuska on
cyborg_katyuskaCan you draw me my character Mai/real person. Here are some links to different peoples work of her:

Ok, tell me what you want me to draw and if you can draw her. ^^

Blaze666 on July 10, 2006, 11:55:21 AM

Blaze666 on
Blaze666Never heard of him... is he a hottie?!?!?

cyborg_katyuska on July 6, 2006, 5:29:10 AM

cyborg_katyuska on
cyborg_katyuskaHi. Could we do an art trade, please? Let me know.

Blaze666 on July 1, 2006, 12:16:58 PM

Blaze666 on
Blaze666Just stoppin in 2 say hi!!!

Escariot on June 30, 2006, 5:30:29 AM

Escariot on
EscariotHey Rach!! How's you?!! It's Ruth here, My old profile broke dammit!! I couldn't upload any pics or stuff, and denis said it was because of the new site n stuff. So I made a new profile!! How have you been? I haven't heard from you in ages!!! I shall email you later in fact to ask you properly!! Toodles!!



Shuichi Yamamoto - battle outfit

Shuichi Yamamoto - battle outfit

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