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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 26-50 of 63 results.
hey guys sorry about this but here it is again!!!!!
My first ever romance story! ^___^

It's rated to be safe, I'm not sure if it really qualifies for the rating or not. ^^;
A Baby is found on someone's doorstep The Shadow Riders are after this baby. What's so speicial about it anyway?
Arya woke up her face covered in fear . I don't want him to abuse me again . I looked a the door to sasuke room and knocked on it. The door was unbolted and it opened . "Yes, Arya were busy . What does he want Arya thought getting scared .
Arya is a ninja in her village without a life . She's was born in leaf village raised as a ninja there , but moved before she was put into a team . She lives now in the village hidden in the mist . Wating for a mircle to happen to save her ...
this story is Called Naruto's secret it's after the Sasuke Retreival mission with Sakura, Sasuke, & Kakashi bashing so fans of these chraters beware
Okies well this is a introduction for my character Shurui Minazuki is Mai's story Love's Divine plz comment and let me know what you think ^_^
A transfer witch named Arya has just transfred to hogwarts . She has been to the following schools Dumstrang and Beauxbatons and many othes , dark secerts are ahead ....
There is always a surprise when it comes to the Kohana. Their newest one is Aiko; the girl has a personality all her own, that she hopes noone ever finds out about. Although, those hopes may be shattered when she meets her new housemate, Neji.
All right this is my first try for a couple based story i read a good one on . The couple is itachi and sakura so don't kill me ppl .
Allright for the people that read my other jounal , this is the orginal version . The other one was made up from my head .
i found this and want something good to happen!
All right this is my third jounal . a little note those who havn't read my Lost jounal of the uchiha clan will be clueless about this one . This is her daughter jounal ...
Mother , father why do you seem to hate me so much ? Even little sasuke seems to ; that will all change , i planning some thing .... sasuke forgive me
Allright ppl don't kill me if you have seen something like this . The ppl answering the questions are naruto sakura and the one who didn't even want to show up sasuke uchiha .
I think i'm having 10 pages of questions .
I tased blood in my mouth , Itachi why did you kill our family and clan ? Arya Uchiha keeps a jounal of daily events that happen to her and sasuke and itachi . I don't know if there we be a future for the uchiha clan or not ........
Umm this is a story of my character with my fantasys involved. Her name is Katame. Will she and her best friend Mark become more then that?
This is a story that I wrote many years ago, right after I had beaten KHI. It is about Sora wandering through the woods thinking about stuff.
Dear comrades, this is my first English-language fic! Fanfiction about Rath’s bad day.
This is comedy.
Ok now first of all please do not take offense if there are people out there who might take offense.
After many youth speeches from Guy sensie TenTen tells Guy she'd wear the spandex IF she cold make changes to it. Lee X TenTen
ok heres the run down : lit story, based on lots of stories, had to do for school, plz comment, give title ^ ^
Please comment I need all the help I can get! lol Tell me where I need to improve and everything! Please I hope it's ok!
these are some of my poems!
i hope you like them.
This a story with my charater Elain and others. Elains Pregnet with Syrus's Baby & every ones delerios! BUT what happends when Naruto & FullMetal Achemist join? CHAOS!, THATS WHAT.