KAT_Hiwatari's Profile
KAT_Hiwatari's Profile

Username | KAT_Hiwatari | Gender | Other |
Date Joined | Location | here, now | |
Last Updated | Occupation | watching animes & being obsessed | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 35 | |
# Comments Given | 283 |
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Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 5, 2005, 2:52:54 AM
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 4, 2005, 11:14:02 PM

And my comp. teacher is like that to but I don't stop to talk and joke around so in the end he just ignores everything, lol... My goal is to be kicked out so I don't have to be there anymore. But I don't think I will sucied with that. But still am I having a great time some times when I joke around with the ones sitting near me. I can talk with anyone about anything. Yup very easy going and all that but I can be a devil sometimes. Hopefully will you never get on my list, lol. But something ells another time I have to go and do something ells like train on drawing the male body -.- I really suck at that but I have found some tutorials a long time ago that I printed out so yeah ¨shrughs¨ See Ya!!!
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 4, 2005, 11:04:34 PM
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 4, 2005, 10:01:09 PM

* Flubber ~ That one is fun ^-^
*Hollow Man ~Donno never seen nor heard about so maybe
*Shrek ~Fun but I have only seen the first one but the second is better. All my classmates says that so I have to check it out soon. ^-^
* 10 things I hate About You ~I know one thing you hate me because of at the moment but maybe it sounds fun. I havn't seen it.
Well my day ends around 13:20 so I'll be home by then :P It is the only day I actually comes home early ^-^ YAY!!! What do you do there?
Sorry had to cut was to long...
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 4, 2005, 10:00:14 PM

*S.W.A.T ~Think I have seen but I can be wrong -.- and it was Okay.
*I, Robot ~Seen but something in it made me have to see it three different times before I had seen all the scenes (I got disturbed or bored and walked away -.-) and not so good actually because of that.
*Harry Potter ~Havn't seen yet but I liked the first two so yeah I think I would like ^-^
*The Vilage ~That was a major disappointment the comercial lied and it was not a good movie -.- or at least I thought so. it was boring! (sorry if you liked but I didn't)
*Signs ~Donno haven't seen nor heard about but it sounds like a horror movie so yeah maybe ^-^
*Lord of the rigs ~Only seen the first one of this and never read the books and I ike fantasy so this is a maybe ^-^
*Tarzan and Mulan ~Not the best Disney movies I have seen but Mulan is fun with the dragon Mushu or something so yeah Okay ^-^
*Gladiator ~Have it and I havn't watched the whole yet so no don't think so...
*Bad Boys ~Have not seen but sounds fun
*The ring ~Is that the horror movie with the video that kills the ones that watches it? I have seen it and it was Okay.
*Underworld ~Meh I think it is that movie I want to see but havn't seen so yeah think so ^-^
*My best friend wedding ~Sound like comedy havn't seen but could be fun ^-^
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 4, 2005, 3:42:15 AM

Well our comp class assigments just take at the most 10 min to finisch so the rest of the time are we just surfing on the net ^-^ But he doesn't want us to do so but we do it anyways and we keep nagging to go and well it is a bit complicated how we manage but I'll try to explain another time.
Yup I want that pill, and the hotmail thingy well...
...I have tried ¨glares evily at comp.¨ But my damn thing called the technologys (or how you spell it) wonder just dies when I try to get one and the questions they ask is just plain weird @-@ Donno what they use them for. But I am going to try later again when I got some time over and when it works you will be the first to know ^-^
Oh and just to let you know, since everbody ells didn't get the memo, I have updated HYE? a while ago. Only one review this far on the chap but yeah ¨shrughs¨ It was the first of april and you could have took it as a joke. But enough now or I'll bore you :P
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 4, 2005, 3:19:30 AM
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 3, 2005, 10:56:09 PM
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 2, 2005, 7:17:09 PM

But names yeah, you can look at our two male dogs name and see if you like. Denver and Conti or well you could give them japanese names based on their colours or swedish ones, and with that could i help. Or maybe Cheese and Doodles like in that snack or Pill And Dill witch I think sounds fun ^-^
But yeah I'll get back on that because I want to draw now and prepare myself for tomorrow and school ¨shivers¨ I don't want to get back there. BYE!!!
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 2, 2005, 5:56:15 PM

I think I have a really split personality -.- But yeah the rabbits. Most of them where over 6 years old and we had a dessert rat named Benny ökis (desserts or something translated öken is dessert) And he got like 4-5 years old and died happily ^-^
But names Okay... Diddeldi and Diddeldum, lol from Alice in Wonderland. But yeah let's see...
Sorry have to go our new puupy needs to go if you know what I mean, lol.
I'll be back soon See Ya!
Sinja: What now?
It took me at least five frekking min to get it to cooperate with me because it froze the whole time. I hate it now -.-
Kat: Like we hate you
¨waves hand to show she don't care¨ Whatever I know you like me so just buzz off will ya?
Well I am random and like randomness so just take whatever comes to you but I got to go or starve sionce it is dinner and big family + food + getting ther to late = Nothing on the dining table at all!
So I have to hurry see ya!