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Firiel's Profile

Firiel's Profile
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Username Firiel Gender Female
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Darn it, FAC, why did you break my contest awards graphics? Oh well.

I'm Firiel, a college art major living in the US of A.

Fandoms... Too many to list easily? A lot of it falls under fantasy/scifi, old children's lit, or anime, if that narrows it down at all. [img]NaN[/img] I do seem to be the main Narnia fan on here right now, so that's one distinctive thing.

Also, I am the self-elected Watcher of Potential New Categories. I have a running Notepad document of links to all of the things which might be able to be categories eventually, but which just don't have enough entries to meet the rules yet. Have a suggestion for something I should keep an eye on? Let me know. [img]NaN[/img]


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Comments (100)

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matthespeedstar on April 24, 2017, 4:03:48 PM

matthespeedstar on
matthespeedstarApparently this site won't let me update the image so I had to repost it

Firiel on April 24, 2017, 7:16:46 PM

Firiel on
FirielEh, whatever works.
...I imagine that was originally so people didn't bait-and-switch after a picture had passed approval?

ANWAR4EVERY1 on January 24, 2017, 10:18:04 PM

Comment Deleted

Firiel on February 13, 2017, 7:48:22 PM

Firiel on
FirielI haven't been doing much art other than painting my homework lately, but I appreciate your interest and I'm keeping the idea in mind for when I can fit it in.

FoxyFlapper on December 3, 2016, 8:13:00 PM

FoxyFlapper on
FoxyFlapperThanks for faving Miss Georgia Rose!

Firiel on December 7, 2016, 7:12:39 PM

Firiel on
FirielYou're welcome! :)

Morpher on February 16, 2016, 5:20:34 PM

Morpher on
MorpherHey, thanks for commenting on my Goo Monster. There isn't a lot of smudging, (its kinda minor), but, still because I know were is got smudged it's highly noticeable for me. ...But anyways, thanks again for you comment. I appreciate it. 

Morpher on February 16, 2016, 6:05:00 PM

Morpher on
MorpherOh, I forgot to ask! What character(s)  (if you can recall) do you speak of that my goo monster reminded you of?

Firiel on February 16, 2016, 10:19:08 PM

Firiel on
FirielThe villain from the 90s Math Blaster game - think its name was Jelator? And Gloppy from the Molasses Swamp in the old Candyland.
Hope that's not too silly an answer. :)

Morpher on February 17, 2016, 1:50:38 PM

Morpher on
MorpherNonsense! How this could be deemed a silly answer is beyond me! And omg, I totally remember playing the Math Blasters way back then. So old and long ago. x,D Haha. But, yeah your right, those two do resemble my goo monsters to a degree. I'm Getting much interesting and awesome remembrances from my goo monster. :D 

Firiel on February 17, 2016, 9:15:05 PM

Firiel on
You used to play Math Blaster, too? Did you ever do Reading Blaster?
We used to love those games as kids - my little brother's favorite character was Spot.

Morpher on February 18, 2016, 5:33:57 PM

Morpher on
MorpherThough my memory of way far back is fuzzy, odds are if I played Math Blasters I most likely played Reading Blasters as well. :P

Seeing as we're on the topic of old (PC) games ever played any games from the Monkey Island series back then? My absolute favorite was Curse of Monkey Island! <3 

Firiel on February 19, 2016, 3:36:16 PM

Firiel on
FirielI actually didn't play Monkey Island back then - mostly "educational games" as a kid <.<- but I did play through some Monkey Island stuff with my younger brother on an emulator more recently. ^_^
...Did you ever play any Commander Keen? Or Master of Orion? Both of those are older but newer-to-me games... and I was surprised and delighted that they're actually coming out with a new Master of Orion, with some A-list actors. ^_^ Space-empire-building strategy game, now with Mark Hamill and John de Lancie? Sign me right up!

Morpher on February 20, 2016, 5:52:53 PM

Morpher on
MorpherHhmmm, mainly educational games huh... *thinking...* ...are the kids games Putt-putt, Freddi fish (and others like it) educational games? ...They're probably leaning more towards the adventure genre though. Oh, I've also played some Carmen Sandiego games then as well, I'm pretty sure those were classified as educational games. The most prominent one I can recall was 'Where in time was Carmen Sandiego' which I played on the NES. Good times. Any others I might've played I can't honestly recall. My memory of them is lost to time.

Never heard of Commander Keen. Although I have heard of Master of Orion, though I've never played it. Space empire building strategy game huh? Kinda sounds like something like the tycoon games and other business/economic simulation games along the line. How is it? (Though an assumption of good is presumed if your looking forward to a new one.)

Firiel on February 28, 2016, 6:11:20 PM

Firiel on
FirielOh, Putt-putt. I do remember that little guy. :)

Well, I like MoO obviously - not certain what your mileage would be on it? Pick a species, start out with a homeworld and try to locate/colonize other planets, balance how much of your economy is going into tech research vs. industry vs. environment etc., make first contact with other species hiding out in random parts of the star-map and either keep them happy via diplomatic discussions and gifts/trade agreements or stay far enough ahead of them on your tech and fleet size to be able to win a war if you need to. The titular Orion is a star system hidden somewhere in your map that used to be colonized by some advanced race that's gone now - if you can get past the doomsday machine they left behind your scientists get the technology they left behind, which gives you a significant tactical boost on the other species. And you can either make a war-based win, by conquering everything in sight, or a diplomatic win, by keeping on the good side of the majority of the species in your map and getting them to vote  you in as - basically ruler of the galactic council. Different random events, good and bad, can happen to your planets for you to compensate for along the way. And different starter species have different advantages and disadvantages - like the rock-based lifeforms can safely live in any environment so they don't need to make terraforming tech, but other species are predisposed to dislike them.

The second one, Battle of Antares, is the same basic setup but with more customization on the colonies, a couple more species to play with, different graphics (rough 3D rather than pixelated shading). and as time goes on one of the events you run into is an attack at some point in the gameplay by a race more advanced than anybody on the map - an extinction event unless you've built up your infrastructure and incredibly well. You can turn the superior invasion on or off as you start gameplay depending on how hard you want to make life for yourself.

Both are turn-based.
Haven't played no. 3...

Rike on February 19, 2016, 8:00:08 AM

Rike on
RikeHey, Thanks for favoriting so many of my recent pictures. I appreciate the gesture :)
Wow, very nice work you have here. o..o * peeking your gallery* 

Firiel on February 19, 2016, 3:30:36 PM

Firiel on
FirielYou're very welcome. You've been posting some cool stuff. ^_^
And thanks. :)

Sushiyama on February 11, 2016, 4:03:06 PM

Sushiyama on

scaryscenes on February 4, 2016, 1:47:22 PM

scaryscenes on
Comment Deleted

Firiel on February 6, 2016, 1:21:52 PM

Firiel on
FirielYou are quite welcome. :)

Sushiyama on February 2, 2016, 4:28:58 PM

Sushiyama on
SushiyamaThanks, you worded that a lot more kindly than I was thinking it. I didn't want to come off as an @$$ to the poor soul, I hardly even know 'em! And thanks again for the lovely comments on my work. =w=

You are a peach cobbler! (Don't know what that means, but it sounds delicious! OwO)

Morpher on February 1, 2016, 7:41:55 PM

Morpher on
MorpherHello again, thanks for commenting on 'Clamp'. Hhhmmmm, he kinda does feel a bit Maurice Sendak doesn't he? Anyway, thanks again. I appreciate it. :-)



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