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Displaying 26-50 of 190 results.
Another DA fic. Story me and my sis write when we have time.
Sonic and the gang go to school with completely different personalities! Mainly follows Sonic and Shadow.
Another Sonic fanfic from DA.
Darkness is coming and only an ancient prophecy can save everyone.
(Barley update this now but I'll try to soon)
My most popular fanfic from DA. A Sonic and the Black Knight fanstory with lots of my friends characters thrown in!
I'm working on one story at a time except Big because I loath him oh, so much.
Onyx and his friends are back! only this time a new evil aproaches and threatining Emerald Cove: Paradise of All Sonic OC's.
I revised it. I'm so proud of myself. It's a LOT funnier now!
When Tails is kidnapped who is to save him other than...Amy? But will Amy's heroics cost her and Sonic's life?
This is the story of a young hedgehog named Crystal.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, etc. © Sega

One of the Characters belongs to Archie comics!!!!
Knuckles battles mysterious new foes bent on stealing the Master Emerald!

Meanwhile, Punchy and Rainbow have discovered Rainbow's sister... But is she an enemy?
Something I've been working on since August 2005. This is my personal gift to the entire Sonic Universe that's been existing since 1991. Enjoy!
New chaos approches, Endless night will fall,
Sonic will be no more...
This is the story of Dark Sonic.
A collection of random one-shots.

basically just random stories involving those in HN and sonic and friends. stories will be added whenever i can ^^

i'm taking ocs and story ideas, so go crazy ^^
It's about how Sonic is faced with the desicion to send MElissa back to the reality world, or to let her stay.SOnic just wants to do what is best for her...but he's broken from the heart-wrenching desicion..
Sonic and Tails fic. Calm, and collective, with brotherly love. Inspired by Estrellas, which was created by Annamay168: Enjoy.
This is a poem about WereSonic...^_^
Title says it all. Most of these characters came from Sonic X, and the legal information... I think it was the Sonic Team. Anyways, some of the characters are made up, so yeah. If it cuts off, I'm not done.
I'm sorry that it's not dramatically written, but it's a script for some thing I'm doing on Youtube. You guys get to see it first!
you can tell i was board XD so i made this
writen by me & my friend Joker the armadillo(aka Gekidogin)
45%(me) 55(joker)
The heroes are back with a another problem An evil has spread yet again but only on the 3rd side of the earth in the old kingdom Tatel.
This is something that i did a picture about first, then made a story to go along with it. I worked really REALLY hard on this. Also, it is involved with fleetway Super Sonic, for you fangirls ^^
Tired of constantly being chased by Amy, Sonic is fed up. But when Tails mentions a possible solution, he's ready to try just about anything to get the pink stalker off his back. However, will the possible solution help, or just make the problem worse?
A story that seems like a rip-off of Sonic Heroes (NOTE: My Custom character makes up for the fact that there is no flying character.)
There's a new girl in town and she fights hard, as Shadow is about to find out...

Very crazy!! Lol I laugh eveytime I read it! XD
Mewtwo takes over the world, the 7 chaos emeralds are missing. Will Sonic, Bloom (Winx) and friends be able to retrive the missing pieces of the 7 chaos emeralds?.