KAT_Hiwatari's Profile
KAT_Hiwatari's Profile

Username | KAT_Hiwatari | Gender | Other |
Date Joined | Location | here, now | |
Last Updated | Occupation | watching animes & being obsessed | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 35 | |
# Comments Given | 283 |
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Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 12, 2005, 9:44:36 PM
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 12, 2005, 3:53:56 AM

I should leave yeah right ^-^
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 12, 2005, 3:53:43 AM

Kat: Here we go again...
Me: What?
Kat: Oh nothing you are just going to put up an act.
Me: No I wasn't! You are so lying.
Kat: whatever ¨shrughs and walks away¨
Me: Some times i just hate her for her being herself.
Sinja: Wonder why she is popular then?
Me: Heard the song eith the lyrics mean girls are popular mean girls are cruel mean girls are acting cold thats why they are mean girls?
Sinja: Nope.
Me: Well I think it is true but yeah where was I?
Me: Who let her out from her box?
Kat: I didn't I droped her out from a cliff.
Sinja and Me: O.o What?!!?
Kat: She didn't die as you can see ¨kat looks down at tiilia that snuggles with her leg¨ Let go off me!
Tiilia: You smeel like breath mint.
Me: Lol What? hahahahhahha...
Kat: Don't laugh!
Me: Don't think I can stop now but anyways back to something well as I said or was supposed to say ¨galres at Kat that looks back at me with innocent eyes¨
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 11, 2005, 11:45:54 PM

But seriously none! I have read around 10 15 different kinds and seen almost as many animes. But yeah I will give you a link when I can.
Not this week since I have comp test that class end the next lesson I have a huge english test onj that time or test and test. It is one of the national eng writting school thingys that can drive a student nuts -.-U Seriously. And you can't study for them, that is the scary part.
I would love to tell you what manga is but you can read it when I get a test of my page up witch should be next week or the week after that ^-^ I just have stuff to link and add and then draw a pic for my page and... well you'll see when it is done and I will provide you with a link. Oh and I am going to call it Manga ZOoNEN Weird name actually but I like so I am going to stick with it.
Jö jö, lol (jö jö is short for Adjö that is God Bye ^-^)
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 11, 2005, 3:43:04 AM

Smile, smile, smile... Yeah whats up with smiles these days? I am mostly smiling to when I am not in school or thinking about it then I am not.
But yeah it is going to be about manga/anime so something you can resemble to that. I actually have an old maskot that is Sinja's first thought... Don't ask I wanted to do a manga like a year ago but I didn't have the energy to do more than three pages. But well cat, dog, phoenix, dragon, tiger do what you want ^-^ You can do more than one and let me chose if you want and if you can't think of anything I'll just use Zinur as my creation is called, lol ^-^
I am working on it slowly but my homepage is growing and I am just going to desing the layout put in pic's and fanfic's and write about the different stories I know about. By the way what manga have you read?
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 10, 2005, 10:46:57 PM

And yeah it was the light version of my defence mod so that was not so big really but I can close up and not talk to anyone at all that is a bit worse -.-
I draw in school but my friends and classmates there wont leave me alone and keeps asking, but there is one cute boy that asks me and when he sees it he says it is good all the time so yeah that I dont mind ¨blush¨. And if I do it to much they will nic me with something that has to do with that -.-U I think I have more then a duzzin nic's by now. Our kitchen table is to full of things and if I sit there to long I will get some work to do so I'll usually escapes up to my room.
Take your time on the mascot, friend :p Yup it is fun to call you friend, friend. ^-^
Same with the tests here but I don't actually like to study nor sit in the test room so I am doing it faster than you should. I mean we had 2½ hours on us but I manage to be done in 20 min. So yeah I hope it went well only two more this week -.-U
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 9, 2005, 8:19:31 PM

Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 9, 2005, 7:07:52 PM

I don't have a desk and I have to sit with everything in my lap when I draw's it so I don't notice that fast if I make mistakes. I think that's why or the fact that I suck but yeah I am hoping on the first one ^-^ and it would be suicide to sit in the kitchen since I would get so many other things to do that my7 parents will yell at me to do so I wouldn't get anything done -.-
Sapphire_Angels_Devil on April 9, 2005, 6:55:45 PM

I was tired when I drew the outlining lines so I sort of forgot it. And I don't like his face anymore on my pic it looiks bad but I will try and do him in the same pose and then work my little misstakes out. When I get the time, I have a huge Swedish test tomorrow about our languages history and I don't want to fail it -.-U Gotta keep my grades up or get my mom and dad's look that said i told you so...
Sayonara friend ^-^
Ps. When you get the mascot done I'll use it on my loggo Ds.