bozface's Profile
bozface's Profile

Username | bozface | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | UK | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Student | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 0 | |
# Comments Given | 204 |
Member Info
Member Info
Okay, well. I'm Boz [or Emma if you like]. I'm a girl. I'm at University studying maths. I live in England, but am Northern Irish.
That's all you need to know, lol.
And if you're curious, my icon is Ben from PW:JFA - lol.
Oh, I'm on twitter: victorvictim89
That's all you need to know, lol.
And if you're curious, my icon is Ben from PW:JFA - lol.
Oh, I'm on twitter: victorvictim89
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Gety on August 4, 2009, 5:24:27 PM
Gety on

Gerudowolf on June 23, 2009, 3:36:47 AM
Gerudowolf on
bozface on June 23, 2009, 8:23:56 PM
bozface on
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Gerudowolf on June 23, 2009, 9:50:11 PM
Gerudowolf on
bozface on June 24, 2009, 4:49:01 AM
bozface on
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Gerudowolf on June 24, 2009, 8:03:51 AM
Gerudowolf on

And I've seen that ep!It's so damn cuuute XD It only covers the first part of the Sealand comics tho, so I hope we get to see more. I want the scene where Latvia stabs him with a flower so badly. I heard it on the Hetalia Drama CD and it was so adorable. Latvia has the cutest voice ever. Just listen to this:
HarraSchwarz on June 3, 2009, 12:18:17 PM
HarraSchwarz on

~Hope to see you soon,
bozface on June 4, 2009, 8:35:30 PM
bozface on
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HarraSchwarz on June 5, 2009, 3:30:47 AM
HarraSchwarz on
bozface on June 5, 2009, 7:18:54 PM
bozface on
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HarraSchwarz on June 7, 2009, 10:30:07 AM
HarraSchwarz on

All done with exams and everything? So! In which case, are you enjoying your summertime?
Aaach, my life? Pretty interesting, actually. I've gotten into a new fandom ((sadly, not Hetalia, I like it, but it does not obsess me... ; ; But it's so cuuuuuuuuute~)) So, if you hear me raving about Mad Hatter, Riddler, or Joker... you'll know why~
That, and, since I've realized my drawing isn't really getting any better, I've taken up Pixel Dolling. It's fun, I can't make bases worth a darn, so I have to borrow them, but good Gnade, it's fun!~
bozface on June 8, 2009, 6:21:07 AM
bozface on
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HarraSchwarz on June 8, 2009, 6:30:46 AM
HarraSchwarz on

Oh my Gnade, did you say Germany? He is SO adorable~ 8D
Yes, yes, I've gotten into Batman- although, the odd thing is, I'm not fond of the heros, Batty-boy, Robin, honestly, they're too... heroic, not interesting enough, sure, Batsy is an Anti-Hero, but that's still not exciting as the villians.
Give me Arkham Asylum, and all will be we- d'awwww, Bozzie fangirls Wesker, I can't blame you, either, seriously, I've yet to really read up on him, but I've heard he's basically Ben as a villian~
And yes, Riddler is VERY hot~ Seriously, if I could, I would probably tap tha- *SHOT*
... *Brought back to life*
AHEM, you heard nothing~ <33
bozface on June 8, 2009, 9:28:17 PM
bozface on
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HarraSchwarz on June 9, 2009, 12:02:07 PM
HarraSchwarz on

But yes, yaye for Riddler and Wesker, and... OH MY GNADE~ MAD HATTER~ 8D I wuld tap that if the very thought of him being tapped didn't disturb me to no end. ((I mean, Wesker is cute, he's also tappable, possibly, Riddler is probably a fiend who goes for anyone, but HATTER? It would be like... pedophilia tapping him... 0.o )) ... OKAY, maybe a less disurbing topic~ 8D
Right-o, right-o, some of my shizz, let me see what I can bring up~ <33
Dee Vasquez, because Dee is awesome~
Serstasia, one of my Foggian OCs, she's the Military Strategist, part of Schwarz' Inner Circle, and one really... uhh... 'loose' lady.
The Joker- specifically how he looks in my boyfriend's and my Headcannon, Dark Knight Joker's clothes, with far longer and more styled hair, and no makeup, everything except the eyes is natural ((we're debating whether or not he chewed his lips off to make them naturally red.))
Harra Schwarz in her Student robes, nothing too special here.
And now we start getting into MORE recent shizz, when I started getting somewhat good- or at least better than before:
... Yeah, Joker as a girl, and don't ask about the girl next to her, it's a strange things from our Headcannon, Joker having a younger brother.
"Dr. Virrter", he's a "Supervisor" at Arkham Asylum after ((by some strange reason of desperation for new doctors)) Harra gets hired as a Therapist there.... He's really Schwarz.
The Mad Hatter~ 8D Because it was too much fun to do, and he is just too cute NOT to DOll~
Aaand because Harra gets inserted in EVERYTHING, this is her pre-requisite Villian Sidekick appearance. Essentially follows around the Mad Hatter and pretends to be an "Alice" of sorts.
... Yeeeaaah, image-spam, mind me not. XD
bozface on June 9, 2009, 10:41:02 PM
bozface on
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HarraSchwarz on June 10, 2009, 10:29:42 AM
HarraSchwarz on

Ja, ja, Germany's voice is flipping scary, but he's still probably a big teddy bear on the inside. XDD
Noooo matter, have any requests for me? Since I can't draw worth two scheisse, I figure this is how I could pay you back for all the nice things you've done for me. Ask away, all I need is a good reference~ ^^ And possibly a description of personality if I don't know the character. *Shifting eyes*
And yes, Dr. Virrter is VERY hot~ ^^ The cane completes it, right?
bozface on June 10, 2009, 7:14:57 PM
bozface on
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HarraSchwarz on June 11, 2009, 6:38:18 AM
HarraSchwarz on
Gerudowolf on March 2, 2009, 11:20:04 PM
Gerudowolf on
bozface on March 3, 2009, 4:20:18 PM
bozface on
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Gerudowolf on March 3, 2009, 4:30:52 PM
Gerudowolf on

Eurovision is pretty unfair. Sometimes my country does better than it should because the scandinavian countries always support each other so we get high points from Sweden and Denmark no matter how bad the song is XD But when you think about it in a hetalia-way it's kinda cute that they stick together like that lol.
bozface on March 3, 2009, 6:26:59 PM
bozface on
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Gerudowolf on March 3, 2009, 8:05:36 PM
Gerudowolf on

And I actually think England's character design is great. I adore his huge eyebrows, it looks incredibly cute on him for some reason XD He's my second favorite character in Hetalia.
bozface on March 4, 2009, 9:24:46 PM
bozface on
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Gerudowolf on March 4, 2009, 10:48:40 PM
Gerudowolf on

Xiakeyra on December 27, 2008, 5:46:21 PM
Xiakeyra on
HarraArial on December 21, 2008, 8:48:29 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on December 21, 2008, 10:48:50 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 22, 2008, 6:57:32 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on December 22, 2008, 5:13:46 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 23, 2008, 1:55:59 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on December 23, 2008, 6:29:34 AM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 25, 2008, 4:13:13 AM
HarraArial on
HarraArial on November 19, 2008, 1:01:30 PM
HarraArial on

I should be finished by this weekend, and if I am not *curse my sidetrackedness* you are free to bash me over the head even more with Herr Honour's Gavel, ja?
*And to make up for lateness, is totally doing two pictures*
bozface on November 19, 2008, 5:12:08 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on November 20, 2008, 8:16:15 AM
HarraArial on

Well, you're getting two pictures anyway~ <33 And one of them is done~ ^^ *Goes to post it up on FAC*
And yes, two pictures is necessary because I took so long in the creating-ideas process, and therefore, in some sick, perverse way... slacked. That's not acceptable on my part, ja? <33
... Besides, I worked so hard on the two linearts today in school~ So there's no reason not to colour the other one NOW, ja? Jaaa? *Clingeth*
Either way, your Shellys are effing amazing, seriously, you ought draw him way more often, you make him so cuuuuuute~
bozface on November 20, 2008, 6:48:14 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on November 21, 2008, 5:02:37 AM
HarraArial on

... I'm slacking on colouring that second lineart... go figure. And so, I ask an opinion, would you rather have my 'traditional' shading style, which is to say the softer tones and shadows and highlights that are a lot more soft, or the more dramatic shading I did for Bennie?
bozface on November 25, 2008, 6:12:51 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on November 26, 2008, 4:39:08 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on November 26, 2008, 9:09:48 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on November 27, 2008, 7:35:03 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on November 27, 2008, 6:32:53 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on November 28, 2008, 5:39:40 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on November 30, 2008, 6:45:48 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 1, 2008, 8:05:30 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on December 1, 2008, 11:41:17 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 2, 2008, 6:29:59 AM
HarraArial on

Seriously, I just got THE most awesome picture in my mind, Max and Richard at a sleepover, doing each other's mascara/eyeliner/what-have-you.
... It's... a priceless mental image.
XDD Ben/Trilo, that's like Trucy/Mr. Hat, mein gott. XD
bozface on December 2, 2008, 6:19:47 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 3, 2008, 8:09:04 AM
HarraArial on

Trilo DEFINETELY tops. And then Trucy tops Ben.
... Bozzie, you're amazing, seriously, more twisted ideas than I have, seriously. But naw... I'm pretty sure Harra could make a potion to turn Trilo and Mr. Hat into humans.
... Don't put it past that sneaky little Magician, she'd learn how to and then she'd DO it, seriously.
Harra: *Eyelash bat* What...? Why would you ever accuse me...? *Sniffle* *Tear.*
bozface on December 3, 2008, 8:40:08 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 4, 2008, 12:38:16 PM
HarraArial on
bozface on December 4, 2008, 6:16:25 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 5, 2008, 6:42:59 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on December 7, 2008, 6:42:09 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 8, 2008, 7:06:33 AM
HarraArial on

... I swear, waking up to Dee's head floating above my bed, there's something awesome right there.
Nah, AA dreams are both common, normal, and bloody -awesome-.
... Especially when you have Rapist!Gant Cosplayers draping blankets over you and then you guys get into ticklefights. XDD ((It happened. XD ))
bozface on December 9, 2008, 6:22:34 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 10, 2008, 10:45:57 AM
HarraArial on
bozface on December 10, 2008, 5:46:52 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 11, 2008, 6:03:13 AM
HarraArial on

And... Ben having a monologue at the top of a tower? Mein gott, that is TOO cool, my dear. <33 Tell me more, please?
bozface on December 11, 2008, 4:51:00 PM
bozface on
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HarraArial on December 21, 2008, 1:52:14 PM
HarraArial on

Oooh~ Did you say silk scarves? =D *Squeals* Woolen scarves can shove it, but /silk/ scarves are the most amazing things ever. My Grandmother has loads of them, I used to try them all on as a kid, actually, they're so wonderful and soft and snuggly, ja? <33 And hats are amazing, I don't really look good in them sadly, but they're amazing~
Oooooh. Harra be wishing for pics of thine Cosplay? =D ((I'm working on a Shelly DeKiller myself, but everyone says I should be Iris, so I'm working on her as well, well, PLANNING her, but WORKING on Shelly. But... I be wanting to see your Cosplays.... Pleeeaaase? <33 ))