xKairisOtherx's Profile
xKairisOtherx's Profile

Username | xKairisOtherx | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | everywhere...*jaws theme* | |
Last Updated | Occupation | ur requests so bring em on! | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 19 | |
# Comments Given | 611 |
Member Info
Member Info

1st 3 requests
2nd 2 requests
3rd 1 request
Mah contest is officially over. TWO ppl entered. I AM VVERY DISSAPOINTED IN YOU ALL!!! Mah TWO entrants will now be recieving SUPER DOUBLE AWESOME prizes! ^.~(only to the entrants, those who didnt enter, THAT WINK WAS NOT FOR YOU)
First place:Avatarfan = halloweentown sokairi
thanks to the super double awsomness, you will receive TEN requests ^.~
Thanks to the super double awsomeness, you shall recieve FIVE requests ^.~
My buddies:
Wanna be fwends wit me?
Im such a boring freak.
Likes: Anime, manga, CGing, mah computer, drawing, reading, voice acting mah own animes (their short crappy little skits, after LOTS of revision I will post them)
I take requests!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Request Policy/info:
No R NC-17 pictures
only certain yoai(like axel Roxas, only cuz its cute and fluffy)
I might let certain yuri slip. MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT
I draw girls better than guys (just to let you know)
I will draw any OC, but plz give me specific details so I know what you want.
I will design an outfit for your OC/fave char if you want.
Requests will go in the order that they are requested in. So if I have a request YOUR AINT GOING FIRST
uh, that's about it, I guess.
Current requests:
the requests from mah TWO entrants.
Fulfilled requests:
Kirby sleepin for pantslesshobo (Just touching it up)
Luca Neko for waterwolf29
Kairi in KH2 outfit for AVATARfan1616 [url]
[size=308]IF YOU LIKE RP OR WANNA TALK TO ME MAH AIM IS xKairisOtherx[/size]
Insert some witty comments and hilariously funny jokes here
Put a dash of creativity here
Thats about it, I guess. Ill make it better wen Im a little more bored.
2nd 2 requests
3rd 1 request
Mah contest is officially over. TWO ppl entered. I AM VVERY DISSAPOINTED IN YOU ALL!!! Mah TWO entrants will now be recieving SUPER DOUBLE AWESOME prizes! ^.~(only to the entrants, those who didnt enter, THAT WINK WAS NOT FOR YOU)
First place:Avatarfan = halloweentown sokairi
thanks to the super double awsomness, you will receive TEN requests ^.~
Thanks to the super double awsomeness, you shall recieve FIVE requests ^.~
My buddies:
Wanna be fwends wit me?
Im such a boring freak.
Likes: Anime, manga, CGing, mah computer, drawing, reading, voice acting mah own animes (their short crappy little skits, after LOTS of revision I will post them)
I take requests!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Request Policy/info:
No R NC-17 pictures
only certain yoai(like axel Roxas, only cuz its cute and fluffy)
I might let certain yuri slip. MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT
I draw girls better than guys (just to let you know)
I will draw any OC, but plz give me specific details so I know what you want.
I will design an outfit for your OC/fave char if you want.
Requests will go in the order that they are requested in. So if I have a request YOUR AINT GOING FIRST
uh, that's about it, I guess.
Current requests:
the requests from mah TWO entrants.
Fulfilled requests:
Kirby sleepin for pantslesshobo (Just touching it up)
Luca Neko for waterwolf29
Kairi in KH2 outfit for AVATARfan1616 [url]
[size=308]IF YOU LIKE RP OR WANNA TALK TO ME MAH AIM IS xKairisOtherx[/size]
Insert some witty comments and hilariously funny jokes here
Put a dash of creativity here
Thats about it, I guess. Ill make it better wen Im a little more bored.
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Centaur4eva14 on October 4, 2006, 3:07:41 PM

dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on October 4, 2006, 12:31:49 PM

>thursday october 6, 2005
>here just do it
>most people aren't sure of what they really want in life. I
>received this
>letter from a friend on the computer, did what it told me to, and
>within a
>week, everything I had wished came true!! Here's an exact copy,
>1. To yourself, say the name of the only
>guy or girl you wanna be with 3
>2. Think of something you wanna accomplish
>within the next week and say it to your self
>3. If you had 1 wish what would it be? say it to
>yourself 9 times!!!
>4. Think of something that you want to happen
>between you and that 1special person and say
>it to your self 12
>5. Now, heres the hard part! Pick only 1 of these wishes and as
>you scroll down focus and
>concentrate on it and think on nothing
>else but that wish.
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>Now make one last &final wish about that one wish
>that you picked.
>After reading this, you have 1 hour to send it out to 15 people,
>and what
>you wished for will come true within in one week!
>u only get one chance!!!!! Now scroll down and think of your
>Keep going
>Keep going
>Did you think of your crush? I hope so, that was
>your last chance. Now pay very close attention this important
>Sorry but once read, must be sent. Yes, this is one of those kinda
>letters that everyone hates. This one has been going since 1863
>if you
>break this chain, you will pay!!!!!! Remember that after hearing
>First Example:
>Take Barbra Wallace.. She was a pretty lucky girl,
>up till she got this same chain letter. She had a crush on the same
>since kindergarden. when she got this mail she didn't pay any
>attention to
>it. She just thought, no big deal. And deleted it. The next day her
>got fired and her mom dies in a car crash. If she would have sent
>letter none of that would have happened and her mom
>would be alive.
>Second Example:
>Try Freddie D. Now Freddie D. was your average
>nerd. Had glasses, was short and chubby, was in gifted. All the
>signs of
>your total dork. He also received this letter and sent it to 51
>people in
>the hour. Now, like Barbra, he had a crush on a girl since 3rd
>grade. The
>next day after sending the chain the girl confessed her love for
>him ever
>since 3rd grade. Freddie D. finally had the courage to ask her out,
>and of
>course, she had been waiting to yes to that for years. They grew
>married each other to live happily forever.
>Third Example:
>Now if you couldn't relate to the others, this'll
>get ya hooked. Listen to this. A kid named Jordan Johnson was just
>getting on AOL to check his mail. He was a quiet kid, not that
>popular but
>not a geek either. he was just normal. He saw he had mail from his
>friend. It was this exact letter. Now Jordan Johnsen was a smart
>kid and
>he knew what could happen if he didnt pass it on. He simply pulled
>a few
>friends from his buddy list and sent it along. The next day,
>same time, he got a phone call. It said he had won the lottery!
>then his
>dad came home and bought him a new bike! His mom bought him
>Nintendo64 and
>play station! His grandmother sent him a new computer, and his best
>gave him tickets to the concert he wanted to go to, Kid Rock and
>Bizkit! Then he inherited a brand-new tv from his aunt! He was
>goin' wild!
>the next day his secret crush asked him out, and they have been
>going out
>ever since.
>Now, you heard the stories. I know
>which person i'd rather
>be, but thats up to you. I wouldn't wanna end up like Barbra but
>only me. We all want what we cant have but now's ur chance to go
>out with
>that special somebody ur waiting for. Take it or leave it. If you
>this to-
>1 person- you will lose all luck in ur love
>10 people- your crush will say they like you as a
>15 people- your crush will say they like you
>20 people- your crush will ask you out!
>25 people- your crush will kiss you!!
>30 people - Your crush
>will have sex with you
>35 people or more- All of the above!!
>Don't blow it, it's ur chance to shine! Have
>everything u wanted, and more! Now, complaining cus u dont have any
>friends. Well theres an answer 4 everything. It's simple, just go
>in a
>chat room, pick some names and send away! but here's the
>catch.....you only
>have one hour to send it after being read. Please pass this to
>everyone you.. know
dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on October 2, 2006, 12:43:44 PM
dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on October 2, 2006, 10:27:44 AM
dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on October 2, 2006, 9:41:14 AM
dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on October 2, 2006, 7:40:58 AM
dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on October 2, 2006, 7:16:53 AM
MonkeyDLuffy on October 2, 2006, 7:15:46 AM
MonkeyDLuffy on

luffy-i think i mean chua
me-y cant i say chauchau?
luffy-its just not rite
luffy-i mean,wen u say chauchau,ur saying it twice
me-i no im saying it twice!ya no....im just gonna say this
luffy-thats better
ChuaChua-(shzah-shzah)means Bye
Chaunshzah-(shon-shzah)See Ya
tis all some kind of language me and me frend made up =3
dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on October 1, 2006, 10:06:02 PM
MonkeyDLuffy on September 30, 2006, 2:21:26 AM
MonkeyDLuffy on