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i_luv_jin's Profile

i_luv_jin's Profile
i_luv_jin's avatar
Username i_luv_jin Gender Female
Date Joined Location UK
Last Updated Occupation Student
Last visit # Pictures 317
# Comments Given1462

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My name is Rachel, I am 19, and I love anime/manga. I am in my second year of a 3 year degree in media at university and I hate it. I'm living in York which is possibly the most boring city in the world. I also have the worst housemates in the world who are, at this moment, obstructing my view of Rave Master >:( My favourite anime changes every now and again. At the minute it's Gravitation. I just love Ryuichi Sakuma ^_^ schmoo!! Saiyuki is another of my favourites though, that was my first manga collection. I love Gojyo and Sanzo. I tend to like really anti social moody characters, they're definately the best when they have an attitude.
I generally hate people. Every now and again I will find someone I like but generally people just piss me off. Anime is my world and I stay in my own little world for as long as I possibly can. I love tattoos too. I have 5 one of which is Sora from Kingdom Hearts. It's an amazing game!
I love TV too. Well I suppose I should considering that I'm doing a film and TV production course. However the course is crap and I'm slowly giving up on that whole idea. Haven't got a clue what I want to do really *sigh* still...
I don't do boyfriends either. I did once, before I decided that they're just too much bother. I never get on well enough with people. I do like playing practical jokes on people though. Especially my crappy housemates!
Oh and I love the words POO and SOUP, oh and HIDEOUS! I say them all the time. YAY!! xxx


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NoFace on April 22, 2005, 8:01:25 PM

NoFace on
NoFaceHello matey pie! wow i havent left ya a PROFILE message for aaaggggess! Aye, you know what im whispering about!! Well i wud be talking, but my throat is killing me! I was up at 3.30am! man, thats too early, even for me! So i put friends on, and made a cuppa tea n some dairylea spreadable cheese on toast! I have a new liking for that stuff! And u know what? REI IS MINE! MINE I TELL YOU! You know how possesive i get! Thats right! He wouldnt go out on a date with anyone execpt me, especially after joining Kai n Tala to beat up some guy from ur class! Rei has no violent bones in his body! He is a ZEN MASTER! Bless him! And you know wot else? I am his true love coz i wud love him if he were limbless and blind! There, thats true loyalty!

WolfBlue on April 18, 2005, 10:54:37 PM

WolfBlue on
WolfBlueOooh yes!!! I've seen Dark nfrom DNAngel too!!! He is well yummy!!! What a fit dude!!!!

ladylibra on April 16, 2005, 5:39:52 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraThat's something I can kinda relate to...I think.Ok!!=^^=Have fun Reading your Rave Master manga!!!....Just don't...drool all over the pages when you see Musica,ok?(LoL)

LightningAurora on April 15, 2005, 11:32:19 PM

LightningAurora on
LightningAuroraYeah, college ain't so bad! Although, university.... that might be hard! And I'm going there in September! *gulps* I don't feel old enough to go to university, I mean, I might be 18 but I feel like a 14 year old. 14 is a great age to be! LOL.

Anyway, stay safe and happy!

ladylibra on April 15, 2005, 3:14:00 PM

ladylibra on
ladylibraAwwww that's horrible!!!They should have let you have it anyway!!!!That's not fair!!!Wy couldn't you be bothered with college anymore?Personally I think it would be great to be at college!!(I'm not there yet)I love Musica too!!!He is soooo FINE!!!Accually I don't think my mate and I are even friends anymore....all because she doesn't like people calling her,even though she calls them first.I think that's pretty childish,she was supposed to be the grown-up one of the group before I moved to the school,but now I see a 10-year-old in a 14-year-olds body.....Well I hope everything goes alright for you!!!C Ya SooN

WolfBlue on April 15, 2005, 5:58:18 AM

WolfBlue on
WolfBlueI SURVIVED!!! I AM ALIVE!!! Yes, i survived the ride home iwth the scary scary teacher...she was actually really nice...which makes me even more nervous...nyahh...

Anyhoo, I had a really weird dream about Tala, Bryan and Spencer last night. Tala had gone off to train and came back all cut up, so Bryan and Spencer were yelling that someone had murdered him, but he wasn't dead...hum...but Spencer cried and it was really sad, and Bryan had a mullet and was wearing a school was very odd.

On the plus side, i get to go to my cousin's wedding tomorrow, and i really hate all of that side of my family! (Apart from the cousin who's getting married and her brother Matt, who is like one of my best friends.) Joy!!! :)

ladylibra on April 14, 2005, 12:39:04 AM

ladylibra on
ladylibraOf course I don't mind you asking!!=^^=My Mum's doing fine she got out of the hospital the other day.They said that she had a minor stroke,which I think is impossible for a 32 year old,but she's ok.I'm doing alright though right now I've just fallen out with a very good mate over us calling each other childish.I also have to do a Pop Art project with this guy who I really hate,but I'll get over it!!!Did you do anything interesting lately?(If it's ok to ask that question)Hope we can chat again soon!!

LightningAurora on April 13, 2005, 10:17:38 PM

LightningAurora on
LightningAuroraLOL. A random 'hi there' i_luv_jin! Artwork looking great, as ever.

WolfBlue on April 13, 2005, 3:27:30 AM

WolfBlue on
WolfBlueHello ha!!! Glad to know you are back online!! Thanx for your fantabulous comment on my GCSE piece. Your media project sounds fun. i have to stay after school 2moz to practice my french oral emax with this really scary teacher who i hate...and she scares me...and is scary...but wait! That is not the worst of it! Oh no! Because she is DRIVING ME HOME FROM SCHOOL!!! NOOOOOOOO!!! Yes, she lives closer to me than i feel is comfortable...i am really scared...mew!

Vampire_Maiden on April 12, 2005, 8:00:16 AM

Vampire_Maiden on
Vampire_Maidencool and tekkan 5 has come out, but its pricey



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