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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-19 of 19 results.
A story that is about belief and how believing in something may let you see what others cannot see. Sad, Romance, Sweet
an old piece of work that i happened upon xP
Set in a Native American setting, a Navajo girl named Catori, which means spirit, and a Cherokee boy named Nashoba, which means Wolf. Something is up with the wolves around them, and Nashoba...
Yes, it's true, I am no longer posting Cops and Robbers on this site. Please read to see why and what you can do!
Just a quick poem I wrote a few days ago, exploring four of my characters. See if you can match up which verse goes with who!
Dreams I've had that I remember well.
Alright, this was done for LiquidOnyx, about jaguarundis which are small cats that can be red or black. The live in the tropical rainforests and are happily not hunted much (Which is still too much).
Everone keeps calling him and bugging him lol!
My Sonic characters.
Krackle age 13 goes throght a lot scarier changes than just pubertey. Krackle's powers are tally outta control
An attempt to write in the style of Stephen King...attempt being the key word. This is just too gross, even for me...What am I talking about? You'll have to read to find out...not for the faint of stomache...
Hanfic (Hanson fanfiction). The story is dated just before the Underneath Acoustic tour and this is only one of the things I think occurs when the Hanson brothers get together and practice.
Two friends who haven't seen each other in years have a little reunion. A little different than you might think ((short)).
A little short story based on a rp senario, staring Drake and Kitana. Enjoy and ignore the unoriginal title.
A little Halloween story co-written with Sami-blye (eem_evas...go check out her awesome art). A little late for Halloween, or early, however you see it, but that's ok...please read.
Just in time for Valentine's Day...a story about Valentine's Day! ^^ This is a little story that my friend Sami and I wrote for the school newspaper. It's really not what you think...
A little LotR fanfiction I wrote some time ago. It's told from the point of view of Frodo...I don't know how no one I showed it to could figure that out...
You know, everyone thinks sweet and sour chicken is so innocent...but they're wrong. Wrong I tell you!! O.o;; Heh...anyway, based on a true story. Names were changed to protect the stupid (meaning yours truly).
Just a little thing I had posted in my livejournal and used it for my rp chara at bandcandy. I wrote it when I was depressed. Hopefully, it'll make you think.