reverse0seneral0kayce's Profile
reverse0seneral0kayce's Profile

Username | reverse0seneral0kayce | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | Canada | |
Last Updated | Occupation | student | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 5 | |
# Comments Given | 59 |
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Member Info

YESS...heyy.. yeah, i'm CATEEUH even though my name is spelt Katya but w/e. JUST CALL ME KAT! anywaze... i'm probably not at all who u think i am. I'm different yet the same, i'm mean yet SUPER NICE! i'm annoying yet i get annoyed, i'm sad yet happy i'm childish yet-.....yeah...i'm just childish XD i'm SUUUUPER IMMMATURE!!! but that's okay! =]. i try to get along with everyone and if i hate u, u'll prolly never know! MY FRIENDS R BETTER THEN U!!! go cry bout it.... ya see....MEAN!!! ah well... i used to hate life cause it was totally screwing with me, and yess i used to cut (not something people like to announce to the public... but i tend to know wut i'm talking about wen it comes to things like thiss. NOW...yeah...if ur super emo and depressed and hate ur life and want to commit suicide please dun talk to me cause honestly UR NOT WORTH MY TIME! i've been through enough of that already and i dun need someone bringin me back to all the depression! IF UR SUPER HAPPY AND LOVE BRIGHT COLOURS AND R TOTALLY RANDOM AND COOOOL... then we shud all have A GIANT TEA PARTY!!! yesss...super! favorite colour is yellow and MY SECOND is green! they r better then u! stuff like Paisley, Linkin Park, Evanescence, The Hush Sound, Flyleaf and all...i'm starting to get addicted to myspace which is why i'm writing like i would if i were on right now! which depends on wen u read thiss -_- ha...YEAH....and now the art...i like art and i luv to draw and write but sometimes i get lazy with posting things on here... and beside...i hardly ever get comments...i hate wen people just look at a picture AND THEY REALLY LIKE IT but they dun say anything about it...drives me CRAZY! GOD DARNIT PEOPLE COMMENT MY PICTURES..its the only reason i haven't been posting any...U WON"T COMMENT!!! ummm...if u have something bad to say bout my picture...go right on ahead and say it, honesty is better then lies that can potentially embarass the hell outta u! IF U HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME AS A PERSON then...CONGRADULATIONS...shud i care??? wud u like a sticker? =] nywaze...yeah...BYE
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Diomondcookie9 on October 10, 2006, 7:36:47 AM
Diomondcookie9 on October 10, 2006, 7:19:30 AM
The_wonderfully_evil_Hubert on August 31, 2006, 10:07:17 AM
cyberkitten on August 29, 2006, 8:22:32 PM
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cyberkitten on August 29, 2006, 2:37:02 PM
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cyberkitten on August 27, 2006, 6:44:12 PM
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Starlene on August 27, 2006, 2:17:31 PM
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Starlene on August 26, 2006, 3:32:13 PM
Starlene on
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