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Akatsuki: School Days

I know there's probably about a million stories like this on the internet, but...
Anyway, please read and comment!!!! ^^



Chapter 0 - Character Info
Submitted: September 14, 2007 • Updated: September 14, 2007
Word count: 386 • Size: 3k • Comments: 46 • views: 953

Chapter 1 - Just Another Day...
Submitted: September 14, 2007 • Updated: September 14, 2007
Word count: 1194 • Size: 7k • Comments: 19 • views: 544

Chapter 2 - Seize the Dei(dara)
Submitted: October 7, 2007 • Updated: October 18, 2007
Word count: 631 • Size: 3k • Comments: 25 • views: 698


Comments (90)

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cashmoneyUknowit on October 19, 2007, 5:57:34 AM

cashmoneyUknowit on (Chapter: 2)
cashmoneyUknowityeah, i draw in class a lot too.GO DEIDARA!!!

as for da vote, i say hidan vs shikamaru!THAT will be a sight to see!!! XD

Lanayru on October 21, 2007, 6:47:04 AM

Lanayru on (Chapter: 2)
Lanayruthat would be a sight to see! O.o
I guess something else funny would be Kakuzu selling drugs or sumting in the hallways... Or a school project which everyone has sumthin diffefrent. (example) Sasori's project had an act out with puppets. Deidara drew out his project. Zetsu ate his project, kakuzu sold his... ect. yeah.

BadgerofPancakes on October 26, 2007, 6:02:51 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: index)
BadgerofPancakesI'll put that in, then!!! ^^ Expect it the next chapter.
Also, is your vote for Hidan vs. Shikamaru?

Lanayru on October 27, 2007, 9:24:38 AM

Lanayru on (Chapter: index)
Lanayruyes. I'd very much like to see that.^^

BadgerofPancakes on October 27, 2007, 12:35:29 PM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: index)
BadgerofPancakesOkay. ^^

rainbowfox16 on November 2, 2007, 7:44:34 AM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: index)
rainbowfox16...Hidan? Whos that? I don't think I've heard of him...*feeling stupid* .....

BadgerofPancakes on November 2, 2007, 5:06:30 PM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: index)
BadgerofPancakesHe's a guy who walks around with his cloak half open and has silver hair that's been slicked back. Carries a scythe and he's immortal. Has foul language and obsessed with his religion, called Jashinism.

BadgerofPancakes on October 20, 2007, 5:20:29 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: 2)
BadgerofPancakesYour vote has been added!!! :)

Arenelle on October 18, 2007, 2:18:31 PM

Arenelle on (Chapter: 2)
ArenelleCan we haf Sasori n Deida for art-arguments?

BadgerofPancakes on October 20, 2007, 5:20:10 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: 2)
BadgerofPancakesYeah, I'll be sure to put those in. ^^

rffraff05 on October 17, 2007, 11:45:06 AM

rffraff05 on (Chapter: 2)
rffraff05nice! liked how you imcorporated pictures!

BadgerofPancakes on October 18, 2007, 5:37:48 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: 2)
BadgerofPancakesThank you!!! ^^

digimonlover06 on October 17, 2007, 5:10:50 AM

digimonlover06 on (Chapter: 2)
digimonlover06Keep updating!!!

BadgerofPancakes on October 18, 2007, 5:37:34 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: 2)
BadgerofPancakesOkay and thanks for the comment!!! ^^

Lanayru on October 8, 2007, 7:30:04 AM

Lanayru on (Chapter: 2)
LanayruWOOT! Go Deidara and your wonderful art that is like mine! *bows* I is your idol!!

Okay, worship deidara moment over. You finally decided to write morez! YAYZ! *runs around all happy like*
And I agree with rainbow fox, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

BadgerofPancakes on October 8, 2007, 2:17:19 PM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: 2)
BadgerofPancakesEh, I didn't draw the picture, I found that on PhotoBucket.... >_< But thanks, and a fight will be certain!!! ^^

Lanayru on October 8, 2007, 8:14:23 PM

Lanayru on (Chapter: index)
LanayruI ment Deidara's art. but your art is good too!^^

haoasakura7 on October 8, 2007, 1:22:39 AM

haoasakura7 on (Chapter: 2)
Comment Deleted

rainbowfox16 on October 7, 2007, 11:46:31 PM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: 2)
rainbowfox16EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!! NEW CHAPPIE!! YAY!! Loves it loves it loves it!!!Pretty pic, pretty pic!! *thinks for a moment* How about, a fight! Gotta loves the school fights!

KidRaccoon on October 8, 2007, 4:35:01 AM

KidRaccoon on (Chapter: 2)
KidRaccoonExpect a fight or two soon. I'll definately put some in, and thanks!!! ^^

rainbowfox16 on October 8, 2007, 6:15:04 AM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: index)
rainbowfox16Woot! FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT!!! *squee!!*

rainbowfox16 on October 7, 2007, 2:44:52 PM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: index)
rainbowfox16I'M SORRY!! *waterfall tears* FORGIVE MEEE!!!!!!!!! *bangs head on floor while apologizing* WAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAHHHHH!! I'M A BAD FOX!!! WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

BadgerofPancakes on October 7, 2007, 3:24:01 PM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: index)
BadgerofPancakesChill out, it's okay!!! ^^U

rainbowfox16 on October 7, 2007, 10:05:01 PM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: index)
rainbowfox16sniffles* you fowgive rainbowfox?

KidRaccoon on October 8, 2007, 4:33:53 AM

KidRaccoon on (Chapter: index)
KidRaccoonYes, rainbowfox is forgiven. ^^ *gives you a cookie*

KidRaccoon on October 8, 2007, 6:44:13 AM

KidRaccoon on (Chapter: index)
KidRaccoonNax, did you accidently log in on my thing again? D:

BadgerofPancakes on October 8, 2007, 6:45:27 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: index)
BadgerofPancakesUh, yeah.... Sorry!!!! ^^U

rainbowfox16 on October 8, 2007, 6:16:40 AM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: index)
rainbowfox16COOKIE!! *munchmunch* Yummy!! NEW FRIEND NEW FRIEND!! *glomps, squee*

rainbowfox16 on October 6, 2007, 1:39:26 AM

rainbowfox16 on (Chapter: index)
rainbowfox16....when the f*** are gonna write some more? *evil glare* hurry up, damnit!!

BadgerofPancakes on October 7, 2007, 3:29:56 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: index)
BadgerofPancakesIf you're gonna be like that, then maybe I won't anymore. >_<

Lanayru on October 7, 2007, 6:44:19 AM

Lanayru on (Chapter: index)
LanayruNO! Don't listen to her! Write MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! D:<

inoyamanakarox on September 29, 2007, 8:59:25 AM

inoyamanakarox on (Chapter: index)
inoyamanakaroxme is tobi tobi is a good boy

BadgerofPancakes on October 1, 2007, 5:36:52 AM

BadgerofPancakes on (Chapter: index)
BadgerofPancakesGood boy. ^^