KrimsonChaos's Profile
KrimsonChaos's Profile

Username | KrimsonChaos | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | Canada! Land of the Almighty Maple Sirup, yay! | |
Last Updated | Occupation | I am a complete Game/Anime freak! | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 5 | |
# Comments Given | 20 |
Member Info
Member Info
Hey folks! ^_^
Konnichiwa! Hajimemashoote! Watashi wa Krimson , dôzoyoroshiku!
Lol! Well, hey you guyz! Name's Catherine, but I'd rather be called Krimson (lol! Just don't look at me weirdly, this nickname is due to an overly huge obssession with crimson red :p).
First, I would like to thank you, yeah, YOU! *points at the reader* For taking some of your precious time to read my profile and random babbles about stuff I like and don't like.
I have to warn you though, that this will be VERY long. I just have so many things to say that it'll probably get boring in the end, but if you like tough challenges and are very patient, try to read all of this to the very end, please?
Lol! Okay then! If you're reading THIS particular line, it means you still got interest in what I say! ^_^ So I'm gonna start with the usual basics.
Enjoy your stay in my lair, human! Mwahahaha!!! ...Ahem... *cough*
Basically, I am a random half-Canadian/Irish girl living a very strange life in Canada, the snowy land! However, I grew up in the ONLY city of this country where people barely even speak English... they ALL speak FRENCH! O_o
So, you guessed it, I'm a lil french-speaker. That explains all the mistakes I make!
Beside the fact that I am a very strange and hyper person, my own little world mainly turns around RPGs and Anime/Manga.
I also adore to draw and write fics whenever I have some free-time... yet, the major and only problem is that I kind of suck at drawing.
Yet, I think that, with many efforts, looking at others' art and learning a bit, I will become better and finally be worthy of posting my draws to this Fanart Central, along with countless wonderful and talentuous artists!
I personally think that my stories don't suck as much as my art, but still, you guys shall judge whether or not this is true. I might start to post fanfictions on this site but I HAVE to get some feedback for my work!
Lol! I adore getting good comments on what I do and also constructive critics. However, like most artists on this site, I hate to receive childish and aggressive messages because my work sucks or whatever.
One of my little, personnal dreams is to get a HUGE list of good comments on a draw or story I made. It feels SO good when you see that people love what you do, it's a very comforting feeling! ^^
My biggest hobbies : : In the first place, I should say playing video games.
I'm so obsessed with them that I can't even spend an entire day without thinking or talking about them.
Same goes for anime and manga, which have both become a very important part of my life, writing and drawing.
I ADORE all kinds of metal / rock music and many variations of it, I love creepy movies and collecting the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (YEAH! It rules big time ^^).
Also, like a lot of normal people, I enjoy hanging around with my crazy friends and having a great time laughing!
My Favorite RPGs : : There is a very long list of them... it goes on forever! O_o
To be short, I'd say that all of SquareSoft old-school (and most recent) games, Final Fantasy collection, Elder's Scrolls collection and Halo made me the gamer-freak that I am.
I am completely in love with Final Fantasy VII, which is my old classic, and newer games like Kingdom Hearts, .Hack//Sign, Tales of Symphonia, etc.
My classics are, obviously, the whole collection of Final Fantasy from the first one to the now thirteenth one. They are probably the most amazing games I've ever played and I'm not about to sale or forget them.
Note : : If someone's heard of an upcoming game called "Dirge of Cerberus" and you're as big a fan of Vincent Valentine as me, you GOTTA be the happiest person out there: Finally, a playable sequel to Final Fantasy VII! AND WITH EVERYONE'S FAVORITE CRIMSON-EYED GUNNER AS A MAIN CHARACTER, YA-HAAA! ^^
My Favorite RPG Bishonens : : Yes indeed, I am also a HUGE fangirl of RPG and Anime cuties. Like many girls here, I'm obssessed with a lot of them, but I have my personnal preferences...
In RPGs and other video games, my choice would go to Vincent Valentine (FFVII), who turned my love for the color red into a wicked obsession. I just love him and his inner Chaos! *glomps Vincent* (He's my perfect match ^^)
I also have somewhat of an overly big crush on Sephiroth (FFVII) and Riku (KH). Those three have always been my video game top three cuties and they probably are going to last long!
My Favorite Anime/Manga : : My list of favorite anime and manga isn't as long as my RPG one. Therefore, I guess I can tell you all of my top-class shows!
Angel Sanctuary
Vision of Escaflowne
Rurouni Kenshin
Lawful Drug (YAOI RULES! ^^)
Yami no Matsuei
Weiss Kreuz
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yuugi
Yu Yu Hakusho
Neon Genesis Evangelion (HAIL TO YOSHIYUKI SADAMOTO! XD)
Tsubasa and XXXHolic
Cowboy Bebop
Love Hina
Gundam Wing
Lol! I guess I have a lot... yet my very favorite one would be Angel Sanctuary!
Wow, when I first discovered that awesome manga from talented mangaka Kaori Yuki, I immediately became a fan.
See, I love demonology and angelology; I couldn't possibly have asked better than a manga filled with all sorts of truths and stuff about the hierarchy of angels and demons throughout both of Heaven and Hell!
If you love twisted love relations between brother and sister, demonical angels who please to fool around with humans, demons who fight for freedom and stories about the outcome of a world-reaching war...
My Favorite Anime Bishounens : : This list is going to be VERY long. Therefore, I will put my very favorite ones in here and keep the others tied up in my lair! Mwahaha! :-p
- Ran Fujimiya and Schuldich (WK). If you know about Weiss Kreuz, you gotta admit that Ran's got the coolest hair!
- Kyo Soma and Hastuharu Soma (FRUBA). Kyo's simply too gorgeous and cute to be true! ^^
- Satoshi Hiwatari, Krad and Dark (DNAng.). These three - especially blue-haired Satoshi - are way too handsome XD
- Zelgadis Graywords (Slayers). Aw! Chimera-boy Zel! ^^ That one's a must; a truly unforgettable little blue-skinned fella!
- Seto Kaiba, Malik Ishtar and Yami-no-Bakura (YGO). Seto's a babe and a FINE one I must say. And what about pretty Malik and vicious Bakura? BABES AS WELL! XD
- Dilandau Albatou and Van Slanzar de Fanel (VOEsca.) Dilie-kun! The white-haired bishounen from Vision of Escaflowne! His english voice freaks the hell outta me, but he's still very cool and evil. And Van! He's got Kirby Morrow as a voice-speaker and Seki Tomokazu as a seiyuu! Could he possibly ask for more?
- Sesshoumaru, Kouga, Naraku, Miroku and Inuyasha (Inuyasha) Okay, there's far too much to say about these five cuties. Sesshy's the best in my opinion, though!
- Gaara no Sabaku, Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) I know for sure that some will agree with me: even though he ain't got eyebrows, Gaara is a hot one!
- Kaoru Nagisa (NGE). Kaoru-kun! Another white-haired bishie! Jee, why does he have to be in love with skinny Shinji?! >_<
- Shuichi Minamino (Youko Kurama) and Hiei Jaganshi (YYH). Now these three have to be some of the most popular anime cuties out there... and for GOOD reasons! ^^
- Aoshi Shinomori, Soujiro Seta, Sanosuke Sagara and Kenshin Himura (RK). Kenshin's definitely changed my life. Rurouni Kenshin was my very first manga and the deepness of the topics and story additioned to the prettiness of the art (and characters such as Aoshi-sama ^^) have launched me into the amazing world of Japanese mangas!
- Muraki Kazutaka, Hajime Terazuna, Yutaka Watari, Hisoka Kurosaki and Asato Tsuzuki (YNM). Too much to say about those five adorable bishies! ^^ Muraki's the most twisted of all doctors and he's got Hayami Sho for a seiyuu, he rocks!
- Mikael, Lucifer and Sakuya Kira (AS). Lucifer is undoubtedly one of the sexiest animes guys (he's the Devil after all, fu fu fu! ^^) and Mikael is just as great!
- Hiroshi Nakano and Tatsuha Uesugi (Gravitation). I love Hiro's hair! And Tatsuha is the most perverted sixteen-year old monk I've ever seen... O.o
- Hotohori, Tasuki, Nuriko, Chichiri, Amiboshi, Tokaki and Tatara (FY). TOO MUCH TO SAY! >_< Nuriko's the coolest guy ever!
- Duo Maxwell (GW). I just adore guys with long braided hair! ^^
(I'm FINALLY done with the anime bishie list! X_X)
I also love to collect the chibi and funny faces of the characters in anime shows.
My funny-face idols are Shigure and Ayame Soma (FB) - Yuusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara (YYH) and Jounouchi Katsuya (YGO!).
Since I love music, my Favorite Bands and Singers are : :
H.I.M. (Ville Valo is the BEST of the BEST!)
The offspring
30 seconds to Mars
Avenged Sevenfold
Killswitch engaged
Stone temple pilots
The Ataries
Skinny puppy
The 69 eyes
System of a down
Utada Hikaru
Billy Talent
My chemical romance
Nobuo Uematsu
Children of Bodom
Frou Frou
Linkin Park
The Prodigy
Velvet Acid Christ
Hayami Sho
Seki Tomozaku
Koyasu Takehito
The White Stripes
Loreena McKennitt
Papa Roach
The Used
Malice Mizer (Gackt... *drools*)
In Flames
Arch Enemy
Nine Inch Nails
Smile Empty Soul
(And many, many others O.o)
...I am done, am I not? I am?! YAY! I'm finally done with the bio and, as I expected, it was VERY long.
Well, if you're still reading those lines and are not about to die of boringness, you really are someone to be respected :p lol! I thank you for spending some time trapped into my little lair and please, take a look at my work, I'd really appreciate it! ^_^
Sayonara folks! Arigato gozaimasu! *bows*
Konnichiwa! Hajimemashoote! Watashi wa Krimson , dôzoyoroshiku!
Lol! Well, hey you guyz! Name's Catherine, but I'd rather be called Krimson (lol! Just don't look at me weirdly, this nickname is due to an overly huge obssession with crimson red :p).
First, I would like to thank you, yeah, YOU! *points at the reader* For taking some of your precious time to read my profile and random babbles about stuff I like and don't like.
I have to warn you though, that this will be VERY long. I just have so many things to say that it'll probably get boring in the end, but if you like tough challenges and are very patient, try to read all of this to the very end, please?
Lol! Okay then! If you're reading THIS particular line, it means you still got interest in what I say! ^_^ So I'm gonna start with the usual basics.
Enjoy your stay in my lair, human! Mwahahaha!!! ...Ahem... *cough*
Basically, I am a random half-Canadian/Irish girl living a very strange life in Canada, the snowy land! However, I grew up in the ONLY city of this country where people barely even speak English... they ALL speak FRENCH! O_o
So, you guessed it, I'm a lil french-speaker. That explains all the mistakes I make!
Beside the fact that I am a very strange and hyper person, my own little world mainly turns around RPGs and Anime/Manga.
I also adore to draw and write fics whenever I have some free-time... yet, the major and only problem is that I kind of suck at drawing.
Yet, I think that, with many efforts, looking at others' art and learning a bit, I will become better and finally be worthy of posting my draws to this Fanart Central, along with countless wonderful and talentuous artists!
I personally think that my stories don't suck as much as my art, but still, you guys shall judge whether or not this is true. I might start to post fanfictions on this site but I HAVE to get some feedback for my work!
Lol! I adore getting good comments on what I do and also constructive critics. However, like most artists on this site, I hate to receive childish and aggressive messages because my work sucks or whatever.
One of my little, personnal dreams is to get a HUGE list of good comments on a draw or story I made. It feels SO good when you see that people love what you do, it's a very comforting feeling! ^^
My biggest hobbies : : In the first place, I should say playing video games.
I'm so obsessed with them that I can't even spend an entire day without thinking or talking about them.
Same goes for anime and manga, which have both become a very important part of my life, writing and drawing.
I ADORE all kinds of metal / rock music and many variations of it, I love creepy movies and collecting the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (YEAH! It rules big time ^^).
Also, like a lot of normal people, I enjoy hanging around with my crazy friends and having a great time laughing!
My Favorite RPGs : : There is a very long list of them... it goes on forever! O_o
To be short, I'd say that all of SquareSoft old-school (and most recent) games, Final Fantasy collection, Elder's Scrolls collection and Halo made me the gamer-freak that I am.
I am completely in love with Final Fantasy VII, which is my old classic, and newer games like Kingdom Hearts, .Hack//Sign, Tales of Symphonia, etc.
My classics are, obviously, the whole collection of Final Fantasy from the first one to the now thirteenth one. They are probably the most amazing games I've ever played and I'm not about to sale or forget them.
Note : : If someone's heard of an upcoming game called "Dirge of Cerberus" and you're as big a fan of Vincent Valentine as me, you GOTTA be the happiest person out there: Finally, a playable sequel to Final Fantasy VII! AND WITH EVERYONE'S FAVORITE CRIMSON-EYED GUNNER AS A MAIN CHARACTER, YA-HAAA! ^^
My Favorite RPG Bishonens : : Yes indeed, I am also a HUGE fangirl of RPG and Anime cuties. Like many girls here, I'm obssessed with a lot of them, but I have my personnal preferences...
In RPGs and other video games, my choice would go to Vincent Valentine (FFVII), who turned my love for the color red into a wicked obsession. I just love him and his inner Chaos! *glomps Vincent* (He's my perfect match ^^)
I also have somewhat of an overly big crush on Sephiroth (FFVII) and Riku (KH). Those three have always been my video game top three cuties and they probably are going to last long!
My Favorite Anime/Manga : : My list of favorite anime and manga isn't as long as my RPG one. Therefore, I guess I can tell you all of my top-class shows!
Angel Sanctuary
Vision of Escaflowne
Rurouni Kenshin
Lawful Drug (YAOI RULES! ^^)
Yami no Matsuei
Weiss Kreuz
Fruits Basket
Fushigi Yuugi
Yu Yu Hakusho
Neon Genesis Evangelion (HAIL TO YOSHIYUKI SADAMOTO! XD)
Tsubasa and XXXHolic
Cowboy Bebop
Love Hina
Gundam Wing
Lol! I guess I have a lot... yet my very favorite one would be Angel Sanctuary!
Wow, when I first discovered that awesome manga from talented mangaka Kaori Yuki, I immediately became a fan.
See, I love demonology and angelology; I couldn't possibly have asked better than a manga filled with all sorts of truths and stuff about the hierarchy of angels and demons throughout both of Heaven and Hell!
If you love twisted love relations between brother and sister, demonical angels who please to fool around with humans, demons who fight for freedom and stories about the outcome of a world-reaching war...
My Favorite Anime Bishounens : : This list is going to be VERY long. Therefore, I will put my very favorite ones in here and keep the others tied up in my lair! Mwahaha! :-p
- Ran Fujimiya and Schuldich (WK). If you know about Weiss Kreuz, you gotta admit that Ran's got the coolest hair!
- Kyo Soma and Hastuharu Soma (FRUBA). Kyo's simply too gorgeous and cute to be true! ^^
- Satoshi Hiwatari, Krad and Dark (DNAng.). These three - especially blue-haired Satoshi - are way too handsome XD
- Zelgadis Graywords (Slayers). Aw! Chimera-boy Zel! ^^ That one's a must; a truly unforgettable little blue-skinned fella!
- Seto Kaiba, Malik Ishtar and Yami-no-Bakura (YGO). Seto's a babe and a FINE one I must say. And what about pretty Malik and vicious Bakura? BABES AS WELL! XD
- Dilandau Albatou and Van Slanzar de Fanel (VOEsca.) Dilie-kun! The white-haired bishounen from Vision of Escaflowne! His english voice freaks the hell outta me, but he's still very cool and evil. And Van! He's got Kirby Morrow as a voice-speaker and Seki Tomokazu as a seiyuu! Could he possibly ask for more?
- Sesshoumaru, Kouga, Naraku, Miroku and Inuyasha (Inuyasha) Okay, there's far too much to say about these five cuties. Sesshy's the best in my opinion, though!
- Gaara no Sabaku, Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) I know for sure that some will agree with me: even though he ain't got eyebrows, Gaara is a hot one!
- Kaoru Nagisa (NGE). Kaoru-kun! Another white-haired bishie! Jee, why does he have to be in love with skinny Shinji?! >_<
- Shuichi Minamino (Youko Kurama) and Hiei Jaganshi (YYH). Now these three have to be some of the most popular anime cuties out there... and for GOOD reasons! ^^
- Aoshi Shinomori, Soujiro Seta, Sanosuke Sagara and Kenshin Himura (RK). Kenshin's definitely changed my life. Rurouni Kenshin was my very first manga and the deepness of the topics and story additioned to the prettiness of the art (and characters such as Aoshi-sama ^^) have launched me into the amazing world of Japanese mangas!
- Muraki Kazutaka, Hajime Terazuna, Yutaka Watari, Hisoka Kurosaki and Asato Tsuzuki (YNM). Too much to say about those five adorable bishies! ^^ Muraki's the most twisted of all doctors and he's got Hayami Sho for a seiyuu, he rocks!
- Mikael, Lucifer and Sakuya Kira (AS). Lucifer is undoubtedly one of the sexiest animes guys (he's the Devil after all, fu fu fu! ^^) and Mikael is just as great!
- Hiroshi Nakano and Tatsuha Uesugi (Gravitation). I love Hiro's hair! And Tatsuha is the most perverted sixteen-year old monk I've ever seen... O.o
- Hotohori, Tasuki, Nuriko, Chichiri, Amiboshi, Tokaki and Tatara (FY). TOO MUCH TO SAY! >_< Nuriko's the coolest guy ever!
- Duo Maxwell (GW). I just adore guys with long braided hair! ^^
(I'm FINALLY done with the anime bishie list! X_X)
I also love to collect the chibi and funny faces of the characters in anime shows.
My funny-face idols are Shigure and Ayame Soma (FB) - Yuusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara (YYH) and Jounouchi Katsuya (YGO!).
Since I love music, my Favorite Bands and Singers are : :
H.I.M. (Ville Valo is the BEST of the BEST!)
The offspring
30 seconds to Mars
Avenged Sevenfold
Killswitch engaged
Stone temple pilots
The Ataries
Skinny puppy
The 69 eyes
System of a down
Utada Hikaru
Billy Talent
My chemical romance
Nobuo Uematsu
Children of Bodom
Frou Frou
Linkin Park
The Prodigy
Velvet Acid Christ
Hayami Sho
Seki Tomozaku
Koyasu Takehito
The White Stripes
Loreena McKennitt
Papa Roach
The Used
Malice Mizer (Gackt... *drools*)
In Flames
Arch Enemy
Nine Inch Nails
Smile Empty Soul
(And many, many others O.o)
...I am done, am I not? I am?! YAY! I'm finally done with the bio and, as I expected, it was VERY long.
Well, if you're still reading those lines and are not about to die of boringness, you really are someone to be respected :p lol! I thank you for spending some time trapped into my little lair and please, take a look at my work, I'd really appreciate it! ^_^
Sayonara folks! Arigato gozaimasu! *bows*
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the_belfina_chronicles on April 8, 2006, 3:12:13 AM
ShamanQueen1101 on December 13, 2005, 5:18:50 AM
Thorn_Kitsune on June 27, 2005, 9:54:49 AM

Okay; the first thing you'll have to do is get a Yahoo ID. You can get one here:
It'll guide you through a list of steps; it's really pretty easy. It's just like signing up to get an email address somewhere; same type deal. Anyways, after you get a Yahoo ID, go here:
This is the start page for getting Yahoo Messenger. It'll guide you through intallation and such; not a big deal.
If you aren't able to get an ID or something, we can try something else. I just find that I trust Yahoo to work more than I trust my MSN thing. (I discovered it lurking on my computer when I was clearing up my hard drive XD)
Anywho, I'll talk to you later, yah? Hopefully next time we talk it'll be in real-time! I'm usually on YahooIM for times during the day, and then from about 8:30 on at night. (Eastern time). Catch ya later, mate!
Thorn_Kitsune on June 23, 2005, 2:46:06 AM

I have Yahoo! that okay? My s/n is:
Once again, thank you for your long, detailed, and VERY sweet comment on my page. Things like that really brighten my day. It's always nice to get something longer than one sentence, you know? So thanks for that^^. You flatter me, though; trust me when I say I'm not THAT great. I mean, I'm pretty great and all...(that was my vain side XDDD). That part about 'warming up Gaara's murderous heart' sounded like a lot of fun, though XD. *punches fist into air* YOSH; I've got Gaara! Just kidding, but seriously, thanks for saying such things. Anywho, just let me know if YahooIM is or isn't okay. Talk to you later, Krim-chan!
Thorn_Kitsune on June 9, 2005, 8:09:57 AM

By the way, I read your whole profile; I didn't think it was boring at all^^. I like knowing a lot about people, and it turns out that a whole bunch of our anime/manga favorites are the same. Anyways, I'll talk to you later, yah? Hope you update soon, mate!
DeathT-2 on January 1, 2005, 7:11:17 AM
DeathT-2 on

Mwahaa.... You keep on drawing, 'cuz you rock at it! Yeah! Go you!!
Akemashoote omedetou gozaimasu!!!
hooked_on_me on April 15, 2004, 3:26:26 PM
hooked_on_me on

Seifer-sama on April 8, 2004, 9:00:12 AM
Seifer-sama on

I have decided to hold a competition! All you have to do is draw one of my characters from my section’s profile references then enter it in the competition! You can do up to 3 entries and it ends on the 28th May, 2006. You can draw them individually or as couples or even as groups! ^___^ Please let me know if you’ll enter on my profile! The winners will get:
3 Requests
2 Requests
1 Request
I hope you will enter but still tell me if not… If you have any questions just ask! Thank-you very much!