Hello ^^. My name's James, im 15 and i love makin new buddies.I have no problem becoming friends with anyone, so please, if you wish to speak with me, just merely comment, and I'll be sure to reply =). I have a variety of interests which I won't discuss here, if you would like to know what they are, simply ask.
Hope to see you around,
WANNA SEE MY ART????? GO HERE http://glanithil.deviantart.com/
Nicknames:: dont haveone
Birthday:: Sept 3
Hair Color:: Dark brown
Eye Color:: brwn
Height:: iono
Tatoos:: none
Heritage::African american
Style:: i dont really hve a style
Left or RIght Handed:: right
Handwriting:: ionno what this means
Food:: ramen
Drink:: herbal tea
Time of Day:: early afternoon
Day of the Week:: Saturday
Color:: black
Place in U.S:: Florida
Place outside U.S:: hawaii
Magazine:: iono
Pet:: dog
Friend:: umm i don know
Feeling:: blissful
show: Lisa williams, golden girls, avatar, the nanny, reba
Do You..
Shower Daily:: Yes.
Brush your Teeth Daily:: Yes.
Sing:: kind of
Dance:: not really
Drink:: Juice, soda, water
Smoke:: No.
Read Books:: Yes
Read Magazines:: Yep
Have a Religion::yes
Have a Bf/Gf:: No
Play an Instrument::no
In the Opposite Sex..
Hair Color:: blond or brunette
Eye Color::blue, green
Height:: anywhere
Tatoos:: not alot
c Piercings:: I dont care
Body Type:: hot XD
Hobbies:: drawing, reading, learning more about my interests
Do You Believe In..
Ghosts:: Yes
Aliens:: Not
God:: i recognize him, but dont place my beliefs on him
Devil:: No
Heaven:: No
Hell:: No
Afterlife:: Yes
Have You Ever..
Been Arrested:: No.
Cheated:: Never had a GF
Been Cheated on:: Never had a GF
Had your Heart Broken:: Yes
Broken someone elses Heart:: No.
Stripped:: No.
Kissed more than two people in one night::No.
Kissed someone of the same sex:: no
Gotten into a fight:: No
Passed out:: No
Had a Concussion::No
Stolen anything:: No
Done something you regret::No
Will I mention it(to question above):: I havent done anything to mention
Been on T.V:: No
Been in Love:: No
Manga::not really a manga fan
Anime::FMA kinda, naruto, inuyasha
Books:: meditation, inner peace
Music:: New age, soft
Bands:: no bands
Culture:: Hispanic
Animals:: Dogs
Collects:: none
Sports:: none
best bro's:
tobi nii san