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Madam a-Rosa

Madam a-Rosa

Madam a-Rosa by luckylace222
Madam a-Rosa by luckylace222


I started this picture on my bus-ride to the UWF Math competition(because I'm the coolest nerd in the world!) I decided to give it to my friend Stephanie. I know the nose is quite off, but man. That's what I get for hot using a reference. >;B Nose nose nose better nose. *engraves in head*

Okay! I have attempted to fix the nose. ;P TRALALA! Criticism is welcome! ;u The hand seems a little strange doesn't it?

Ok, I'm doing my best to work with realism now. It is a little rocky, but working with a different style makes me feel more productive. Try it! I feel like realism challenges me much more than manga, BUT that is only because I make my manga-styled pictures simple. Manga-style can be very difficult if you go all out.

AND I FORGET KOJI WHEN I DRAW GIFTART for real life friends! ;__; ARGH!!!!! The orange accounts for him right? *gets hit*

Enjoys home-diggity dogs! P;

EDIT: The feature is appreciated! ;__; Those flaws! Now I want to fix them all so this is worth being in the featured category! Argh!

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Characters » Gods/Godesses
Date Submitted
Views 4713
Favorites... 60
Vote Score 45
Comments 66
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken 6 hours
Reference none


Comments (66)

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MadamePenguin on July 21, 2011, 4:48:59 AM

MadamePenguin on
MadamePenguinYou have no clue how I felt when you gave this to me T^T First was shock and later I wanted to cry just because you thought I should have this instead...It's still the front cover to my english folder haha

KelekiahGaladrian on July 9, 2011, 7:05:21 AM

KelekiahGaladrian on
KelekiahGaladrianHoly cow! This is AMAZING!! Goodness, your realistic style is absolutely awe-inspiring! I have a hard enough time with manga/anime style and realistic has NEVER been my thing.

But it's obvious that it's yours! I'm in AWE!

I think the hair is definitely one of my favorite things about the whole picture :D

luckylace222 on July 9, 2011, 1:14:04 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222I love drawing hair myself, so in drawing it more and more, I make sure I like the hair I draw! >:P

PSSH you say you are bad at realism now, but just you wait! I STILL stink at realism- I still need to work on my male realism. They will probably end up looking like girls, lol. Once you keep drawing anime/manga, which helps you build a quick basis for fundamental human anatomy(or even animal if you start going into that artistic genre!), you will be able to draw it more realistically when you examine it in real life!

Thanks a lot again!

KelekiahGaladrian on July 9, 2011, 1:37:48 PM

KelekiahGaladrian on
KelekiahGaladrianIt's important to make sure you draw what you love best right. I personally enjoy coloring hair and eyes, though I'm doing my best to improve my style.

That's probably true. Going with that mindset, I still need some more anatomy practice so I can better do folds and hair and clothing in general, not to mention I'd be able to do more poses out of my head rather than looking up pictures to reference all the time. I might eventually try realisic (I haven't tried for a LONG time). I notice a lot of female arists have a rally hard time with either anime or realistic boys and that they always come out looking like girls. I admit, I on't do males all that well either, but I don't think I'm horrible or anything. I think you're better at realism that you give yourself credit for.

You're very welcome :D

QueenPaige on September 5, 2010, 8:55:09 AM

QueenPaige on
QueenPaigeI always love your sketchy flowing art...SO BEATIFUL -tears of amazement- wow...I didn't know that could happen! The one color scheme is great and I love how dark it is around her eyes. So much detail....DOES NOT COMPUTE!! DOES NOT COMPUTE!! -head explodes-

luckylace222 on September 8, 2010, 12:20:56 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222AHHA your comments are really hilarious!!! xD

QueenPaige on January 2, 2011, 10:12:07 AM

QueenPaige on
QueenPaigeI'm most glad you think so! XD

Nath2704 on August 4, 2010, 8:45:51 AM

Nath2704 on
Nath2704I love this picture! The technique is amazing.

refia on July 25, 2010, 10:16:02 AM

refia on
refiaThere's something wrong with the hand's anatomy. But despite this I really like this work! Mainly because of the details (I just love details) and the girl's eyes. They are so mysterious.

chibiwhale on July 10, 2010, 9:11:06 PM

chibiwhale on
chibiwhaleOoh wow this is indeed quite lovely<3

Sepia on June 9, 2010, 4:48:25 AM

Sepia on
SepiaWow, this is beautiful. You have a wonderful, distinctive style. I really like the background- it looks like some sort of autumn collage.

AmyRose123 on May 21, 2010, 1:15:45 PM

AmyRose123 on
AmyRose123holy crap this is a goo dpicture i bet it took four ever to make it right and all of your pictures are good awsome and vary stuning sorry if i didin't spell i it right lol

Tuntun422 on May 12, 2010, 8:15:35 PM

Tuntun422 on
Tuntun422Very gorgeous.

chichirifan92 on April 23, 2010, 4:45:16 PM

chichirifan92 on
chichirifan92FANTABULOUS AS EVER!!!

Excellent job with fine detail as always!!!

Just another wonderful pic by my fellow potato head!!!!