Chapter 1 - Uprising of Vengeance
Submitted March 2, 2004 Updated March 2, 2004 Status Incomplete | This is a story i wrote like, last year or something. Its a fantasy story.
Fantasy |
Chapter 1 - Uprising of Vengeance
Chapter 1 - Uprising of Vengeance
Uprising of Vengeance
- A tale of Fantasy, Love, Vengeance, and Loyalty.
“Hence ‘banishèd’ is banished from the world, | And the world’s exile is death.�
- William Shakespeare,
Romeo and Juliet
In the dark world of the shadows an important titan had drifted far into the mountains, lost and alone. He had only the memories of his past and a golden item, a millennium stone. No memories revolved around this stone, it simply was in his presence since his birth, a gift from far away lands. Alone and cold he struggled to find some familiar grounds, he struggled to find his home, but he had drifted too far and did not review the consequences. Upon noticing a ditch, the human reached out to feel what was inside; he fell in, and vanished…
Three decades later a young prodigy, Labue, and his companions had just discovered of a legendary Silver Dragon who had the power to freeze and burn its victims. They bargained with the idea of challenging the great beast, but one member, Shi, did not wish to find any danger, he did not wish to be part of a suicide mission. The Dragon had been seen before, in a vision Labue frequently had.
Four males and one female made up this team of uncommon beings; Labue was human, he was a short and powerful being with many lost memories, he had never looked for a fight unless he saw that it would create peace. Shi, another human was quite comical, a talented weaponry fighter with only one flaw, he was able to cowardly escape death many, many times, he is not much of a genius, nonetheless the girls chase him wherever he may find himself. Gaeyth was an elf with perfect skills, he is a master at the game of arrows, where he was discovered by Labue; much like Labue he justifies fighting for peace, he silently follows the others hardly ever saying a word. The only other male to accompany them would shock even the undisturbed, a sneaky and disgusting goblin, Greep. There is not much known as to why he joins them, all that is speculated would be a tale of vengeance, seeking those who had slaughtered his family. The final member of the tribe is known as You, not wishing to reveal her true identity she offers her help in anyway possible. You is truly a princess in a distant kingdom, she escaped from the palace to hide from the vicious laws of her father; she met Labue in a cantina, where she overheard him tell Shi and Gaeyth of their lawful plans. The tale of their companionship begins…
Labue lived with his parents in a small hut in the woods, harmony to him. He was known in the village as ‘the boy with the golden smile’ since his constant happiness brightened the lands. Labue was named after his grandfather whom he had never had the privilege of meeting, his name means in his native tongue ‘mysterious one’, a translation that later explains his destiny. He had few friends since he did not wish to socialize; the only friendship he inspired was with another human called Shi. The boy known as Shi had blond hair and green eyes, and for some reason was the towns most impressive bachelor. Shi was born under the name Shi Jubiha, but his parents had died of a swift illness leaving him with an orphanage. The duo of boys were both the same age, 17, and surprisingly admired an elder man of 36. One reason they admired him was that of his age, 36, was one of the oldest ages a human could live in their town of Sunso. The same illness that killed Shi’s parents murdered just about every human in Sunso before they turned 30. Another reason they admired him, was for his dark magic, he was no ordinary human, he allowed the others to believe he was human, but his father was a wizard, the elder man was a half-bred. The man never gave the boys his name however, he simply lived alone and created fantastic spectacles. Unwillingly this man changed the history of Sunso forever.
On a normal afternoon, the elder created a fantasy as he had done many nights before, but the boys were not the only ones watching, an unknown drifter caught eye to the elder’s act. The drifter murdered him in his sleep, then burnt down the village. Labue awoke under a pile of bushes, and struggled to his feet; he frantically searched for his parents and dropped in horror when he found their lifeless bodies. He found his father gripping onto a bright item, which appeared to be a metallic stone, a millennium item that Labue had not seen in some time, he took the stone to remember his parents and ran into the woods, stumbling into a familiar figure. Shi had survived; he carried with him a small girl, a faerie! She was dying, and wanted to warn Labue of his destiny, she told him of a prophecy that told of a great survivor who would bring peace to the planet. She died in Shi’s arms releasing an empty feeling in Labue’s soul.
With no place to go, the two distraught men wondered further into the woods, even further than their maps had ever gone, the other side of Sunso. An arrow flew by Shi’s head, hitting a walnut on a tree. They turned to see who had released the arrow and saw an elf running towards them; he repeatedly apologized and explained why he was shooting arrows at walnuts. A tournament was in progress; all the best elves in the kingdom of Woodon were to perform their talents in front of the king. The winner would become the most powerful knight allowing him to be eligible to vote in the upcoming elections. Labue convinced Shi that the tournament would take their minds off of the severe tragedy, and the event would be grand to witness.
The first contender was a huge elf (Ergo), bodyguard to the king, he shot the arrows into every target, and missed only two. The next three challengers were entertaining yet they were no match for the large Elvin warrior. A female elf, Erana, destroyed all hope for Ergo as she hit every target in sight. After many talented and disappointing acts, a winner was chosen. It was Ergo, apparently the female elf had used magic to enhance her skills. Angrily a mysterious masked elf from the crowds stepped forward to challenge Ergo, the winner of the game would be awarded the championship of the tournament. Ergo blindly accepted the challenge. The mystery elf won every game, whether it be sword, dance or song. He also defeated the vulgar Ergo in the arrow games, as his accuracy was so powerful that he sliced a walnut in three with a single shot. Ergo rampaged towards the elf preparing his sword in the process, the masked elf grabbed his bow and let an arrow slide into Ergo’s hand, and then another arrow stopped Ergo’s other hand before he could grab a small dagger from his boot. The elf released the mask and the crowd stood still, amazed and shocked. The only two people applauding were Labue and Shi, until they noticed everyone starring at them. The elf was known as Gaeyth, a peaceful and quiet being, if it had not been for his brother’s critics he would have become a preacher. Gaeyth was announced the winner and a celebration followed, the festival brought back the missing smile to Labue’s face. During the celebration Shi explained to the king what had happened to Sunso, the king remorsefully offered food and shelter for the boys. The evening ended as the king, Sanin, proudly knighted Gaeyth.
After spending the night in the king’s palace, Labue thanked the king and continued his unknown journey, with Shi complaining behind him, Shi had imagined a life in the kingdom, not running off into the woods, he did not agree with Labue but would not leave him to die alone. Gaeyth also followed, explaining to Labue and Shi that he did not wish to live in the kingdom, Gaeyth had decided to represent his kingdom in far away lands, rather than become another lifeless bodyguard. So here their journey began, they had no where to go, no reason to leave and no idea of what they were getting themselves into.
Meanwhile in the far-off kingdom of Rile Son, the Emperor, Fracolous Poytin, broke into a sweat when his peasants did not bring him their crops; he demanded the death of all that were responsible. His men wandered through the village, and stopped at every house, killing anyone that questioned them. Miraculus Poytin, the king’s young daughter, waited anxiously for her new husband-to-be. The man was a tall and rich man, ‘perfect’ for the king’s blood. Miraculus didn’t agree, and, to everyone’s surprise, left the kingdom against her fathers will. The emperor was furious; he ordered the death of his own daughter, and anyone that may befriend her. Miraculus decided to travel the lands and search for justice; she traveled under the name You Kental.
Gaeyth handed Labue an alcoholic beverage, and sat down quietly in the shadows. A female figure emerged and sat down next to Labue. She ordered tree-silk, then got up to leave. The sight of such beauty made Shi fall forward, knocking tables and chairs, glasses of moose flew all over the room, Labue found this amusing and introduced his bumbling childhood friend. She didn’t appear interested in Shi, and simply nodded her head. At that very moment a trio of demons walked in the cantina, drunk and angry. For no particular reason the trio began to destroy the place and one of them grabbed the female. The demon began to sexually assault the young human, Labue didn’t appreciate this. He grabbed Gaeyth’s sword, and charged towards the drunken force of evil. With one swipe of the sword the beast’s arm flew to the ground and the other two jumped atop Labue. Within five minutes there was a huge massacre at hand. Even Shi took part in the barbarian battle, only Gaeyth sat in the far end. Slowly, Gaeyth grabbed his bow, and shot three warning arrows into the shoulders of the demonic creatures. Unimpressed the three demons jumped on Gaeyth, and then fell off dead. Shi stood victorious over the dead bodies, with his own sword sticking in the back of one of the fallen.
The young girl thanked the three heroes and introduced herself as You Kental, and after being asked to join their cause, she decided to. The four companions left the swamp lands and headed towards the north.
The Mountains were dark and dusty; any sign of life had vanished long ago. Labue eagerly jogged in front of the rest.
Upon reaching the top, Labue shouted to Shi, “Whoa! The Grunion Mountains! I have heard many tales from Elder; the giants that once roamed these lands, the monstrous beasts that disabled traveling drifters, and the legendary stone!�
You stopped and suddenly felt the urge to learn of the mysterious words Labue had spoken, she picked up a rock and tossed it, then mumbled “The legendary stone…?�
Labue sat ahead, followed by Shi and You. Gaeyth stood in the shadows, listening only to what he needed to hear.
He began, “A few years ago, when the east had battled the west, a man by the name of Chou Sin had stumbled into these parts. Lost and alone, Sin had surrendered to the cruel fate of life, he climbed to the top……where we sit now, and died.�
Puzzled, You moved closer to Labue, as if she knew what to ask; these words flew from her mouth, “Then what happened?� She felt the trembling words, and could not hide her frightened expression.
“The crazy fool was resurrected, and was found walking around the village� Shi interrupted. Gaeyth advanced on his friends, he knew of the story. For Gaeyth it was a fairytale for little children. “The stone had apparently been found glowing in Chou Sin’s pocket�.
A distant noise interrupted the story. Labue and You ran towards the sound and stumbled across the ugliest creature they had ever seen. Gaeyth floated over the snowy mountains and pulled out his faithful arrows, pointing them at the small being. It was a puny goblin, of lesser intelligence. Beside him was an axe covered in dirt and blood. Stumbling to explain itself, the goblin fell to his knees and begged for his life. Labue knew of these foul creatures, a goblin was not to be trusted. In his hands the goblin held his arm, under his hand blood could be seen sliding out. Labue moved the creature’s arm, and it moaned in pain. The flesh of the green beast was stained red; it appeared that the goblin would not survive the night.
Repeatedly pushing the four strange-folk away, the goblin underwent a healing procedure You had mastered. You was prepared for any situation; she grabbed at her back-pack and located her medical equipment. Back in the kingdom You, Miraculous, had participated in healing classes taught by elderly elves. Gaeyth was also talented at healing, and because of his peaceful habits would eagerly help any living being…….except an Orc, Goblin or Dwarf. Because of his hatred towards goblins, he turned his back to it and continued his journey north.
Eight large beasts emerged from behind the shadows, ugly and powerful beasts with large horns and red eyes. The eight Nightmares surrounded Shi, Labue, You and the wounded goblin, now wrapped in bandages. You slowly stood up, seeking shelter behind Shi, just as Shi was sliding closer to her. Fists clenched and swords prepared Labue and Shi stared into the eyes of their fearsome opponents. Fear ripped through the souls of the both of them. The goblin started trembling and uttering embarrassing words. Then the goblin curled up in a ball and ducked his head behind a rock. Throwing the first attack, one of the Nightmares jumped in the air towards You Kental; she felt silent tears falling down her soft cheeks. The brave beauty saw the end to her life approaching; In an attempt to give herself one last fight she raised her fists and ran towards the falling beast.
Surprisingly the large creature fell to the ground, and death claimed it. An arrow stuck out from its neck. In the distance Gaeyth was seen holding his mighty bow, he raised another arrow and shot it towards a second victim. The heavily armored skin deflected the flying stick, and it turned to face the heroic elf. It screamed a terrifying howl and sent its rage towards Gaeyth. With one dead and seven living, the odds were against the team of outcasts. The ground shook and the wind blew harder; arrows flew, swords glittered, and teeth, claws and fists hit all. The goblin climbed atop a rock and cried for help; Labue, in his own battle, killed one beast with the frightening blow of his sword. The small human sprinted towards the green creature grabbing him in his arms. Shi, You and Gaeyth had also been successful in killing three beasts, they were lucky. The final three Nightmares attacked in one final battle. Gaeyth shot twenty-three arrows to kill the first one, while the second pounced on Shi, scratching him in the back, the claws sunk into his flesh and tore out blood. You took the goblin’s axe and stuffed it into the body of the powerful creature. The final Nightmare was destroyed due to a falling avalanche, caused by the tremendous battle.
After the mountains were as quiet as they had been earlier, Shi crawled to You’s back-pack and grabbed a bottle of rum. The sweet taste of Dwarvin Rum mad him forget the increasing pain in his own back. Gaeyth worked his Elvish magic on Shi, healing the mortal wound. The goblin felt a need to thank these people for saving its life, he tugged Labue’s cloak and gave him his name.
“My named Greep, I liken to thankin’ you for life-me-savin’�. Tose were some bad tings, Nightmares are me enemy forever!� the grammar of Greep had made Labue feel uneasy and puzzled, Greep continued, “I want to join yous, I’ve no place to go�.
“You almost got us killed, we don’t need your past following us to our graves� replied the human.
The words of Gaeyth mentioned his feelings towards a fellowship with a goblin. “Goblins don’t bring fortune; we will not die at your hands.� The silent elf remained focused on Shi’s wound.
Shi, Labue, Gaeyth and You left Greep and continued their journey towards the north. Greep sadly walked in the southern direction, he felt hopeless and alone.
Three miles from where he had left the four strangers, Greep stumbled into a swamp and fell in the disgusting water. He got out and cleaned himself, then he looked at his surroundings and, terrified, turned back. As he turned around he walked into a tall being. It was a male wizard dressed in a black robe and holding a wooden staff. The man looked down at Greep and asked “What is your business friend?�
Greep replied with stuttering words, he mentioned that his life was in danger, and blurted out Labue’s name and the experience they had had. Upon hearing Labue’s name the wizard leaned without hesitation towards the goblin and asked for further details, Greep felt no reason to distrust the man, and he felt no harm in giving directions. The wizard asked Greep to lead him to Labue, telling Greep that Labue, Shi and himself were all close friends. Feeling that Labue would feel impressed by his contact, he decided to accompany the dark man. A huge smile fell upon Greep’s face; Labue would thank him and, therefore, would ask Greep to join the crew. Greep joyfully ran ahead of the wizard leading the way back to the mountains.
Labue and his companions decided to rest in a nearby cave, the night was upon them and the earlier excitement of the day had taken a lot of energy out of them. All, except Gaeyth, fell asleep. The elf left the cave and sat outside on a cliff, starring at the forest down below. He sensed someone behind him and immediately turned around. Labue stood at the entrance of the cave; he walked towards Gaeyth and sat next to him. Labue knew that there was no reason to ask foolish questions, Gaeyth obviously felt the forest; he missed his life back home. Labue wondered if Gaeyth was thinking of the female elf, the being accused of cheating during the arrow games. He had noticed that Gaeyth had angrily challenged Ergo once the female was declared the loser. As the masked elf, Gaeyth must’ve been close to this girl. The night fell into the mountains, as the stars began to disappear.
Labue’s dream had occurred many times before. His new friends were never involved, and the dream had been modified, longer in length. He dreamt of fire and ice, with smoke surrounding him. He stood alone, without his friends, hearing them scream in the background. Shi lay dead next to the struggling body of You, as Gaeyth lay motionless in a puddle of water. Surprisingly the goblin Greep also had an importance in Labue’s dream. Greep was being held by a fierce looking dragon. Labue heard a man’s voice and turned….
A screaming voice woke the travelers, Greep was been held in the air by a dark being, it appeared to be a wizard. Startled to see both Greep and a dangerous presence, Labue jumped up and remembered the dream he had just experienced. He questioned it, and also the real-life situation before him. Both Shi and Gaeyth ran towards the man, and were thrown aside by a fantastic burst of air. The wizard called for Labue, and Greep repeatedly apologized to the human. As the man turned to face Labue, a strike of lightning ran through Labue’s soul. He remembered the man; he was seen in the village of Sunso, the night before the tragedy. Labue stood, frozen. For the first time in his life Labue felt truly enraged.
“YOU!� Labue screamed, “you killed my family! You destroyed my life!� Tears of anger rolled down Labue’s face, as his face turned red.
The wizard chuckled, and then revealed his reasons, “Good guess, I wanted to destroy the whole village, I never intended for you and Shi Jubiha to live. I came to finish what I have started. Surrender to me now, or die an unfortunate death. As an example of my powers I will kill your friend Shi…� he extended his arm towards Shi, and released a dark bolt of light towards Shi. Shi fell to the ground, and once again faced death. This time Shi didn’t see a way out.
Labue watched his friend suffer in horror. “Alright! I surrender, I surrender! Stop, please, please!�
The wizard released his hold on Shi and turned to Labue. “Good choice, now here’s what you four must do for me…�
“No way am I going with you guys, are you crazy!� Shi shoved Labue against a wall. Shi, You, Labue, Gaeyth and Greep had been placed in a dungeon, and were forced to make a decision. Their first choice was to slay a legendary dragon called the Silver Light, and steal its heart to give to the wizard. The wizard would then have unspeakable powers. Their second choice was to die in the dungeon, without food, water or hope. Labue, Gaeyth and You chose to defeat the dragon, and then they would plot to kill the wizard. Only Shi felt nervous, he had seen the dragon before. In the same fantasy that Labue had seen.
The night the village of Sunso died, the elder man showed Labue and Shi a fantasy, involving the Silver Light. The fantasy showed the boys an amazing sight. Chou Sin, resurrected by the Legendary Stone, had transformed into the Silver Light, after many tormenting years. The heart of the dragon was the Legendary Stone itself. The wizard must’ve learned this from the elder, because the 36 year old man was the only person other than Shi and Labue to have known about the Stone and the Silver Dragon. The wizard had destroyed the town to keep everyone silent, that’s why he wanted Labue and Shi dead. The Dragon itself was a dangerous foe; no man could stand up to a fire breathing, ice throwing beast the size of a mountain. Shi didn’t want to die that way.
They all had their reasons to defeat the Dragon. Greep had decided to help them and be the hero, mainly because he felt guilty for everything that had happened, and to gain their respect. Gaeyth felt that he should protect his friends, and earn his kingdom’s respect. You wanted to live heroically to continue to form an alliance to overthrow her father. Labue wanted to avenge his people. Only Shi felt the true danger. The dragon itself would be dangerous, but then there was the stone and the powers it would unleash; the wizard was also a huge threat in Shi’s mind. Once again Shi did not want Labue to walk to his death, therefore Shi decided to protect Labue at all costs, even his own life.
They were given their weapons, old & new. Greep received his axe, sharpened and cleaned; he also received three small daggers. Labue, Shi and You received their swords, Shi received an additional one. Gaeyth got his bow & arrows, a sword, two daggers and his flute. Labue requested for five shields, yet the wizard only supplied one; Labue was given this shield. They were set free and prepared for battle.
Greep was honored to be accepted among his companions. Greep was haunted by memories of his past and always desired to find true companions. Greep remembered the Nightmare attack. His brother and father were the first to perish; The Nightmares had arrived out of nowhere, always aiming to kill and eat. Greep had been lucky to escape, yet his heroic act to rescue his loved ones almost cost him the use of his right arm. Greep was the only member of his tribe to survive the brutal attack.
The Dragon’s cave was thirty-two miles from their current location, it was speculated that the cave was surrounded by many fiends, impossible to escape.
Gaeyth walked behind the others, his eyes constantly watching Greep, he believed that the goblin was to blame for all that had happened; in some ways Greep was responsible, yet the naïve goblin never intended an evil uprising. You and Labue walked side by side, as if they were the chosen leaders, Shi constantly stayed behind You, watching her every move with a gleaming smile. This rotation remained similar for three miles until You turned around and saw Shi starring at her; with one slap Shi decided to walk ahead of the crew.
Hungry eyes of the night creatures watched them as they walked through the dark forest, uncomfortably You held Shi’s arm, unaware of her actions. Shi smiled once again. They build up camp next to a wilderness tree, bigger than any tree in Sunso. The tired warriors all settled down, even Gaeyth slept.
Labue, Gaeyth and You awoke the next morning and found no sign of Shi or Greep. The two had mysteriously vanished. Labue searched the area frantically, and then he worryingly ran into the forest, followed shortly by You. Gaeyth put his ear to the ground and began to meditate. After three long hours You and Labue returned to their campsite. Gaeyth stood up and pointed his finger, “They are one mile in that direction.�
Surely enough, Shi and Greep were found in cages above a burning flame. Gaeyth used his daggers and cut the locks down. Greep jumped into Gaeyth’s arms and Shi fell firmly to the ground. After being helped to his feet by You, the members noticed hundreds of eyes watching them.
A small tyron jumped into the area where the companions stood. The tyron was a rabbit-like troll, cute in the eyes of a female, dangerous in the eyes of a male. The tyron walked over to Labue and started poking him with a stick, Labue shoved the creature away. Shi nudged Labue, as if to enquire that that wasn’t a smart idea. The creature hissed at Labue and hundreds of tyrons appeared. They jumped onto Labue. Screaming in pain Labue grabbed his sword and swung at all the critters. Gaeyth grabbed for his flute and began to play peaceful music. The tyrons stopped and sat in a circle facing Gaeyth. As if being forced by a spell, Labue and his faithful friends also sat facing Gaeyth. After a short while, thousands of forest creatures sat, listening to the magical music. Just as fast as the music began, all the spectators fell asleep.
Gaeyth punched Labue and Shi, waking them up, and he gently pushed You. Greep was thrown into a tree by the elf. A shadow-figure emerged from the darkness of the forest. It stepped into the light and revealed itself as a minotaur. He complemented Gaeyth on his entertaining music. Stunned, Gaeyth walked towards the minotaur. He curiously asked as to how the beast didn’t fall into a temporary coma; the minotaur simply laughed and revealed that musical tricks do not effect the wise and mighty. Shi and Labue both nervously chuckled when You turned to them and sarcastically nodded. The minotaur was the keeper of the woods, his name was Nalrath. Nalrath listened to the tale of betrayal and torture. He volunteered his men to aid them in the battle against the Silver Light.
When the seven creatures of Nalrath were assembled, they individually expressed their remorse for the village of Sunso. They were an unlikely group of companions. Nalrath was the only minotaur; there stood three elves, one dwarf, one centaur and two humans. They were an elite group; Nalrath had introduced them as the best of the best.
Milrani, Erscon, and Steed were the three elves. They were all males and each held bows and arrows, and a sword. Fologe was the dwarf, although it was uncommon to see a dwarf in the forest Fologe looked as if he was a short-fat-elf; Fologe held an axe, and had a dirty brown beard. Gerts and Hope were brother and sister. Gerts was a tough looking male; he looked as if his pride was his true weapon. Hope was a beauty, she had her dark brown hair fall gently down her shoulders, she winked at Shi, causing him to blush. You jealously watched on. Lastly the wise looking centaur was simply named Goe. The half-man, half-horse looked surprisingly aggressive; usually centaurs were calm and peaceful beasts.
They walked towards the dragon’s cave. The cave was easy to find, it was the entrance that confused them all. The thirteen warriors separated and searched for a proper entrance, Greep found it and called for the others. Heavy breathing was heard, thus leading the fellowship to the Silver Light. They walked down the long corridors and stood motionless, You dropped her sword. In size the silver-colored dragon was approximately 12 feet long and 11 feet tall. The fierce reptile turned towards them and stood up.
It appeared angry; Labue walked forward and touched the dragon’s tail. The dragon turned to Labue and roared; Shi ran forward pushing Labue aside, safe from a blast of fire that emerged from the creature’s open mouth. Erscon released several arrows into the beast, making the dragon furious. It released a fire bolt, barely missing Fologe. None of the warriors had ever faced such fear; they had no idea that the dragon was as deadly as an erupting volcano.
You took up her sword and threw it into the Dragon’s chest; it screamed a ferocious howl and slammed its tail on Erscon, killing the elf. Milrani and Steed angrily jumped on the Dragon, as Gaeyth shot arrows into the dragon’s upper body, the trio of elves injured the dragon, yet the dragon seemed unaffected. It shook Milrani and Steed off its body, slamming them into a wall. Shi, Labue, Fologe, Nalrath, Gerts and You all attacked the dragon waving their various weapons. Goe and Hope ran to the body of Erscon, realizing that they were too late.
The dragon lifted itself into the air; its mighty wings flapping like twin swords. Before anyone could react, the dragon let out a shot of freezing water towards Gerts. The water froze to ice upon impact, Hope ran to her brother’s side, repeatedly trying to break the ice. The dragon completed this work. It swung its mighty tail at Hope, she ducked out of its way and the tail shattered Gerts. The billions of pieces flew all over the cave, brightening up the area. Hope screamed in terror and ran out of the cave. Shi ran towards her.
The dragon was growing tremendously impatient; he flew towards Gaeyth and landed within two feet of the elf. The arrow master had no chance, the dragon was capable of stopping all of his efforts, he reached for his flute in a desperate attempt. The Silver Light blew a flame towards Gaeyth. He dodged the blast at the cost of his magical instrument; the ashes of the flute blew into the air. Cornered, Gaeyth prepared his sword for one last fight; a familiar figure jumped in front of Gaeyth and stuck three small daggers into the throat of the beast, destroying all passages of air; Greep grabbed Gaeyth’s cloak and the duo ran out of the cave. The powerful Silver Light searched desperately for air, it began to choke. Labue, Fologe and Nalrath charged towards the dying beast. With one final blow, Labue struck his sword into the dragon; the creature fell to the ground and died.
The cave lightened up and the dragon transformed into a dying man, Chou Sin. The man whispered his words of gratitude and handed Labue the Legendary Stone. Sin died, released from his awful curse.
Outside, the surviving eleven members held memorial services for their lost companions. Erscon the agile elf and Gerts the warrior, that once saved the forest from war. Hope fell to her knees and prayed for her brother. Shi walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. The wind was cooler, the air was thin, the night was over.
Labue held the Legendary Stone and gazed at its features, he did not understand the powers of such a stone. In his pocket his own stone began to glow. His father had obtained this stone after battling a legendary gladiator, Labue had always thought of the stone as a trophy. The Legendary Stone was different, it looked evil, Labue could hear the stone’s awful presence. He didn’t want the evil dark wizard to obtain this evil item.
Nalrath walked towards Labue, limping from the vigorous battle. He offered to guard the stone in the forest. Labue knew that this was a generous offer, but they would all die if such a thing would happen, he knew that the stone was to be handed to the wizard.
Out of the forest, the wizard appeared. He walked towards Labue and saw the stone. A smile lit across his face and the souls of everyone turned black. Goe stood between the wizard and Labue. The wizard touched Goe and mumbled a few words, Goe split in half. The human upper body lay on one side of the ground, as the horse lower body lay on the other, Goe didn’t have enough energy to form any last words. The wizard grabbed the stone, shot a lightning bolt at Steed, and disappeared. Steed and Goe lay dead due to the unwanted visit. Nalrath shouted words of vengeance and vowed to help Labue, Shi, Gaeyth, You and Greep to the very end. Enraged Fologe, Hope, and Milrani also pledged their loyalty. Labue reached into his pocket and realized that he had the Legendary Stone; the wizard had taken his father’s trophy! The nine surviving members advanced towards the dark castle.
Following the law of Fracolous Poytin, an assassin searched the distant lands for Miraculous Poytin. He had seen her several times traveling with a group of warriors. The first time he had found her four drunken Demons had interrupted his plans; they had attacked Miraculous at a cantina back in the swamp lands. She was seen several more times, but she was always in a safe position with her new companions. Sontious wanted them all dead.
Sontious had observed Miraculous battle a great dragon and also witnessed the acts of a brutal dark wizard. The assassin traveled rapidly behind the wizard, following him to a dark castle. Believing that Miraculous would eventually arrive at the castle, he waited behind a large wall.
His estimation was correct; the fugitive had found her way to the castle, along with her traveling counterparts. They stopped at the entrance and began to communicate.
Labue was nervous, he had never guessed that they would have survived their fantastic journey; he turned to Shi and nodded. The two young humans prepared their swords and charged towards the gateway, followed by the other companions.
A huge man, approximately the size of a fully grown adult bear, jumped in the path of You. Startled, she stumbled forwards and fell to the ground, the grotesque man smiled.
In a surprised breath she shouted, “Sontious!� The man walked towards her, never releasing his grin. Labue felt uneasy and turned around; he saw no sign of You, and ran outside. He shouted for You, causing Sontious to turn and prepare his sword. Labue asked for an explanation, and Sontious did not hesitate to give one.
Labue stood flabbergasted; his thoughts dwelled on the fact that You Kental was really Miraculous Poytin, a runaway princess. With this explanation, Sontious felt that he was justified and began to raise his sword against Miraculous. Labue did not hesitate to challenge Sontious. The large man accepted Labue’s challenge, a duel to the death. Miraculous watched worryingly as Labue and Sontious slammed swords. The sound of the swords colliding was heard within the castle, Shi and Gaeyth ran towards the noise.
Sontious threw Labue against a stone wall, causing the small man to fall to the ground. Off guard, Labue mistakenly swung his sword, cutting Shi in the chest.
Shi looked at his friend and dropped to the ground; he held his bleeding wound and fainted. Labue felt the guilt, he felt responsible for his friends death. He saw no purpose to fight anymore, until he looked at You; his eyes were reflecting the fire in his heart, and Labue ran into Sontious, with the blade of his sword pointing towards the angry giant. Sontious never saw the attack, and never felt the effect; he died immediately upon impact.
Gaeyth stood with Shi and began his healing procedures. Luckily, Shi had only suffered a small injury and the pain was not as strong as Labue had imagined. Labue was relieved to see that his friend had not died by his blade and advised Shi to return to Gaeyth’s village to properly heal. Shi did not agree; he wanted the battle to proceed as planned.
Roptus, the dark wizard, waited patiently for his ‘guests’ to arrive. The stone he had recovered from Labue was worn around his neck. The nine warriors entered the mysterious room and saw Roptus. They walked cautiously until they were within speaking distance; Roptus revealed his little sympathy for the village and people of Sunso, as well as all the other murdered victims he had slaughtered. Angered by Roptus' sarcasm, Nalrath walked towards the wizard. The two titans stood parallel to each other and stared into each others eyes. Labue was startled when Nalrath spoke, Roptus knew Nalrath very well. There were four immortal titans to share the planet, Nalrath was keeper to nature, Roptus was keeper to the dead, Prospertos was keeper of the living and Chou Sin was in control of the seas.
Roptus laughed, claiming that he would soon be the only titan living since Sin had died due to the Silver Light phenomena and Roptus himself murdered Prospertos, a wise old fool living in Sunso; upon hearing this Labue and Shi gasped. Prospertos was an immortal; he had fooled the humans into believing that he was 36 for his own protection. Shi finally understood why the illness had never claimed Prospertos.
Nalrath grew increasingly enraged when Roptus revealed that he had murdered Nalrath’s closest friend; the Minotaur sent his anger towards Roptus.
Roptus was evenly matched, but was much more of a hypocrite; Nalrath never noticed the flying blade behind him. The legendary Minotaur fell, his life shattered by a former ally, his legacy brightened in the eyes of witnesses.
Labue saw the event in slow motion, he ran pointlessly towards the troubled Minotaur, taking only three short steps. He felt the pain of Nalrath’s defeat; the Legendary Stone began to glow. Both stones lit up the room. Roptus laughed at the fallen Nalrath and grabbed for the stone around his neck, the stone did not fulfill its master’s wish; it began to heal the Minotaur! Nalrath began to open his formally closed eyes. Roptus had not expected this; nonetheless, with the use of his dark powers, the Minotaur was just as easy to destroy.
Lightning flew in every direction, sounds of thunder roared in the ears of everyone. The Legendary Stone and its rival stone both unleashed a terrible power, Labue grabbed his protecting shield and guarded his body’s safety. Roptus laughed hysterically and shouted various words of magical consequences. The energy of the two stones clashed together and created a terrible blizzard. The obliteration was too much to handle. Releasing traps for the heroes, Roptus shackled Shi, Milrani, Hope, Gaeyth, and Fologe. Greep found himself in an invisible barrier along with Miraculous and Gaeyth. Labue watched helplessly as his friends and allies struggled to break-free, only Roptus had the power to destroy these menacing cages. The small human felt a vast blow of energy tackle his right leg, falling in pain, Labue saw that Roptus was also being attacked by this random attack. The stones had their victims locked. Labue reached for his shield once again, the deflections of the bolts flew into Roptus, draining all of his energy.
The high defenses that Roptus had created, shattered and the others broke free, running as the castle around them began to topple. The eight warriors strategically and narrowly escaped death. Roptus wasn’t so lucky, the powerful stones had created a devastating reality for the dark wizard. Within minutes of their escape, the castle collapsed and Roptus was captured inside, along with the two dangerous stones.
Fracolous Poytin was outnumbered and his soldiers & guards did not wish to stand up to the men that slaughtered the Silver Light and destroyed Roptus. The greedy and vulgar king withdrew from his royal position and his daughter was rewarded the kingdom of Rile Son. Miraculous Poytin and Labue married thereafter and brought the kingdom to proper justice and encouraged rightful laws. The courtship of Hope and Shi also was presented in the kingdom of Rile Son. Shi finally had a place to recognize as his home.
In Woodon, Sanin proudly held a festival for the return of the royal knight Gaeyth, whom brought fame and fortune, as well as recognition to their kingdom. Greep also was thanked through this festival, the once lonely goblin had now finally been accepted and welcomed to join a new ‘tribe’. The elves had ignored their natural racism towards the goblin. Gaeyth returned to his sister, Erana, and they lived prosperously in the forest kingdom. Not far from Woodon, Milrani and Fologe had started to assemble a new elite group of warriors, the two former students had become the new caretakers of the forest; the two eventually named the forest Nalrath to remember their late master.
The tale of vengeance and triumph became a legend through the years, and even after the deaths of all involved, Rile Son, Woodon, and the forest of Nalrath, held the strongest alliance that ever graced the foreign lands…
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Meredianna on January 2, 2005, 6:58:01 PM
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Powtaz on October 5, 2004, 1:30:41 AM
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Powtaz on August 30, 2004, 11:13:46 PM
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HaruGlory123 on August 24, 2004, 4:06:37 PM
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Powtaz on July 18, 2004, 10:30:29 AM
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WolfAquarius on July 13, 2004, 8:02:31 AM
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DreamOfFire on May 15, 2004, 3:42:33 PM
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Powtaz on May 9, 2004, 11:50:28 PM
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Powtaz on May 3, 2004, 3:40:51 AM
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