Shadowthe_hedgehog's Profile
Shadowthe_hedgehog's Profile

Username | Shadowthe_hedgehog | Gender | Female |
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Why am I back here again? Nostalgia.... I guess.
That and procrastination!
Hello everybody! I have more sonic art to post, but my DA page (HyruleHistorian) isn't really a "sonic" page... SO I'LL POST IT HERE! Because why not. That and I miss my old buddies :(
Basically I was going through some old artwork and actually found a bunch of fan art that I didn't post for some reason; but a lot of it was pretty good quality.... so I'm gonna edit them on Photoshop and get some new works on here!
See ya soon :D
That and procrastination!
Hello everybody! I have more sonic art to post, but my DA page (HyruleHistorian) isn't really a "sonic" page... SO I'LL POST IT HERE! Because why not. That and I miss my old buddies :(
Basically I was going through some old artwork and actually found a bunch of fan art that I didn't post for some reason; but a lot of it was pretty good quality.... so I'm gonna edit them on Photoshop and get some new works on here!
See ya soon :D
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nextguardian on June 12, 2014, 7:18:46 PM
nextguardian on
nextguardian on June 11, 2014, 9:15:34 AM
nextguardian on

I'm looking forward to the new cartoon, though I'm not real enthused about the character designs.
I was the one who would sit there quietly during lunch (which they forced us to take- left to my own devices, I would have just kept working), reading a book or practicing my Japanese.
They were nice enough to include me, and I definitely appreciated the thought. But heck, I never carried money at that place- too many guys (players and fellow refs) that I didn't trust.
That's it exactly! He'll be all for all the ceremony and ritual that Knuckles would probably be more reluctant to take part in. And this way, I can make him and Knuckles both powerful, but in radically different ways. Plus, Ekyt would definitely be fascinated by Tiffany's story (when he learns about it), given his mentality.
I think that you're right. The people who party, join fraternities/sororities, or even just live in the dorms. I'd love to talk academically with the professors, but most of them are so jaded and bored they don't want to bother.
You've got it! That's definitely the way to write them, I think :) I plan to have Kurt be friendlier than Ekyt, so even when Vector does something stupid and looks for help later, Kurt will just smile quietly and do his thing, and joke about it later.
It would definitely be a good avenue for TIffany being more trusted, too. Sally holds a lot of sway with the others. If she trusts Tiffany, then Bunny will (I always forget that Sally and Bunny were good friends earlier in the comic), and Sonic really accepts everyone for who they are. The others can fall in line gradually, for one reason or another.
nextguardian on June 6, 2014, 1:10:47 PM
nextguardian on

I get the sense that there was supposed to be another season, and that it just didn't happen. I kind of feel bad for the English VA's- 4Kids always does the worst job translating Japanese sentences and mannerisms.
That's a good way to act. I don't play politics at work. Unfortunately, I'm not a super friendly person, so I think people don't know what to make of me. I'd probably be a great Internal Affairs person though! When I was refereeing hockey, I was routinely asked to go get a beer after the game. I just remember thinking "I just put some of these guys in the penalty box- why do I want to go drinking near them, when they've just threatened me?"
I figure Ekyt will know all these obscure tactics, and old ways to use chaos energy. Like the way he'll contain the explosion or whatever before his transformation- I want him to have read the method in some ancient echidna text.
They're definitely good sounding boards for each other. Ekyt can keep a secret, which would probably put Tiffany more at ease when talking to him. I don't plan for him to have a tragic past, or even a really interesting one. More of a pitiable one, lol.
I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and just finish it quickly, and then be done with it. I wish I could get the enjoyment out of college that other people do, but at this point it's a chore; just one more thing I have to do.
I think Kurt is going to be kind of the group strategist, similar to Ekyt in that way. I've noticed the Chaotix never really have a plan- they charge in and brawl pretty much- so I figure that Kurt could be the guy with a good head on his shoulders. He'll definitely have his own, personally-developed fighting style. I might give him a weapon; I'm not sure yet.
They'll be a good conversational match, too. Sally has lost how many people under her command over the years? It never really shows it in the comic, but I'll bet she has some guilt to deal with.
nextguardian on June 5, 2014, 8:03:10 PM
nextguardian on

It just didn't make sense sometimes. That ending was definitely bogus. The show should have run longer than that. I truly think that the American voice acting really killed the show both in the US and in Japan.
It's like, six year old girl on helium -_-'
I've never had people completely agree that one supervisor or another is good. Even at the museum, 99% of the employees would like one person, and a handful would point out something that every could agree was rotten. I try to look at it from the supervisor's point of view- if they were being malicious or otherwise unhelpful, then forget it- I won't trust them. If they make a mistake, that I can forgive- especially if they own up to it.
Ah, that's true, too. You're right. I think if just make sure Ekyt is powerful in a different way from Knuckles and Sonic, that'll be enough. He'll definitely have a different fighting style, so that should be fine. Ekyt's one of those people everyone will say "He's such a great guy..." but that'll be it.
I think it would be a really gradual thing. Ekyt would probably try to get Tiffany to open up, seeing how similar they are. He'd try to help her in a way he can't help himself. He's aware he's stunted socially, but he figures he can't fix himself, so he'll gently try to guide people in the same position.
Lia-na sounds good!
I'm trying to approach college with a decent attitude, but it's hard. I like learning, but I just don't want to be there. I don't want to spend ludicrous amounts of money on courses that do nothing for me -_-' If I could only take what interested me, that would be a different story.
That's kind of you to say :)
Oh, good point! Ekyt saving him would definitely be the better choice, thinking like that. Good call!
I just see them getting along well. Even though Sally is friendly with everybody, she still keeps a certain distance because she's the leader.
nextguardian on June 2, 2014, 4:59:33 PM
nextguardian on

It bothered me that Eggman was such a joke. He was hardly a villain. When we got into that whole "space" arc thing, I kinda lost interest.
If you liked the kind of humor that Scrubs had, I think you'll like the Middle. It's got that same kind of humor- dry, sarcastic, no laugh track. As far as NCIS goes, I'm an Abby fan! Gibbs is a close second, though.
I think her voice is abnormally high, even for a six year old -_-'
It's always cool when you get a decent supervisor. My last one was a problem for me. I had a pretty open availability, but she'd keep calling me to work on days and times when I wasn't available.
I think my friend is training to be a gallery manager. She'd be great at that. She has patience for people, she's well liked and well respected, and she is very organized. She always organized the staff's after-work outings.
I like him that way, but I also don't want him running over Sonic and Knuckles' parts too much. Knuckles is definitely not an intellectual type, and I want him and Ekyt to compliment each other, so...yeah. I also want people to be surprised when Ekyt fights. I want him to kind of be a trump card- like, oh crap, he can do that?! I think he'll probably be pitied because he's so far from what and who he wants to be- especially before his transformation.
Tiffany is really going to be a fun character to watch develop :) For the narration, I was thinking that maybe something could happen to one of them. Say, Ekyt can't do something that Knuckles can do. He'd tell Tiffany he was frustrated, and then tell her why, eventually relating the story to his past. "I've never been fast enough, ever since I was a kid...", or something. Tiffany would tell her own snippet of her past. They could gradually learn about each other that way, and I think it's a bit smoother than just using unexplained flashbacks.
If I might suggest: Maybe Lian-Na, or Lia-Na? I did a little more digging, and it seems like the hyphenated names always have two letter to them. Julie-Su, Lara-Su, Crystal-La, Lien-Da, etc. I never picked up on the two letter deal until I started digging.
I don't know how she got past the registration process- there was a basic computer pre-requisite that she clearly didn't meet...
I probably will. Stats is just so horribly evil. I put it right up there with accounting. Ugh.
I think it's because our generation was raised largely on sitcoms and porn -_-' Real intimacy seems to have gone by the wayside.
I think Ekyt and Tiffany will be similar like that. Letting only that one, special person in, keeping everyone else at arm's length. Having Ekyt be a catalyst for her change makes sense.
I was thinking of two things with Kurt.
1. He gets badly injured in such a way that Ekyt feels guilty. Ekyt tries to save him the way he was saved, with chaos energy. But not being as experienced or talented as Knuckles, he over does the treatment and drains a chaos emerald into Kurt.
2.Kurt has an accident with the Chaos Syphon, similar to Knuckles' ancestor, Dmitri/Enerjak.
Both have merit to them, I think. Which do you like better?
I like that for Tiffany. That could probably eventually lead to her making friends with someone like Sally, who would see the good she was doing without advertising it, and quietly come to trust her.
Replied back!
nextguardian on May 30, 2014, 2:24:14 PM
nextguardian on

My God, the voice acting for English Sonic X was so horrendous. And I'll admit, I thought some very unkind things about Chris Thorndyke. I also watch NCIS. The Middle is also on my list, mostly because I watched Scrubs and thought the janitor was hilarious.
Guys say crude things amongst each other, but mostly they won't say that to a girl's face. In my (albeit limited) experience, girls are actually less shy about saying things to guys faces XD When I used to referee hockey, the girls were more, ah, creative than the guys were with their comments.
She was just about everything. We had that talk about "fake" girls- to me, that's how a 'fake" girl acts. I like the aggressive girls that can kick butt, take names, and still be somewhat feminine!
It's cool that you got to transition into another job like that. It does seem like a better fit for a hard worker ^^ Much easier to contribute that way! I was kind of hoping to do the same thing at the museum- I wanted to be one of the people on the second/third floor that worked on the exhibits, or did paperwork. Paperwork would have been more my speed. A friend of mine (who started at the same time as me) actually just got an apprenticeship there!
That's a good word for him. "Fighter". I like that! I kind of wanted him to compliment Knuckles. Knuckles will attack head-on; Ekyt would be in the background with Archimedes reading the ancient scrolls and developing his abilities. I want him to be a character that the others will semi-pity, or at least worry about!
This is interesting. There's an interesting potential for a relationship dynamic between her and Ekyt there. They're both secretive by nature; it would be interesting to have them talk, and have each of them tell pieces of their back story that way. It would be a way for us to narrate the story. I already know when I plan to reveal Ekyt's back story (during his transformation). You could tell isolated bits about Tiffany- how she got her name, etc- things that aren't big giveaways, just interersting.
As far as Liana, you could pull a surprise and have her be of the House of Jordann. Knuckles is from the House of Edmund, a descendant of the House of Jordann, so it would give her some ancient lineage. That would make for a lot of storyline possibilities, I think.
I did take a class on it, a long time ago. The professor was useless, unfortunately, and deleted some of my work when I asked him to fix it. I wound up teaching the girl next to me how to use a computer, because she'd never used one before ^^' Plus, it was really basic stuff- using layers, very basic animation, etc.
My councilor is doing the same thing right now, ,except he knows that I would like to get a business degree eventually, and Stats is a requirement there. At this point, though, I just want to work on this other degree so I've got a degree, period.
lol, I get that a lot from my female friends. I'm just really into the whole trust and intimacy thing. Like, I love the concept of a man and woman taking on the entire world together, and then being totally fine just cuddling up. As far as Tiffany goes- if you make it a gradual process, it would be fun to read about!
I might adjust Kurt's role. Linda-Su and Ekyt are a little young to adopt a kid at this juncture, but I thinking Kurt would fit right in with the Chaotix...
Good call. I picture her kind of moving around a perimeter within the Great Forest or something. So she can keep an eye out for danger, and maybe take care of it before it gets to her friends.
nextguardian on May 29, 2014, 7:46:54 PM
nextguardian on

That's true. Maybe I'll get another shot someday. Right now, I'm more working on myself. I'm kind of having this mindset of not being sure if I want to include someone else in my life on that level until I get my head on straight.
I'll watch the cartoons I watched as a kid (Sonic, X-Men, Rugrats), but I'll also watch things like Psych, Moonlighting, and Benson (Have fun looking THOSE up! XD). My friends are sex obsessed, but since the bunch I'm thinking of is male, that's probably normal. I won't pretend I'm not interested; it just isn't my main concern. Getting financial stable comes first.
I'm so boring XD
I can recommend the workbook I used. It was the Genki I workbook. It's very good, and not horribly expensive.
I think she's supposed to be this, like, "pure existence" or something. To me, she can be outright obnoxious. Tikal was a pure existence. Cream is...cloying XD
The museum was unique in that, sometimes, there was literally no work. Some exhibits had nothing to clean, nothing to organize- nothing but you and another person in there for four hours. The Butterfly Garden was like that- you kind of had to talk to stay sane. It was usually 82 degrees, 80% humidity, so if nothing else you complained about how hot it was.
It's hard, because him I don't want to be anti-social, or an outright jerk. He's not an anti-hero- he's firmly a good guy. I want his solidarity to make him cool, not a rebel.
Ah, fair point. I keep forgetting about the secrecy that's necessary for that. It makes sense that way, and I think will wind up being interesting. It's like, you KNOW Tiffany has a story, and you know it's going to get told- at some point. I love that kind of storyline.
That kind of character evolution will definitely be interesting to watch. I feel like she'll be really dependable in clutch situations. I also feel like Ekyt would probably kind of ask her about Linda-Su when he's trying to sort out his feelings. She seems like she's approachable that way.
Photoshop is something I'd like to master. I took it in high school, but I never really grasped it. I don't have a lot of natural artistic ability, so it takes longer for things to stick.
God, Statistics! Half the problem was I had THE most inflexible, unhelpful professor in recorded history. The other end was the whole process was just so over engineered. Why can't I just count stats? Why do I need to insert algebra? Because it's more efficient? For who? AGH! I'm thinking I'll go with general math- good call on your part :)
I can imagine him bringing Linda-Su home for the first time, and being all shy and nervous about it. Linda being Linda, she'll pick on him for it, but then be completely comforting and nice.
Any idea about Tiffany's living situation? Forgive me if we've talked about it and I've forgotten.
nextguardian on May 28, 2014, 4:07:31 PM
nextguardian on

Yeah, that's okay. Given my anxiety level about illnesses, dating someone who works in a hospital is probably a bad idea. Plus, I could never figure out a non-creepy way to ask her out.
If you're happy, that's what counts! Personally, I get nervous around girls that are a little too sex happy. I think we're all trying to play into what we think the other sex wants. And since we all grew up with "Friends", "Seinfeld", and a few others, we're all living into the sitcom stereotype.
If you do that, I think we can even avoid you needing any workbooks or anything like that :)
That's fair. I think they also threw in elements of Sonic X, which is why Cream's part is so big at times. Shadow slapping Marine with the towel was, indeed, excellent! :D
I'm the same way- I'd rather be left alone, doing paperwork or something. But these particular people really made it fun to chat. And I'll admit, there's a little bit of pride in knowing that not everyone could do my job. Working with kids and touchy parents is really trying sometimes -_-' One person in particular told me that I was literally going to start talking to her or she would be so over-the-top friendly it would drive me to quit XD I actually just met up with her and another former coworker the other day for lunch and a quick catch-up session.
True enough. I always found teenage boys to be obnoxious, myself included back then XD I want to balance Ekyt out so he's mature, but still fun loving. Probably an odd mix of Shadow, Sonic, and Knuckles. Keeps to himself, is friendly when he does talk, and serious about his work.
That really fits for Tiffany's character. I can see that ability coming in handy- heck, probably in our first storyline! I can't wait to see what else you do with her abilities :D
I think she'll wind up being a fun character to develop. I think she'll be one of those characters that will gradually grow and change, and wind up being incredibly cool. Having her being a liaison to the Floating Island, there'll be plenty of characters for her to chat with. I forgot- is she the type to befriend everyone?
Okay, my new college story: I went to see my counselor today, to pick my last 6 classes for my degree. I pointed at a course called "Modern Business Math" and said I wanted to take that one. Somehow, this "modern business math" course wasn't actually a math course! Despite having to do with math, and with "math" in the title, it's somehow an applied science course, and therefore not one I need to take for my degree! Ugh! Instead, I'm forced to choose between Statistics (failed it), Calculus (scared of it), and General Math (dreading it).
Thanks, on both counts! I'm seeing Ekyt sleeping amongst a bunch of plants, and if one twitches wrong he's up and running XD Plus, if I ever get around to drawing it, it would be fun to draw Ekyt's home!
nextguardian on May 26, 2014, 6:43:37 PM
nextguardian on

I wanted to give Ekyt some kind of special ability that wasn't overly useful, but kind of cool. I think there's room to make him a little more powered-up withouth going over the top. So I was thinking: What about "Ecosense"- that is, Ekyt has the ability (to a lesser degree when he's human) to sense changes across the Floating Island by "reading" plant reaction. So, if a wood vine is disturbed on end of the island, and Ekyt is on the other end of the Island and is near a vine of the same species, then he'll know something is up.
That led me to putting his home together. I decided that Ekyt would live in the ruins of a small, lost village not far from the Master Emerald. I have this imagine of this overgrown set of ruins, with a ton of plants and greenery, and he's got this wooden house kind of situated in a hidden area. I plan to make his home life very secretive, though eventually he'll let others in.
What do you think?
nextguardian on May 24, 2014, 5:16:55 PM
nextguardian on

That's too bad. I wonder if there's any hope of you converting him? People can change when it comes to love, or so I'd like to believe.
Sure! I'll email you some stuff soon, and we'll work through it :) Do you have a Japanese font installed on your computer?
When they brought Big and Cream around, I kind of rolled my eyes. When Marine showed up, I think I cursed. Now that Professor Pickle is involved, I'm reading the old comics and feeling nostalgic.
No amount of money is worth your health. Same thing with respect to your peace of mind. I don't know what my ideal job will be, but I want to come home every night, satisfied that I've done good work at an honest living.
It was nice because I worked all over the museum. One day I would be at the Admissions Desk, the next I would be in the Butterfly Garden, then in the market, or the arcade, etc. I was never in the same place twice in a row. The most you could get trained in was the gift shop beyond that. I tried to get into security, since I had the license anyway, but it didn't work.
My job was "Guest relations", which basically meant making sure people had things to play with, didn't get hurt, and to tell people where things were, and to just be a big, friendly person. The cleaning was our "down time" work, which I really didn't mind. At the end, when I was really getting worried about being sick all the time, I was happier when there were no people. I still miss the place, though. I just met up with a couple coworkers from there the other day. I've been gone almost a year, and I'm still in touch with a lot of people.
If I could draw better, that would already be on the site XD. I just keep picturing Linda's face. From 0_0 to 0_< lol.
At that point, I can't see either of them being interested in love, either. Linda might be a little more into it- like maybe having some kind of ex-boyfriend (so Ekyt can beat someone up for her honor later XD), but by and large they're both just rolling their eyes. For Ekyt, this will be the trigger that makes him kind of want to fall in love. He's met Julie-Su, and he thinks she's pretty cool, but that's the extent of what he's managed to think of romance wise. In other words, typical blockhead teenage boy minus sex impulses XD
Oh, I see. I misunderstood. I love the "glitchy" power idea! It's also cool that those powers don't come without a risk.
Hmm...Well, I actually have an idea for that. Originally, Constable Remington was Ekyt's rival for Linda-Su, but if I keep true to Echidna lineage, Linda and Remington are actually half-siblings, so that's out.
What about having Liana be something of a liaison between the Freedom Fighters and the Floating Island? This way, she's helping people, she's involved in the story in a non-violent way, and she avoids being a "Cream" like character. Or what if she winds up being Dr. Quack's nurse or something?
It's too bad; I don't think it was always that way. I think when we were both really young, going to college was more prestigious and probably made a lot more sense.
Knuckles was the biggest issue for me. That, and Sonic's arms being blue. I'm very much a traditionalist when it comes to Sonic. But a good friend of mine is making the game, so I'm keeping an open mind. I think the cartoon will be good (and they'll probably change the looks a bit, given the HUGE negative backlash from the fans)- as long as the voice acting isn't awful!
We weren't allowed to have any devices on us- no cell phones, no game devices- nothing. Too many people got caught texting on the job. I was fine with that, though. I started going outside during lunch- even in winter- just to get fresh air. Toward the end of my time there, my lunches were always 32 minutes long. There was a big issue about people clocking back in at 29 minutes; we had to take thirty. They told us it was better if we were late. So, eventually I gave up and said "Fine". At that point, I had someone picking me up to go to lunch anyway, so I would just hightail it to Arby's and relax.
I think we have a winner here. We have two interesting, well thought out OC's with unique stories that manage to intersect in a cool way. This is going to be a joy to write, and fun to read! My goal is to give Ekyt some happiness at some point. He's always the underdog; at one point I want him to win the fight, get the girl, and have people be happy with him. That's the only thing I've never done with him.
I started doing most of my school online, so I would get mad if a teacher didn't bother to answer an email. To me, if a student asks for help, you help them- that's your job. A fireman doesn't tell you to put the fire out yourself- he gives you a smoke detector and a fire extinguisher to help you for the next time you screw up! (Wow, THAT was dramatic XD)
The Chaotix are a fun group. Granted, I HATED Charmy's voice acting in Sonic heroes. Yeah, he's a bee, but he's sixteen years old, is a prince, and has a wife! Now he's six, still a bee, but on a sugar high all the time.
For some reason, I see Bunnie reaching out to Tiffany. Probably because they're both different. That, and Bunnie is pretty much unconditionally friendly, and would be a good sparring partner for Tiffany. Tiffany could go pretty hard at her, and she'd still be fine, with the cyborg limbs and all.