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i_luv_jin's Profile

i_luv_jin's Profile
i_luv_jin's avatar
Username i_luv_jin Gender Female
Date Joined Location UK
Last Updated Occupation Student
Last visit # Pictures 317
# Comments Given1462

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My name is Rachel, I am 19, and I love anime/manga. I am in my second year of a 3 year degree in media at university and I hate it. I'm living in York which is possibly the most boring city in the world. I also have the worst housemates in the world who are, at this moment, obstructing my view of Rave Master >:( My favourite anime changes every now and again. At the minute it's Gravitation. I just love Ryuichi Sakuma ^_^ schmoo!! Saiyuki is another of my favourites though, that was my first manga collection. I love Gojyo and Sanzo. I tend to like really anti social moody characters, they're definately the best when they have an attitude.
I generally hate people. Every now and again I will find someone I like but generally people just piss me off. Anime is my world and I stay in my own little world for as long as I possibly can. I love tattoos too. I have 5 one of which is Sora from Kingdom Hearts. It's an amazing game!
I love TV too. Well I suppose I should considering that I'm doing a film and TV production course. However the course is crap and I'm slowly giving up on that whole idea. Haven't got a clue what I want to do really *sigh* still...
I don't do boyfriends either. I did once, before I decided that they're just too much bother. I never get on well enough with people. I do like playing practical jokes on people though. Especially my crappy housemates!
Oh and I love the words POO and SOUP, oh and HIDEOUS! I say them all the time. YAY!! xxx


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Comments (454)

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ladylibra on May 11, 2005, 1:08:24 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraHey darlin!!!Congrats on passing your driving test!!!I can't wait to see your film(if you can send it to me)Hope your ok!!=^^=

LightningAurora on May 10, 2005, 10:06:11 PM

LightningAurora on
LightningAuroraUuuhhhh... Exams at the end of the month. Somebody shoot me...

Anywa, your latest work is looking very good! I think you and Libra have probably got the Beyblade section sewn up, between you. If you're willing to do me a request, let me know. I won't ask for it if you're a bit bogged down with work. C ya!

ladylibra on May 5, 2005, 2:03:17 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraOh right!!!(ugh I'm such a ditz)Anyway congratz on graduation and I hope you have a good time at Uni!!!!

ladylibra on May 4, 2005, 6:12:12 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraI'm glad to here you're feeling better!!I still can't believe you're quitting college though...I've always wanted to go there!!=^^=Don't worry,everyone hurts themselves sometimes!!!(especially me!!¬.¬')

LightningAurora on May 3, 2005, 8:12:40 PM

LightningAurora on
LightningAuroraJust to say 'hi,' 'how are you,' and 'hope you're not too stressed.' ^__^

ladylibra on May 3, 2005, 6:16:46 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraHey hun!!How are you?I just had my science exam today.I think I did ok.It was pretty easy for me,but can't be too sure can I?I'mnearly finished all my current requests so they should all be up soon!!Tlk 2 U Ltr!!

Lex on May 3, 2005, 5:56:57 AM

Lex on
LexHey, I was bored so I thought I would message you esaei84t235ye/.;l

aqua_kitty on May 3, 2005, 5:28:20 AM

aqua_kitty on
aqua_kittyhey! i no ur super busy but i thought i'd just say hello bcoz ur on my fave artizt list n i wanna tlk to you!! gosh i sound desperate 4 friends....=^^;= how r u 2day? im great!!! keep up da good wrk ur piccyz r great!!! xxx

aqua_kitty =^^=

WolfBlue on May 3, 2005, 5:13:21 AM

WolfBlue on
WolfBlueHey ho ta for saying hi!! Am in middle of exams! Joy! I have a Frech oral tomorrow...with the scary teacher...yes, i am scared to death...yay! :)

Moonlight_Dragon on May 2, 2005, 4:19:35 PM

Moonlight_Dragon on
Moonlight_DragonYeah sure dont worry, thats ok! I know there are many many Ming Ming haters out there! Erm, lets think...could you draw me a real hot picture of Rei then? Im a big fan. And sure, i'll attempt to do a pic of ur OC n Kai, i've seen her and she looks really good! C ya!



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