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Ookami_Aku's Profile

Ookami_Aku's Profile
Ookami_Aku's avatar
Username Ookami_Aku Gender Female
Date Joined Location Errr. . . In a yellow submarine! (N. CA, USA)
Last Updated Occupation Student, Artist
Last visit # Pictures 63
# Comments Given59

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Ookami_Aku's picture
!!! Contest ~ Reflections of the Soul !!
I am currently holding a contest over on deviantART and SheezyArt, but that doesn't FAC members can't participate as woll! If you're interested, please visit the link below for details:

If you'd like to enter and aren't a member of dA or SA, please leave a comment here in my profile or drop me an e-mail!



The above image is a picture of my persona, Amane (Ookami O_O') at the right. She is 5'1" tall and is half wolf demon and half human. :) My guy Tsume is sitting on the left.


IMPORTANT! - This is not my complete gallery. I frequently forget to upload artwork hee so my deviantART gallery is the best place to go. Thanks! :) (

Hi, I see you've somehow managed to find my profile. :) My name's Ookami aka DarkSuicune. Please enjoy your visit to my gallery. ^^

I am 15 years old (more like 6 mentally j/k) and I am currently a shphomore in high school. It may sound somewhat awkward, but I am visually impaired. I kid you not! I was born with a condition known as ROP, which means that my optic nerve, along with other portions of my eye, are not fully developed. My main reading mediums include regular-sized print--in which I read with a colse-circut (CC) television which magnifies print materials-- and Braille. So I guess you could say that I have eyes on my fingers. :D Mwahahahahaaa! Other equipment that I use are a white cane named JimBob and a Braille Lite, which is in a sense like a computer that has been adapted to braille.

You will mostly find realistic, traditional art here. My favorite artistic subjects include animals, nature, fantasy and Anime. I am still in the process of learning the Anime style, so many of my pictures in this style are chibi-fied. Human anatomy is my artistic arch nemesis. I prefer to stick to using my pencils and paints to create my art. I don't usually tend to do digital art although I will dabble with it on accasion. My favorite mediums include colored pencils, acrylics, graphite, markers, ink and watercolos.


\~v*v~/Important Notice!\~v*v~/
Whilst looking through my galery, please keep in mind that I DO NOT take requests. With all of my schoolwork and life, it is extremely difficult for me to make time to do a drawing for a person I don't know. I truely wish I could do requests, but I just don't have the time. But keep an eye out, there may be a rare occasion where i have lots of free time I can start to do them. ^_~

However, I WILL do art trades. Due to my limited time though, I only keep precisely 3 spots open for each of the sites that I am on. Check my Art Status below to see what I'm currently working on. If you want to do an art trade, please e-mail me or leave a comment here in my profile and wait for a reply. I have a "waiting list" for those who wanted to trade but the list was full at the time. :) The following is a list of what I CAN draw and things that I WILL NOT draw:

I WILL Draw: Animals: wolves, felines, dragons, birds of prey, gryphons, etc. (I'll take a stab an any animal); Anime (mostly chibis); landscapes; anthros (werewolves); fantasy; fan art for things such as Pokemon, Wolf's Rain, Disney, etc. Oh and yes, I will draw blood and gore up to Mature on rare occasions. Styles range from cartoony to realism.

I WILL NOT Draw: Anything that has to do with sex, drug abuse, flaming another person, smoking, swear words, nudity (if it is an anthro though, TASTEFUL NUDITY is my EXTENT), any offensive material, religion bashing, among other related things. My gallery and abilities are not to be used for such things.

Thank you!


ART Status:

Requests: CLOSED!

~ Kiriban Prize for Toxic-Sin (dA) -- preparing to color
~ Kiriban Prize for Stargirl (dA) -- Not started

Commissions: Closed for now.
FAC Art Trades: OPEN! (1 of 3 are pending)

Tripletrouble -- Sketched
rolla_roach -- DONE!

deviantART Art Trades: Closed

~ JustRach -- Coloring
~ Danlii -- Sketched
~ Reb29 -- Pending

SheezyArt Trades: Closed

Steelwolf -- Not started
Devia Luna -- not started
Psonomis -- Not started

Suggestions: Open
Gift Art: That's for me to know and for you to ponder. . . ^_^
Contest Entries: Not at the moment :)

Current "Big" Projects:

~ Colored pencil fur tutorial
~ "Reach For the Light" - Needs to be scanned.
~ My Artbook Cover -- Coloring


Animals: Wolves, thylacines, big cats, dragons, fantasy creatures, horses, etc.
Colors: Blue and silver
Hobbies: The outdoors, drawing, writing, howling, prowling, etc.
Band or Musician: The Beatles and Hikaru Utada
Video Game: Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, Golden Sun, etc.
Anime: Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin, Saiyuki, InuYasha, etc.
Book: Ratha's Creature by Clare Bell, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, and The Sight by David Clement-Davies
Movie; Spirited Away, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, KIki's Delivery Service, The Lion King, Balto, Anger Management, The Lord of the Rings, etc.
Genre of Anime/Books/Movies/Games/Etc.: Fantasy, comedy/humor, science fiction, adventure, RPG's, quests, etc.
Pokemon: Suicune, Arcanine, and Absol.
Food; Fruit, especially mangos!
Anime Guy: Tsume (not to be confused with the Tsume from Wolf's Rain, I'm not too fond of him eewww. . .) is my one and only. ^_^ *Clings to him*

~ 'Kami-chan

Do you have any questions? Want to do an art trade? Please feel free to e-mail me! ^_^ I don't bite--hard.


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KrazyPerson on January 8, 2007, 2:20:15 AM

KrazyPerson on
I love you're pix! 

Izzymii on November 26, 2006, 2:15:49 AM

Izzymii on
Izzymiihey, 'bout your contest: I'm not a member of DA or SA (what's SA?) but I do have a pic of a wolf drawn on a2 size which fits in the guidelines.. I don't know if it's still on?

CaptainInsano on October 28, 2006, 2:27:56 AM

CaptainInsano on
CaptainInsanoOh, heck yeah! i'd love to do an art trade, your stuff is amazing!! ^-^

sorry it took a while for me to reply, i havent been on. anyways, just reply back if you've got an idea... or if you just wanna talk. See Ya! ^_~

rolla_roach on September 1, 2006, 4:13:54 AM

rolla_roach on
rolla_roachIt's is done and in my gallery! For real this time! Check it out and sorry it took so long, Aku!

breanne on August 10, 2006, 8:53:45 AM

breanne on
breanneoh:( all well:( uhh can i show you my pic and could u tell me if it would have been worth a prize?

breanne on August 9, 2006, 4:36:45 AM

breanne on
breannehey is your contest still running?

wolf-girl-ghost on July 8, 2006, 3:47:04 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on
wolf-girl-ghosti've subbmited my entry for the contest its in my gallery

wolf-girl-ghost on June 19, 2006, 5:04:00 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on
wolf-girl-ghosthey i wanna join your contest but can i subbit it on FAC cause i anit member on the other 2 things

heylorlass on May 26, 2006, 6:29:15 PM

heylorlass on
heylorlassWow, you're work is all amazing as always. Just keep improving!! *adds you to favorite artists list!* =0)





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