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Ask Seto Kaiba! ^-^

The title says it all, but I'll explain, I threatened to throw Seto in to a pit of Barbie's that are alive, and take over his company, if he didn't answer what ever people ask him, so ask away! ^_______^



Chapter 1 - Ask Seto Kaiba
Submitted: March 12, 2006 • Updated: March 12, 2006
Word count: 102 • Size: <1k • Comments: 28 • views: 623


Comments (31)

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Im-not-weird-Im-gifted on March 11, 2006, 11:51:47 PM

Im-not-weird-Im-gifted on (Chapter: 1)
Im-not-weird-Im-giftedGreat idea Puff! Ummm... And Seto, what was your first word? And do you have a crush on Serenity?

phoenix_grl on December 27, 2006, 7:58:39 AM

phoenix_grl on (Chapter: 1)
phoenix_grlcan i ask?? please? if so i'll get outa ur face seto ^^

Werecat13 on December 20, 2006, 1:52:48 PM

Werecat13 on (Chapter: 1)
Werecat13Hey Seto. What's Mokuba's favorite color? What's your favorite candy? And what's your favorite drink at Starbucks? If you don't like Starbucks than you're crazy.

Darker_Shadow on October 14, 2006, 8:17:32 PM

Darker_Shadow on (Chapter: 1)
Darker_ShadowSeto-sama! i have questions!

1.whats the square root of the third desimal of pi muliplyed by your hight and then devided by your **** size?
2.Will you lend me some money? it true that your acctually very short and walk around on stilts and thats why your 'legs' are so skinny?
4.will you sign all my yugioh cards? or just the kaiba cards at least.?
5. could you also sign my manga and posters?
6. and my other misc. seto orientated items?
7.if i resque you from PuffBubble do i get a 'prize'? *winks*
8. so are you gonna lend me some money? brother wants to know exactly hoe you got all the blue-eyes, i know you made one guy comit suicide and i think you bought one and we all know how ya got the one of yugis grandpa... did you have any one killed for it <3?
10. in the movie you just seam to leave all your cards allover the floor why? and did yuo get annother spear dragon cause i think you got a bit exited cause ya ripped that one...wouldnt just putting it in the gravyard surfice?

hmmm while were on the subject of the movie
11. his your arm ok?
and yugi must have been cheeting cause i worked it out and he would have run out of cards cause of your virus thing so he must have had more than 40 cards and thats against your rules... if you wanna take him up about it ill bring proof.

12. you dont mind answering so many do you?
13. whats your shoe size?
14. can i have your english voice actor to keep in my cubord and talk to? it true you have a pet bunny called Mr. fuzzlepants?
16.why do you always end up getting involved with what yugis doing, mean after battle city nothing makes sence, thats why i stopped watching it.
17. are you sure you dont mind so many questions? you like Pierrot? i think you would. you wear glasses? cause all that time in front of a computer cant be good for your eyes plus you'd look suuuper cute... if you say no...
20.can i poke one of your pretty eyes so you have to wear glasses so ya can look cuter?

so are you gonna lend me some money then?
later Seto-sama *hugz*

Soccergoddess14 on July 24, 2006, 12:00:46 AM

Soccergoddess14 on (Chapter: index)
Soccergoddess14Kaiba, I have questions... you don't have to answer them all, just please answer them in full sentences.

1. What's your ideal date?
2. What do you wish you had that you don't have (yeah, reaaally hard since you're rich)?
3. Did you ever want a pet? If so, what kind?
4. Do you plan on getting married?
5. Do you believe in marriage?
6. What's your favorite book? Do you read much?
7. How much spare time do you have, and what do you do with it other than answering our questions?

I think that's enough for now. No rush, I bet you're a busy man with a giant business at his feet.

Anita-Ishtar on May 5, 2006, 9:20:57 AM

Anita-Ishtar on (Chapter: 1)
Anita-IshtarAnother few possibilities...
1. What if I caught you and locked you up and forced you to marry me?
2. What if you didn't have a chance to escape?
3. What if I found you?
4. What if we had an arranged marrage?

PuffBubble on April 22, 2006, 5:22:58 AM

PuffBubble on (Chapter: 1)
PuffBubbleDarkDemonGAL- Your welcome. Yep. How many hours a day do you work, and how many days a week do you work?
PuffBubble: FINE! 3=

Anita-Ishtar- I would probably except to marry you, then refuse to marry you at the alter and escape from there.

Atems_Little_Girl- No. No, because it's bad for your health. Because that's how you run a company at Kaiba corp.'s level. Not really. No. I don't hate Joey, I simply like to watch his funny reactions to my insults. No, I'm not homosexual or Bisexual. Sometimes. No, because I don't know where you live. Yes. Not really. Uhhh,,, *blushing like crazy* No? Sort of. No. *thinking* She's insane...

Atems_Little_Girl on April 14, 2006, 12:46:40 PM

Atems_Little_Girl on (Chapter: 1)
Atems_Little_Girl(KAiba is walking, and I pop out of no where)


Seto- -_-' Not you again!

ALG- I HAS MORE QUESTIONS?! Do you like yaoi? Do you like to eat a bag of sugar? Why you alway work? Am I annoying? Do you watch Nascar? Why do you hate Joey? Do you think Yami is cute? Do you like to eat pizza? Can you get me some pocky? Do you like pocky? Do you go on dates? Do you want to marry Serenity? Do you think Tea is a friendship monster? DO you think Purple is cute?

(Then two tall aliens come over)

Tall Alien #1- Pandora stop bugging the humans

Tall Alien #2- Yes listen to your brother.

ALG- HI RED! HI PURPLE! Kaiba meet Red and Purple. Red, and Purple meet Kaiba.

Kaiba- ....