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videogamerx's Profile

videogamerx's Profile
videogamerx's avatar
Username videogamerx Gender Female
Date Joined Location in your garbage.
Last Updated Occupation 10 yr old artist + student
Last visit # Pictures 52
# Comments Given351

Member Info

Member Info
i like secret of mana, breath of fire, teen titans, final fantasy, and harry potter. the pairings i support in them are:

som= purim(the girl)xrandi(the boy) and poipie(the sprite)xluna
bof= ninaxryu and bleuxjean
som2= angelaxduran and lisexhawk
tt= ravenxrobin, bbxterra and cyxjinx or star
1/4/05 wee!! ive got my own homepage!!! ^^

my freinds on this site are: topaz, aielta_locked_for_sora, raventt87, nevermore, roxy, akuryou and ravens_bad_side. if youd like to be my friend, just ask!^^ and i do requests too! i dont do yaoi, yuri, hentai or gore, though. my fave charrie in tt is raven, as im sure you aaaaaaaaaaaall know, and in bof i think ryu is hot >_> oooooh im jealous of nina >:( and nina is meh fave charrie in bof and darkserpant knows that :)


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Comments (53)

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Topaz on March 1, 2005, 9:29:46 AM

Topaz on
TopazHey, 'gamerx!!! ^^ In response to your comment on my story... yeah, I've heard that Trigon was the son of Satan, too. I guess I kinda forgot about it when I was planning my fic... oops... ^^' Ah, well, not much I can do about it now. ^_^ I'm glad you like my story, though! Thanks for the comments!

shady on March 1, 2005, 2:43:45 AM

shady on
shadyYay! I have a new fwiend! ^^ and here's a lil info about me... Yay 4 me!
Name: Shannon
Nickname: Shady (Prefered to be called by this name)
Age: 15 (Be 16 on March 30th ^^)
Likes: Teen Titans, South Park, Invader ZIM, A.T.H.F, Family guy, Happy Tree Friends, horsies, my fwiends, being different, being high on life, SOBE!, drawing, writing and music! WEE
Fav Band: Atreyu, The Used and Underoath
Dislikes: Preps...that's pretty much it!
Fav color: Blk and either Blood Red or Midnight Purple..haven't decided quite yet.
Disliked color: Pink! bright! It burns!.......
Yeah, I'm a weirdo! ^^ I'm glad to meet another RobinXRaven fan. I'm a huge fan of that couple (if you haven't noticed by my pics lol) Your art rox, keep up the great work!
~*Luvinz ur muffin, Shady*~

-3 on February 27, 2005, 3:18:14 AM

-3 on
-3 *giggle* He he he, thanks. ^_^ Alot of people hate Rae/Star, but I'm a fateful supporter! XD Glad you didn't flame. :)

Servant_of_Infinity on February 6, 2005, 1:02:50 PM

Servant_of_Infinity on
Servant_of_InfinityOh almost forgot to tell ya soon as I get a scanner I will be able to post my art! It is a pensil work on paper! Plz don't be mad at me! Sorry for trouble! :D

Servant_of_Infinity on February 6, 2005, 12:58:27 PM

Servant_of_Infinity on
Servant_of_InfinityHey Videogamerx! This is a personal coment to you! I appologise for something offensive I said and I don't want a person to be mad at me for the painfull words that I said but I didn't mean to! Plz forgive me if you can! I hope we will be friends in future! ^___^ Thx anyway! Servant_of_Infinity!

LilAznKit on February 6, 2005, 6:41:40 AM

LilAznKit on
LilAznKitHiya!! So your ten? Pretty good at ms Paint for your age. When I drew on paint when I was 10, I.. kinda... well, i don't wanna make myself sound stupid... hm... sucked? XD Anywayz, wanna do an art trade?

Nate_Sindel on February 6, 2005, 12:59:01 AM

Nate_Sindel on
Nate_SindelThanks for the comments on my TT fics, more are coming, just gotta draw them. It's always good to see another Raven/Robin supporter, and "Birthmark" most definately confirmed that Raven has feelings for Robin, although they are somewhat repressed. You're drawings are pretty good, just keep on keeping on and they will get better. Look at me, I started with stick figures.

Breanimation on February 2, 2005, 12:20:49 AM

Breanimation on
BreanimationGee, I,m real sorry about the comment. I didn,t mean to hurt your feelings. I was just sayin' that u r getting better(compared 2 your old pic)! I don't wanna be enemies or anything, so I am gonna erase the bad comment. Sorry

NeverMore on January 29, 2005, 5:16:02 AM

NeverMore on
NeverMoreHey! I drew your request.

roxy on January 22, 2005, 7:28:36 AM

roxy on
roxyyay i have a new friend im very hyper . um i love TT to there awesome my fav titan is Robin and star. and i love the pic on your profile i have bunny raven i drew that. ohh and how old are you?

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