Kupo's Profile
Kupo's Profile

Username | Kupo | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | Texas | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Nerd!! :D | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 161 | |
# Comments Given | 4099 |
Member Info
Member Info

Hola! My name's Rachel. I'm 17 and a senior! woot woot ^o^ Hopefully in a year I'll join my awesome, adorable bf at UT Austin, and there study to become an architect.
Personality wise I'm pretty chill. Easy to annoy, but not to anger, so that I can enjoy the amusing company of people who aggravate others. Definite procrastinator, but also study-hard, as a member of Spelling and Vocabulary UIL, Social Studies UIL, and Academic Decathlon.
I am Christian (yay!), my birthday is October 25 and my favorite colors are purple, turquoise, and burgundy (which is not the same as maroon, mind you. It's like maroon, but *sparkly* :D) but not together XP
I have sort of left FAC. Sorry to all my friends here, I'm just really tired of keeping up with everything. I'm not actually going to cancel my account here, but it's been quite a while now since I sort of left, and I don't know that I'll ever fully return. I just don't really draw anymore, and I never have the time to want to start.
Personality wise I'm pretty chill. Easy to annoy, but not to anger, so that I can enjoy the amusing company of people who aggravate others. Definite procrastinator, but also study-hard, as a member of Spelling and Vocabulary UIL, Social Studies UIL, and Academic Decathlon.
I am Christian (yay!), my birthday is October 25 and my favorite colors are purple, turquoise, and burgundy (which is not the same as maroon, mind you. It's like maroon, but *sparkly* :D) but not together XP
I have sort of left FAC. Sorry to all my friends here, I'm just really tired of keeping up with everything. I'm not actually going to cancel my account here, but it's been quite a while now since I sort of left, and I don't know that I'll ever fully return. I just don't really draw anymore, and I never have the time to want to start.
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Living_Dead_Girl on October 8, 2008, 6:59:06 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on October 6, 2008, 4:14:39 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on October 3, 2008, 5:14:52 AM
MpJa-KINGDOM-HEARTS-lover on August 30, 2008, 6:34:43 PM

Well.. inconveniances because the drawing was for my boyfriend.. I cause him problems all the time. xD
And I'm always like "sorry for everything D:" and he's like "you haven't done anything wrong ^^" and I'm like "T-T"
You want to read spanish!?!? D:
Hola Kupo! ^^ como estas?
Yo muy bien :D Ayer cumpli 23 meses con mi novio
Casi 2 años!! Estoy muy feliz x3
Estoy volviendo a subir dibujos a FAC porque entre a Deviantart hace poco y no quiero abandonar a FAC (mejore mucho mi estilo de dibujo gracias a esta pagina!).
Eres genial Kupo :D
Translate that dog! D:
Aaaw :( did you really leave FAC?
I missed a lot of things ;-;
Living_Dead_Girl on August 19, 2008, 8:56:05 AM

hehe... Alright. I suppose I'll write it, but seeing as how it's keeping track of a probably fifteen hour period, it may be a tad... long >.>'
XDD yeah, my rants go on forever and ever and ever. And I never write them down. I can't cos I rant faster than I can typen and I have a horrile memory.
hehe... Well, what you can do is wait like a year or so to read it again. Or wat least wait until you've forgotten all the details. I read the last HP book about a year ago and I hardly remember the details XDD! So I think that would do. A year might seem a bit long though. Sometimes they just fly by. Especially your Senior year. Methinks you're a junior now, right? Well, next year will be like... a month. It flies by sooooooo fast. t does for everyone. You just want a little more time to finish things and already you've graduated. It's all so odd.
My HS didn't have the SAT, just the ACT. They did have the PSAT though. Plus Lee only required one or the other. Holy cow, that's an epic score! =o Go you! Oh, well, a lot of ppl make like 18 on the ACT, which is odd cos I made 21 without even studying. I don't know if it's harder than the SAT or not. I've heard just 23 is a good score. But 36 is perfect, so my 25 feels insanely insignificant, despite that most ppl seem to have difficulty reaching 21. Cos 21 is a special score that makes you eligable for some scholarships.
LOLO yeah, Christians are tolerant and loving through Jesus. At least the good ones are. I've seen some pretty lame "Christians" before. Still, I'm sure not EVERYONE here is a Christian. Probably just majority. hehe... Yeah, like I said before, I'm uber excited about the year. I checked where all my classes are, so I know the location of all of them except for my ceramics class. The door was locked, so I couldn't go in the building and check then room numbers ^^' But I don't have it until Thursday, so I've still got tomorrow to figure it out. I waited in line for two hours today to get my school ID XDD! But I've been to DW three times, so I don't mind long lines. The only dissapointment was that there wasn't a ride at the end. Awww! But I did meet this guy named Edward in line and we talked for most of the time, so that made it seem much faster. That's been my day. Just one adventure after another XDD! I should definently take pictures of the campus and buildings soon, it's such a lovely place. But my phone's charging and I don't have another camera. Oh yeah, I got my first cell phone ever a couple weeks ago. Pretty cool, huh? XDD! In ten minutes, this concert thing in front of the Humanities Center starts. I don't like loud music, but they have free food. Now that I'm on a meal plan, free food actually means something. Before, all of your parents bought your food, but now I'm limited to 15 meals a week, which is two a day plus an extra. So free food is a BIG deal! hehe... See you later! Did I tel you about the party a couple nights ago in front of the Humanities Center where we played dodge ball?
Living_Dead_Girl on August 18, 2008, 1:42:29 AM

LOLOL it doesn't have Internet cos my house doesn't have any wireless, but wifi is alllllllllllll over camput. There's still a ton of stuff I can do on the computer without Internet though. Well, not a ton, but I can still work on Photoshop and Microsoft Word, which is a ton for me.
LOLOL I'm going through the same thing. I've not drawn or written anything in weeks, but it doesn't bother me cos I'm uber excited about college. Classes don't start for another couple days, so there's almost nothing going on for another couple days. Maybe then I'll catch up on my Emails. I'm thinking that once I get into an actual schedule, I'll keep track of an entire day just to write about it, maybe so some ppl can see what average college life might be like. Then again, Lee University isn't exactly average. But tell me if you think that's a good idea. I Already have a ton of stuff I can tell you.
LOLOL usually I can understand random rants better than that ^^' Sowwy. But I do sort of know what you mean.
XDD I see! That would be quite interesting to read and it could curve with all of the different paths it could take that you mentioned. I'm sorry the last book wasn't very good though ^^'
hehe... Well, that's what really matters. Having fun and having something to show for it. It's good you learned a lot and made a high score. I only took the ACT, so I don't understand SAT scores very well ^^' But that's the way to get a scholarship. At Lee, if you make 25 and up on the ACT, they'll pay half tuition of your freshman year. If you make 27 and up, they pay full tuition your freshman year. If you made 30 and up, they pay full tuition for all four years. Neat, huh? I only made 25 though cos I didn't know a thing about the ACT til I was a Senior and those tests are bloody hard for me to focus on cos I get uber nervous durring them. Apparently, 25 is still very good, and it does pay half of my tuition, so I'm good with it. Oh, but for all of those, you have to always keep your grades up.
I already said when classes start and I'm already here in my dorm. The only thing I need to do is get regestered tomorrow. I got here Friday and it's been a blast. I've yet to meet a non-Christian yet. I expected a few, despite this being a Christian University where they require you to attand chapel and take bible classes. But no one has bet a single rude person and everyone will stop what they're doing to talk to you and make a new friend, already I've met at least 20 ppl in a few days. It's a shame I can't remember many of their names ^^' I'm in a dorm called Cross Hall. There are three floors and I'm on the ever so convenient first floor. Every floor in every dorm is decorated differently. Mine's the best, it's the PacMan hall WOOT! They're all decorated according to scripture or speech. This one is about following the path of God. Get it? XDD! Anyways, the ladies at the front dest of the dorm re already very familiar with me, as I'm constantly walking in and out and I only take the front entrance because that's just easier to take to get to my room and I can say hello to them. about an hour ago, one of them asked me to design a poster for a dorm announcement thing. I already forgot what it was for, but I have a piece of paper that says stuff on it. Anyways, I feel absoluteky honored that just because I said that I like to design, they trust a freshman to make a poster thingy. Isn't that awesome?! And it's still the first week! Pretty much every day that passes makes me feel more and more comfortable and excited about classes. I already joined a group of Jesus freaks that sing in pretty much the most public and popular place to hang out on campus. We meet at 9PM to worship and sing about Jesus. It's pretty awesome and I can wait to see how the group will grow. There's also a leadership club that freshman can join to teach in a different kind of chapel they have on Wednesdays and there's an Art club that's a lot of fun that meets on Mondays, so I have to figure out how to get hooked up with those. Anyways, I'm going to get off now to drag my sharpies, packpack, and a piece of paper to the gazebo. It's a lovely day without a cloud in the sky and I've not finished designing my backpack. Plus I want to start thinking about how to design that poster. See you later!
Living_Dead_Girl on July 14, 2008, 8:50:01 AM

Oh, sorry I haven't commented your new story. I'm kind of working on a lot of things. I know it's there, but I'll get to it soon ^^'
hehe... Indeed. I can't stand movies that even hint in suggestiveness. They would be good movies if they weren't like that. But you know what they say, "Sex sells" It's so pathetic though XP ppl are encouraged to not be able to control their own hormones.
Orly? Everyone else seems to like them, but I hate them uber much. It's so hard to move the pointer and my finger, even if I just watched my hand, doesnt slide on it well, it wan't to stick on it. That's cos that's what fingers are supposed to do. That's how we hold stuff. I don't blame the finger, it's doing its job.
hehe... Attracted to one like their dad? I always thought the opposite. If a guy acts like your father, wouldn't that keep you out? My real dad is funny and he seems to know about a lot of things, he's street smart. But he isn't very kind or considerate of others and he loses his temper a little easily. Methinks I would not want someone like that. My stepdad is uber nice, but he's a perv and he wears his emotions on his sleeve. Again, ager issues. Plus he smokes. So I don't think either of them are my type XDD!
hehe... Congrats on getting that much written up!! I haven't written in a while. I don't have writer's block, I know exactly what to type and pretty much how to type it and what comes next, I just don't feel like typing it ^^' It requires a lot of typing. A LOT of it. Plus I have to quadruple check it and that's more than just scanning, that takes longer than actually typing it. It's a long, hard process. That's why it's so fun to just type the pick your fate thing cos I don't have to do that and each chapter is less than a page long. Plus it's fun to think of cos it's like looking at the story in a 3D way, you're looking at it from all sides and angles and possibilities. I dunno if I told you that before though >.>'
LOLOL the banana boat was uber fun. Macy said that our church should buy one XDD! It could be used for Christian purposes. Teach ppl to call out for Jesus when they need him. I still don't know how my scrawny arms and legs held me onto a six seated boat hurling through the water.
Wao, that suxorz. Yeah, summer is really close to being over. Just another month for me. But then I go to college, so it'll be fun ^^ I can't help but wonder exactly what it will be like. I just know that I'm diffidently going to love it ^^ But two weeks of summer is an uber bummer >.> I haven't uploaded anything in a while, so maybe I'll upload a couple things today just for kicks.
darksasuke on July 13, 2008, 6:36:19 PM
darksasuke on
darksasuke on July 13, 2008, 1:54:05 AM
darksasuke on