Evanescence rox my sox in a box BUT I also like (in no order cept in the order I think of em)::: Code: Lyoko, InuYasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin, Avatar: The Last Airbender, IGPX, Danny Phantom, Monk, The Suite Life of Zac and Cody, Naruto, Phil of the Future, Tokyo Mew Mew, Invader Zim, Fruits Basket, Teen Titans, Avril Lavigne, My Chemical Romance, The Rasmus, Green Day, Simple Plan, Michelle Branch, Fall Out Boy, Nickleback, PuffyAmiYumi, Default, Blink182, Natasha Beddingfield, HIM (cept I don't like the fact that they're a religious-y band so I ignore that part of their songs), Shedaisy,+ my 4 fave movies are Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Nausica of the Valley of the Wind + Spirited Away. Shout outs to my school friends!!!:: Brittany-dumd+weeeeeew!TTYL best book! 555-O-I-AM-HOTT!haha getting lost in Rockafeller Center lolz!U have an awesome voice+you're too funny! fuddleberries was the best joke!lolz Kiera-An awesome voice, an awesome artist, an awesome person!Thanks for introducing me to like half the bands I now like lolz FMA+RK forever! Liz-You're so quiet!But really cool+sweet.OMG MR.SHANNON HAS HAIRY MONKEY ARMS+RED HANDS!!!Interesting retreat... Kristen-Fun at the retreat!I luv listening to you!"Are you off your bloomin rocker!?"watch Andrew for me in DePaul, kays? Kim-dude,you're the best artist in the world!!! Not to mention you're an awesome anime fan ^^ Lauren-Mr. Flash is scary...lolz but you won the thing with the anti-smoking contest!lolz even though you just found most of it online ::P lolz Lindz G+M-NYC!!!An awesome day!You two are sooo funny you're gonna be bffs forevah! Lydia-lolz Mr. Van Hoven!Good times in choir...And French Andrew I-Wierd retreat...You're dead for screwing up my computer I love you soooooooooooooooooo much Dan(LyokoKenshin)-Your art is GOOD, gawd!fuddleberries! Britt's Dad! lolz! No im not dead/gay,gawd!Thanks for helping me all the time and making me feel better ^^ you're like basically my best friend Thx for the I-Pod stuffz ^^ Sir Daniel aka Alberta lolz!!Andrew S-OMG DO YOU HAVE FEET!?lolz DON'T PANIC!!!haha loooove that song+teacher lolz!fuddleberries!!! I'll be back in a sex... haha Sucky retreat! Thematic conflicts=Themations!!! Hope u had fun driving my mom's car...lolz Tyler-another FMA fan!!!Thx for lettin me see the 2 final eppies on your I-Pod months before I'll see them on TV!!! haha you got me in the grab bag...bad secret keeper ::P Thx for all the CDs, more for Dan to put on my I-Pod lolz! Team Dinosaur! lmfaoz! U got a great story goin on ^^ Matt-thanks for all the throwing stars!!!AHHH French class!!!lolz Keep the tarantula away from me! www.megatokyo.com ^^ Chris B-I know we dont talk much...whatevs. You and Isola should just chill sometimes. Morons. "Fun" retreat Chris-you're sew koolie. Too bad you'll be leaving KHS next year...An awesome anime fan!Who "likes to make people uncomfortable" *stares*
"K-Town"...the town that nobody knows about...
"It felt so good I almost cried, I wanted to die."
"Someone save me if ya will and take away all these pills, and please just save me if ya can from my blasphamy in my wasteland!"
"It seems...stupid." "Oh it's not stupid! it's advanced!" "GIR, reporting for duty!" "GIR? What's the 'G' stand for?" "I dOn't know!" *bangs head*
"Yumi...we need you to help fight against X.A.N.A....I need you..."
"You think you're alone Raven. But you're not." *hugz*
"We're going to sink,let me borrow your head." "What are you doing, give it back!" "Idiot,let go!We're going to sink!"
"What ru doing?" "nooothing" "nothing...or something?" "oo, I can't take it anymore! You're too smart for me! Keif's throwing a surprise party for you and he's inviting all the kids from school! That boy loves you sooo much!!!" "HE INVITED ALL THE KIDS!?!? GIR! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS?" "Yes. Wait a minute. No."
"Is there no alchemy technique to burn a person through a phone?"
"Oh yes,I'm so small that you cant see me amongst the grains of sand,like always--!"
"By the way...Don't you think sweet potatoes fit Miss Karou's personality perfectly?" "Hmm?" "Look out, it's the dreaded...potatoe girl!!!"
"Well,sometimes I feel like...like I dont fit in,in the real world. But...but he makes me feel like Im a normal human being...like Im just...like everyone else..."
"I put out the fires!" "You made them worse!" "Worse...or better?"
"Oooh, jellyhead, you really blew it!"
"Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right? Have you ever? Have you ever?"
"Baby you're all that I want, when you're lyin here in my arms, it isn't too hard to believe, we're in heaven, And love is all that I need, and I found it there in your heart, it isn't too hard to see we're in heaven!"
"The words have been drained from this pencil Sweet words that I want to give you And I can't sleep I need to tell you Goodnight When we're together, I feel perfect When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart All you say is sacred to me Your eyes are so blue I can't look away As we lay in the stillness You whisper to me Amy, marry me Promise you'll stay with me Oh you don't have to ask me You know you're all that I live for You know I'd die just to hold you Stay with you Somehow I'll show you That you are my night sky I've always been right behind you Now I'll always be right beside you So many nights I cried myself to sleep Now that you love me, I love myself I never thought I would say this I never thought there'd be You" =best song ever. Seriousally, you don't know how much I can relate most of it to my life.
Tommy: Who were the Hyksos?
Mr. Brecher: Well, Tommy, they went against the Egyptions, and they invented the chariots and hot air balloon. That's why the Egyptions invented the obelisks, so that if the Hyksos tried to land the balloons at night, they'd pop.
Me: *writing this all down*
Mr. Brecher: *like 10 seconds later* Wow, I can't believe some people actually wasted ink on that!
Andrew H.: Wait...so you made it up?
Me: *furiousally crosses out hot air balloon part and looks innocent*
"What I'm about to say is completely true. It's not like my obelisk lie."
Me: Yea, having no cell phone reception really sucks. I wonder why there is none.
Dan: Um, maybe because of the cement bricks?
Me: What cement bricks!?
Dan: Um, like the ones that make up the wall over there?
Me: Oh, hi! *waves to wall*
"Well, let's just say if you do poorly, you'll be feeling it in your credit card. I mean report card!"
Me: I dunno, Liz, it was pretty expensive, and I want to make sure I'll get it back...
Liz: He will! He just needs a calculator for the science test (*its for Scarpelli, a graphing calculator that costs like 100 bucks*)
Me: Okay, fyne. But tell him if he doesn't give it back to me on the bus, I'll...I'll shoot him!!!
Tyler: How about you shoot him with knives?
Me: With knives! I'll shoot him with knives!
*Dan calls me up to talk about French homework, among other things. My cell's on speakerphone. He's a quiet for a sec so I write something down, so therefore I'm quiet (not normal). Here's what follows.*
Dan: Hey Rhiaannnaaaa? Are you dead?
Me: *hearing the last word wrong because idk why prolly something with the phone* What? Did you just ask if I was GAY???
*Later my mom and sister come home. I talk to them for a sec and, in doing so, appear quiet to Dan.*
Dan: Are you dead?
My mom and sister: Did he just ask you if you were gay???
"Shut up you froggin' ashtray!!"
Keri: What's this piece of...thing.
Me: It's a part of our "community"
Keri: Okay...why? It looks like a piece of clay or something.
Me: Because! The people at the retreat were uber retarded!
"No!!! ARGH! Don't move! I need to kill you!" *Keri stares* "What? I need to kill teh peoples."
"Oh, turkey feathers!"
Me: Life is like a bag of oranges: there are little pits along the way!
Liz: Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you'll get!
Tyler: Life is like a box of hand grenades: you never know when they'll go off!
Liz: Life is like a bag of water: it makes no sense!
Me: Life is like a bag of radioactive weasles! Gawd!
"Only real men can tie ties"
Dan: *pointing to the week we're off for Spring Break*...Then Tuesday, Wednesday...
Me: Dan, ur annoying
Dan:...Thursday, Friday...
Me:*puts hand over his mouth to shut him up as teacher walks by*
Mrs. K: U can't do that! I haven't learned CPR yett!
Me: He's learning his days of the week
*at the end of class*
Mrs. K: So, Dan, have you got your days of the week down pat?
*in the hallway*
Me: I'm so telling all our friends...
Dan: What! No! I know all my days of the week! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday S...Saturday Sunday!
Me: You hesitated on Saturday...
Scarp: Yea well you know what? Your mom.
Me: Your face.
Scarp: Yea, well your mom, she doesn't like you.
Me: ...My mom loves me very much!!
Scarp: No she doesn't
Andrew: Omg I just thought of the worst thing to say to someone...Sorry, Keri, but I gotta say this
Mom: Oh no! *covers Keri's ears*
Andrew: *calmly* You know, I think the world would be a much better place, if you could just go find a well, and fall in it, and then die.
Me: *laughing so hard I choke on my Oudan Noodle soup*
"There's no wood around here, only trees!"
Scarp: *has hickups so to be a horrible person I take his water away* omg! give it back!
Me: *reaches over Liz & knocks over her bottle, it has a cap on it but i dont kno that, so I try to stop it from falling, but knock her sandwich outta her hands. it almost hits the floor, but falls on her backpack instead* Liz! It didn't hit the floor! You can still eat it!
Shut up the f*ck!
Things would much better if I didn't keep seeing this bright green shovel...
Steve: I'm just wondering, where exactly DO ducks go when they fly south?
Bresh-Bresh: DisneyLand
Mr. Bresher: *talking about Medevil churches* So if you walked into a darker church with less lights, I'm sure you'd be like "oh, yea, I'm inspired now!"