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Displaying 3801-3825 of 7802 results.
This is My first Fanfiction The Rabbit And The RedHead

Two Zany events put into motion The Getting Together of a Certain RedHead and Lopp

I am of course talking about Frankie And Heriman

and sorry for any bad spelling
A boy, a girl, a romance at an end...
silly Tenten,not noticing she's confessing instead of scolding
One of tails friends are forced to sit by him on a field trip,will love spark?
i did this at school for one of my subjects so i am sorry if it is shoot
A love story with Tails and Cream
Chrystal is your average 13 year old girl. She enters a drawing contest to win a trip to austrailia. But she meets someone who is, well, let's just say "different" as in part bat! He won't leave her alone and follows her everywhere! He wants her to join him to rule the world.
What happen Sasuke have a dead girlfriend went his came back with people holding the cofin but the other don't know
A poem
A number of funny things that you can do at school!
Just a dream i had a couple of months ago about the OLD WWF when the Radicalz, DX, New Age Outlaws, and the Cat lol damn i'm crazy bruta
Shadow meets his master the hedgehog who taught him all his chaos moves.
My Bart and Lisa Xiaolin Showdown Pardoy and that's it.
Aye, what an interesting crossover!! Read and tell me what you think! I've got some fan art up, feel free to browse my art.

WWOOO I got some comments!! I love you all!!! I'm so releived.. I thought it sucked, that's why no one was commenting.

If there are any pictures you want me to draw from this, just say the word and I'll do what I can. Cudos!
when amy hang around sonic more sonic tell her to get lost and she really does go away sonic realize he like amy more then he thinks my 15 story on fan art i hope you like it :D
It's about the An CAfe band members in school (Don't get mad if they don't act correctly; it's just a story ^^;).
a requested prize story for PillowTulip, since she won Segathehedgehog's Tom's new girl contest.
This is a story about a 16 year old girl who figures out that her father is Superman. This is just the shor version of it. I am actually writing it by hand and it's probably 30 pagges long (front and back). I added a boy in there that is suppose to look l
The members of MCR get a new traveling companion.
But where did this person come from?
And whats going to happen now that they're here?
Been wanting to write this ever since I saw the movie last. But it's been ages since I saw it so I probably got a bunch of it wrong. This is just a different view of one situation.
VladxMaddie college fic. Placed before the accident, and in the Christmas season. Friendly Vlad/Jack scenes. Vlad and Jack meet Maddie, and our story begins. Oneshot. Read and review!
Meeting Jack Sparrow for the first time, through a scarry experience, Eve was not inpressed. But when danger comes her way she finds her only escape on the Black Pearl. Now piracy isn't that bad of a life. But just as Eve is settlign in she's shipped back
Not sure why I wrote it, maybe because I take pleasure in other people's pain.
Wind, Water, Ice, Fire, Earth, Lighting, and Shadow.
I summon the forces of all of "Nature's Giving."

Wind: Breath, Touch, Flight/Glide
Water: Blance, Rain, Healing
Ice: Share, Boundless, Feeling
Fire: Flame, Heart, Soul
Earth: Suround, Earn, Give
Lighting: Strenth, Energy, Hast
Shadow: Hide, Sneak, Grasp
Every person has a soul, when a person dies, that soul reincarnates into another body…
This is a universal law, and there are no exceptions… not even for the son of God…