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Ask Seto Kaiba! ^-^

The title says it all, but I'll explain, I threatened to throw Seto in to a pit of Barbie's that are alive, and take over his company, if he didn't answer what ever people ask him, so ask away! ^_______^



Chapter 1 - Ask Seto Kaiba
Submitted: March 12, 2006 • Updated: March 12, 2006
Word count: 102 • Size: <1k • Comments: 28 • views: 623


Comments (31)

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thiefchild on March 24, 2006, 6:42:05 AM

thiefchild on (Chapter: 1)
thiefchildhi seto! um...well i have a question... what if you came to your mansion one night and it had been transformed into hogwarts( the castle from harry potter) and what character would you rather be in harry potter AND (last question) do u think yourself as hot? well of corse u do coz u r really hot!!!! *drools* and do u like chocolate?????

DarkDemonGAL on March 23, 2006, 7:27:33 AM

DarkDemonGAL on (Chapter: 1)
DarkDemonGALme: back again, ok i am not exactly lik ur other fans seto im serious. that's y vegeta follows me alot. i guess he's my boyfriend now. in his head. well i gotta send u a pick of wat i look lik in the other world and im here to test how smart u really r seto kaiba
me: *yells*go home kitu
kitu: well how rude.
me: he talks! well here r sum of my questions. i kindly request that u email me when u answer. im very busy as u saw b4 to look everyday.
1. do u lik redheads?
2. what is ur fav type of music?
3. what kind of grl do u prefer?
4. wat is ur fav show?
5. i think u look hott in ur knight offit on the cover of the video game 'deulists of the roses"commenting
6.i dont lik many brown haired guys but u and vegeta take the cake!
----vegeta! i completely 4got! he wanted cake tonight. hopefully he wont want anythhing per-
vegeta; again!
me; shoot
vegeta; let's go now *grabs and flies off*
me:*yelling from a distance* ull be hearing from meeeeeeeeeeee!

DarkDemonGAL on March 23, 2006, 7:12:41 AM

DarkDemonGAL on (Chapter: 1)
DarkDemonGALme:ok well i got a # of questions for hotty seto there. hold on *whispers* "sry dear vegeta"
vegeta: ah ha! caught you cheating on me.
me: VEGETA! w-w-what r u doning here
vegeta: i came to ask u that!!!
vegeta: where's my special rice and sushi
me: oh the maki sushi!*whispers to u* ull be hearing from me.

PuffBubble on March 15, 2006, 11:15:48 AM

PuffBubble on (Chapter: 1)
PuffBubblePuffBubble: ^___________^

Seto: I haven't ever met you, so I don't know if I like you. Purple is a color. In the day the sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. Mokuba looks girlish, because he looks more like my mother, than my father and he has long hair. No I do not think the Irken (whatever they are) race will take over earth. I haven't a clue. You are very strange...

Atems_Little_Girl on March 14, 2006, 7:54:30 AM

Atems_Little_Girl on (Chapter: 1)
Atems_Little_GirlALG- ME HAS A QUESTION! ME HAS A QUESTION!!!! SETO DO YOU LIKE ME? DO YOU KNOW WHO PURPLE IS? WHY IS THE SKY BLUE? Why does Mokuba look like a girl? Do you think the Irken race will take over earth? Do you think Yami likes me? Why AM I ASKING TO MUCH QUESTION!!!!

Seto Kaiba- ....

PuffBubble on March 14, 2006, 7:21:19 AM

PuffBubble on (Chapter: 1)
PuffBubblePuffBubble: LOL!

Seto: You are completely insane, aren't you? Thank you... I think.

SetoAngel01 on March 14, 2006, 2:56:49 AM

SetoAngel01 on (Chapter: 1)
SetoAngel01LOL! Seto, boxers or briefs? LOL! Just kidding, I think I know, I draw you in them all the time. O_O LOL! Just kidding. You're not even wearing anything. LOL! Just kidding again... Well... Uh... Maybe I better just stop before I make PuffBubble's eyes pop out of her head. Okay, Seto, all seriousness here, "I LOVE YOU!!!!" *Drools and foams at mouth like crazy fangirl*


PuffBubble on March 14, 2006, 1:18:17 AM

PuffBubble on (Chapter: 1)
PuffBubblePuffBubble: THANKIES! ^-^

Seto: Probably not, because I can stand those idiots and there blabber about the heart of the cards. I don't really have a favorite kind of animal.

perfectpureblood on March 13, 2006, 12:42:40 AM

perfectpureblood on (Chapter: 1)
perfectpurebloodHe he he, I love it!

So Seto, will you ever pacth it up with yugi and the gang? And what is your fav animal?

PuffBubble on March 11, 2006, 11:56:55 PM

PuffBubble on (Chapter: 1)
PuffBubblePuffBubble: Thankies! And if was my friend's idea!

Seto: My first word was 'mommy' and I may have a small crush on Serenity, but not a big, one.

PuffBubble: He's blushing like there's no tomorrow, so yes, he does have a HUGE crush on Serenity!

Seto: I do not!

PuffBubble: Sure you don't. LOL!