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Submitted May 10, 2007 Updated May 9, 2008 Status Complete Chapters: 11 Size: 23k Words: 5,134 Comments: 85 Views: 6,940 Faves: 20 Rating: 2 | How Sasuke really feels about Sakura! Pairings: Sasuke X Sakura Naruto X Hinata Shikamaru X Ino Neji X Tenten Sexual Content: Mild
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Couples/Pairings » Sakura/Sasuke |
Submitted January 14, 2008 Updated May 10, 2008 Status Incomplete Chapters: 4 Size: 23k Words: 4,204 Comments: 7 Views: 1,262 Faves: 0 Rating: 0 | My OC's story with the Akatsuki Clan and her friends! Sexual Content: Mild Violence: Mild to Moderate
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Um, by edit do oyu mean liek the edits on my pro or how I color my pics?
Well, it's pretty much the same thing.
My pictures I scan them and then color parts of it with paintshop pro 7, but I originally put them on MS pain, colored over it, and added the lines and details.
Editing screen shots is pretty much the same. You get the show on MS paint, color over the hair, erase details you don't need/want. It's time consuming but, you know, that's how oyu do it.
I recommend the line tool, painbrush tool, and that..tool that lets you copy colors more than anything. They are the best. Pencil tool? Yeah, it sucks.
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