Yo, i'm Pookiebear-aka Lex-
I made this account along time ago, and i gave up.
NOW, i'm giving it another try...
wish me luck!
I'm 14, and a really big dork. But i love my friends to death and would pretty much do anything for them.
you'll be sorry to hear i'm doing fine now, sorry to hear your without me now-hello hello, paramore
shut the frack up, their right, your wrong, get the frack over it. it's called life, and most of the time your going to be wrong.- me yelling at a guy in my chorus class.
If you mess with me, you'll regret it, if you mess with my sister good ridance!- me, again
Quit staring at me like that!- me talking to nick
Flowers have feeling's too!- me, i gave a flower to my friend, nick, he tore it apart.
It's like crack. To refrase it, it's the kind of stuff you give 4 year olds. they don't like it at first, then there addicted-missa
i'm not fat i'm fluffy_ Gabriel I.
twinkys. they squirt white stuff out, along with other soft things.- Titus, yes you may saw Ew. Gross
I only came for the cheese cake. that better be cheese cake i smell.- a girl form Edge of Twilight
I got this cut from my sis, we were fighting over the last taco.- Nick, My best dude friend.
Steff: you werent supossed to tell him, this was a girls secret
Me: Nick is a girl.
Nick: -chokes on his burger-
OHHH! Nick you touched Austins arm, hes eggo prego with ur kid now.- Me
Start Conversation:
Me: Give me the thingy!
Zach: Eww, your want my thingy.
Me:-Blush- thats not what i ment.
Nick: are you sure? it sounded like it wa-I smack him with my book-
Me: your not helping.
End Conversation
Me: And it was like a huge Cookie!KArlie: when did we start talking about cookies?
A crush is getting flustered around a cute boy. Infatuation is noticing how cute that one curl in his usually straight hair is. Obsession is knowing his whole schedule. Stalking, well, that's just one step away from K-I-S-S-I-N-G in a tree.-it was on a icon
Andy: Oh, come on, Arthur.
Arthur: I don't want to hear it, Andy.
Andy: Jesus Christ.
Arthur: He doesn't want to hear it either.
-The Book Thief
i'm not giving thatfreak a hug and a kiss- hannah talking about my dad
you guys need to stop abusing the number zero, its ganna need therapy. - my math teacher mrs. mannisi
if your not good at math may god help your soul- mrs. eardly my reading and languge arts teacher
i fell like a woman!- Levi, a boy in my class...O.o ( he was sing a song with some girls in my class)
Karlie just raped my head!- me
I will not tink about guys. i will not think about guys. i will not think abo- woah! a hot guy!- don't ask...
The voices in my head may not be real but they still have pretty good ideas...- somting i carved into a picnic table.
10 things guys no about girls
10. they have boobies!
Quil's soulmate is a...2 year old?-bella sawn from eclipse(3rd book to twilight)
If that phone rings one more time i'll shove it up the next person i see's @$$--C.J
hello! you murder them we stuff them in ditches! how may i help you?- kristen answering phone