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Displaying 3726-3750 of 7802 results.
Sasha claims he's not sick. Milla disagrees.
Crap...bad with this....err....JUST READ IT!
this story is about itachi's daughter aimi (where I got my nick name from) being a member of squad seven and kakashi's girlfriend
Chapter 1
It was a dark and rainy day, none of the Titans wanted to go outside or really do much of anything.  Beast Boy was playing his video game with Cyborg, and Raven was trying to read.  "Trying" being the key word here, because she couldn't concentrate much with Beast Boy and Cyborg fighting over who really won the match in the game.  And of course, Robin was in his room, trying to figure out another puzzle to a villain they were after.  And Starfire was in her room.  Just laying there.
"Today is not a happy day".  She said to herself with a sigh.  She was very unhappy for one main reason, today was April 19th, Starfire's birthday, and so far, no one remembered. "I know!", Starfire said as she raced to her door.  "I will go visit Robin!  He is always kind to me!" Starfire rushed out her door and ran down the hall to Robin's room. 
She caught her breath and knocked on the door lightly.  No answer.
"Robin? Are you there?" Starfire asked.  There came a slight mumble from inside the room.  "Robin?"
The door thrusted open.  "Robin!"
"Starfire, can you please keep it down, I'm trying to work in here!"  Robin said with a grumpy tone.
"But Robin, I came here to remind you that-"
"Starfire, I don't care, I'm at a breakthrough in this case and I can't loose my place now!  You can just tell me later, whatever it is!"
"But- But Robin, i wanted to inform you that-"
"Star!" Robin said and closed the door on her.
Starfire couldn't believe what happened, she was so sad, her best friend, her...her..., she couldn't understand.  She ran down the hall into the mess hall where the rest of her friends were.  She came bursting through.
"SURPRISE!"  Beast Boy said as she came in.  Raven and Cyborg where standing there too, and they were all wearing party hats.
"What is...this?" Starfire said, trying feriously to hold back her tears.
"Dude! It's your birthday! What, did you think that we, your closest friends, would forget your birthday?" Beast Boy said.
"Well," Starfire said, twidling her skirt in her fingers.  "Robin did not remember."
"He what?! That little creep!" Raven said storming to the door. "I'll be right back."
"She's been in a bad mood all day." Cyborg said.
When Raven reached Robin's room, it was just as Starfore had found it before, it was closed and there appeared to be not light inside.  But Raven was not easily fooled, she knew he was in there.
"Robin! Get your butt out here, NOW!" Raven said.
"Raven,"  Robin said as he opened the door.  "Whats the matter with you?  I was just in the middle of a very important-"
"You little creep!"
"What are you talking about?"
*Slap* Raven slapped Robin across the face.
"Hey! What was that for!"
"You forgot Starfire's birthday!"
"What? noooo, nooooo, her birthday is on the 19th and today is the-"
"The 19th"
"No! It's the 18th!" Robin was shaking now, if it was the day Raven said it was, then how could he forget?  How could he be so stupid?
"Check your frikkin calander!  If you weren't always cooped up in your room all day you would remember that Starfire is 17 today, and if you remember corectly-"
"Starfire has to leave for Tameran when she's 17!"
End First Chapter
*Note* i do not know the actual date of Starfire's birthday, and this is a fanfic so she probably does not have to leave in the actual show
Basicly, a love-complex story between Takeshi and Shingo.. I don't think it's bizarre. I hope you don't think so.
DefyDeath_DefyMe was kind enough to put me into her GO! fancomic; thus here is my profile for her information.
My first story (on here) I know the story isn't good but plz be nice and comment
These are lyrics i wrote...most of them are for guys to sing
I was feeling down about some stuff and I wrote this
This is,as the title says,my team off my LeafGreen version.PLEASE READ AND COMMENT!!!*gives out cookies*
Yami Marik is left at home for the first time! What kind of trouble will the guy get into... read and find out! Muahahahahahahahahahaha!
Usually away messages for me i decided to put some on here tell me if you like em
Poem I wrote one night after hearing some stuff from friends
Well, to put it short, the grim reaper, being the killer and reaper of the souls of dead people, kills and reaps the souls of dead people. This story is a collections shows all my different views on the big fellow. Don't chuck it till you try it!
took me about 2 hours enjoy
Well I was in English and my teacher was dronning on about something. Most of the class had there heads on the desk and were asleep or about to be. And yet she just kept going and going and going. So out of sheer boredom I wrote this. Hope ya like it, I kow my other friends did.
This story is about when Inuyasha and the gang are jedis!
when a demonic dragon ravages the land a lone boy must save the ones he most hates...
Balto at the end.
What happens when Foxx's friend, Oni (Kpt14's OC), comes for a mission to Konoha? What weird things comes to mind when she finds out that Foxx has the week off and has nothing to do? OCxSasuke OCxGaara
weird. Lee is a girl
General Days Of Passion.
The FMA soap opera where everyone is OOC!
Get it? (GENERAL hospital, DAYS of our lives, and PASSIONs)
I think that this is quite a strage poem.
After the final battle between Mikeru the 7 Mermaid Princess went to live in peace never to return to Mermaids again, After Izuru, Eriru, Yuuri and Maria return with a new leader the learn the gave up being mermaids and cannot fight the new evil they leave Tokyo and leave thier pearls behind and new girls have come to take thier place enjoy!
Gerard is a senior in highschool, he has a wonderful girlfriend, but when she get's ill...what will he turn to?