yes_my_name_is_______'s Profile
yes_my_name_is_______'s Profile
Username | yes_my_name_is_______ | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | nun-yo-biz-nass! | |
Last Updated | Occupation | lalalalalaldeeda | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 0 | |
# Comments Given | 77 |
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RiversBlood on July 29, 2005, 2:03:49 PM
RiversBlood on
I gots a new poem up! ^.^
RiversBlood on July 29, 2005, 1:13:29 PM
RiversBlood on
Heh, 3 comments in a row, anyway, its pretty simple to get poetry up, all you have to do is go to add fanwork and you'll get to that silly lil screen scroll down you'll find add a story, click it. Type in your title description keyword and the category, put it under poetry, then put the contents that will be in your poems. Then name your chanpter. For file name hit browse and come to the name of your poetry and press ok once you've clicked on it. Then when all of this is done, click add. ^.^ I hope this is helpful, I'm not really good at explaining things. Can't wait to read your poetry! P.S: Your only 13 and your already this good!? Thats amazing z.z I'd love to be your friend, maybe we can chat sometime! email me if you want at ttyl!
RiversBlood on July 29, 2005, 1:06:43 PM
RiversBlood on
You should definitly post some of your Poetry! I would love to see some of it! And your right, the second poem the reader isn't really supposed to understand it because strangely enough its about drugs and the frailty of human kind! I didn't really thing anyone would get it. Thanks for commenting and putting me on your favorites list, it means a lot to me!
RiversBlood on July 29, 2005, 7:08:19 AM
RiversBlood on
Wow, you are such a good artist...its amazing. *favs you as an artist* ^.^ I don't have any pictures up, but I do have some poems up, it'd be cool if you commented on them! Pweeze? By the way, how old are you? I mean not in a rude way, but your a great artist, so I was just wondering...cause if you were like 14 or something...then I would cry...cause I'm 14 and you draw like a pro and I draw like a 5 year old...T.T
weewoo on July 26, 2005, 1:31:22 PM
weewoo on
KISSarmy76 on July 26, 2005, 1:30:23 PM
KISSarmy76 on