kamatari17's Profile
kamatari17's Profile

Username | kamatari17 | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | California | |
Last Updated | Occupation | College Student | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 95 | |
# Comments Given | 4966 |
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I'm not very active here, but if you're interested in my work please go to http://memis-nyu.deviantart.com.
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manga_rules on November 29, 2007, 4:38:53 PM
manga_rules on
manga_rules on November 29, 2007, 2:56:42 PM
manga_rules on

Collette: ;w; that not good you have to share
Kalas: ^/////////^ ok * grabs her hand gripping it tight and run with her luaghing*
me: I....I'm sorry about the hole.....I...I was angry....and thankyou for the coat *blushes slightly* I don't smoke....and well.....i'm petrified of Yuan..... *shivers and turns to you* sissy *get's teary eyed* Yuan.....*hangs head and bursts into tears*
lil Felix: *looks at Coyote and blinks confused*
Mia: ^o^ it's ok i'm Mia! *giggles* and it's ok ^^ i'll learn
Sasori: *grins* good good ^_^
Kiba: *hearing everything using angel senses lunges at Spike pulling out a weapon like Yuans and stabs him* NEVER HIT A PREGNANT WOMEN ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE'S PREGNANT WITH YOUR BABY AMD BLIND!!!......I don't know you or that women very well but you are a low live inferior being * opens wings and kicks him far into the same direction his wife and daughter went and flies after Isabel*
manga_rules on November 29, 2007, 9:25:07 AM
manga_rules on

Collette: O.O you Like Ruby? but your always dating women ;w; isn't that bad of you Zelos?
Kalas: ^////^ shhhhhhhhh!!!! *holds out his hand* let me take you to candy mountain!!!
me: I was attacked by Yuan....punched.....kicked around.....and rapped...again....then...I fell unconcious....* goes into the fetal position rocking back and forth* thank you for helping me Coyote....*rocks back and forth again and cries*
lil Felix: *whimpers and clings to you*
Ruby: O//////O r....really? >////< *walks closer to Lyon* and my wings? o/////////o >////////////< THEY CAME OUT AGAIN!?!?!?! T///////T
Mia: would you like help? I try to help people in need of help ^^ and it doesn't look like your in the greatest position ever
Sasori: *bursts out laughing* oh god that was fun
Kiba: I see .....*see's spike* there he is! *opens wings and flies up to him* hey you must be Spike right? O-O
heeroxduo4ever on November 29, 2007, 8:45:35 AM
heeroxduo4ever on November 29, 2007, 7:24:47 AM
hi5 on November 29, 2007, 3:06:42 AM
hi5 on
heeroxduo4ever on November 28, 2007, 11:33:18 PM

because of my butt munch dad ive become so unhappy and slipped into depression nd now i have to go to a 'special' place to get me right again..
btw heres my side of the very long awaited art-trade we had
sorry if its not right...im not good on the couple front
nd soz if i got everything else wrong...
manga_rules on November 28, 2007, 3:44:44 PM
manga_rules on

Collette: OoO but why? i'm confused ;w;
Kalas: ok o kbut shhhhh *put's his finger to her lips* only I know it because I'm candy king ^/////^
me: * coughs up water and opens eyes still coughing* C...Coyote?
lil Felix: * sniffling and hicuping and cries silently *
Ruby: O/////////////O r.....r....r..rea....lly....Ly..on? *sneezes and angel wings come out without realizing*
Mia: thats ok O_O but I only have one angel wing O_O *giggles* and you stole something? O.O
Sasoir: *put's on a deap manly voice* OF COURSE YOU CAN LIL LADY *laughs*
Kiba: ^^; oh good point i'm sorry *frowns a little* what does the man look like?.....
Littleone34 on November 28, 2007, 9:36:00 AM
Littleone34 on
Littleone34 on November 28, 2007, 9:21:11 AM
Littleone34 on
Collette: O.O actually ^w^ i'm Lloyds Angel!!!! ^///////^
Kalas: I could carry you ^/////^ it would be faster
me: this isn't the first time it's happened....but he's made me lose a lot of children.....tortured me *cries again* and sissy it's not your fault....
Ruby: *face goes red* thats....so....sweet...>////< th...thank you......
Mia: O_O I don't see why it's not that hard to tell....
Sasori: O.O.......;w; theres still Lucian and hope to find! ;o;
Kiba: *sit's next to Isabel* hey......look ignore him he's just a inferior being.....garbage